What does Sup Forums know about my country?
>inb4 ball meme
I don't think anyone eats rat shit
What does Sup Forums know about my country?
>inb4 ball meme
I don't think anyone eats rat shit
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Ball meme?
I saw people were eating creatures from the zoo and then never heard anything else. I assumed it all worked out for the best.
Lol im not even sure what the fuck your country is but your picture looks tasty so youre pretty cool in my book
your country is agood example of why socialism is a cancer
I know that you have shortage of toilet paper.
Not much, but it seems like it could have been one of the top countries in S America if not for gommunism.
Woooo wee that looks down right delicious
Just another spic shithole
i think you're in south america and speak spanish.
looks up left delicious to me
2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt
Communism means you can't even buy the food you need.
You speak Spanish.
You have qts
Chavez did nothing wrong
It has turned into a shithole because you had a corrupt capitalist system of govenrment, replaced by a corrupt socialist system of government. Now you have to catch rats and goats to eat them, and you don't have basic things like toilet paper, chicken, milk, and detergent.
It will end when you get some lefties swinging from lamp posts.
you can hover over peoples flags and it will say
Bush tried to overthrow Chavez and his people amused me by acting like crybaby bitches after it failed. But then they gave him cancer with a polonium bullet. Maybe Putin turned them onto it.
Nowadays... country's turned to shit because oil prices collapsed, right?
cheap cocaine
Salomón Rondón
That's an empanada. They are fried cornmeal dough stuffed with anything from cheese to meat and sometimes shark. They sell them everywhere here for like 50 cents a pop
Is this the pic?
Birthplace of the vuvuzela
No offense had those things in your picture before it tasted like shit.
No you dumb ice cream sandwich
My best friend growing up was a Venezuelan kid. His mom made arepas every once in a while, really good stuff.
it is basically a closed taco
Communist shithole full of impoverished leftist arab sympathizers.
>What does Sup Forums know about my country?
"¡Abajo el capitalismo mi hermano!"
Wait. Is that the president dancing with poor people?
>poor people
thats a redundancy in Venezuela
You based your entire economy around something which has a widely varying price. It was good at the time, but when oil prices dropped you got fucked.
Also you blame the US for anything like some bogeyman instead of your own shit politicians and socialist policies.
probably because some 2nd generation pussy bitch made it.
I'm just tired of ur country, riots and starvation is all that the media tell us from there, nowdays here, thanks to fucking Podemos, u r worst than Saudi Arabia and Angola together what I know:
> hot womens
>Chavez dindu nuffin
>the price of the oil
>muhh politic prisioners
>Maduro is retarded
>implying Venezuelans think like this
That's the government that says that and only the most braindead of their supporters believe that shit.
I fucking love empanadas, though the Jamaicans make the best if my local frozen food aisle is any indication.
Stay safe Venezuala, don't have any more bloody revolutions n shiet. (pls don't)
It was a pretty comfy place to lived before it turned sour in the late 80's.
That's when my parents came back from there.
From the pictures I saw it really did look nice.
is this true?
You can't even go to the grocery store in your country?
cocanium? lol
A simple guide on how to destroy your country, starring Venezuela
1. Be Venezuela
2. Go full socialist
3. Kiss your country goodbye
I wish it was legal to kill Marxists on sight
Mostly true. We basically live in a totalitarian dictatorship and nobody gives a fuck or we think we're some kind of joke, not realizing that having a corrupt government in your backyard is a really bad idea (there've been reports of some Venezuelan officials providing terrorists with Venezuelan passports.). But it really is a joke, just recently the 1st ladies nephews were arrested by the DEA and are now behind bars in the US.
And we're starving and riddled with crime, literally the most violent cities of the world belong to Venezuela.
But yeah, people just laugh at us pretty much.
>What does Sup Forums know about my country?
very little
you're a bunch of commies with a lot of oil
it's not a real country.
Yes it is. You think Trump would ever do that?
It's not like we want to just laugh, but have you SEEN how foreign interests and masses of angry retards crucify us any time we say "hey let's go to that starving country and get rid of the people starving them and help them not starve"?
It's fucking ridiculous. Plus, because you do have oil, it would be "all about the oil wow the US only ever fucks over countries with fake democracy for the oil haha greedy pigs".
So yeah, all we can do for you is laugh.
>not a pastel
are you insane