>3:46 am
what did he mean by this?


Kek has foretold it

>formation of the people who will run our government

He's literally going to clone himself to run the government. This is awesome.

someone post the all trump cabinet image

seriously though when does he sleep?

A lot of successful people like him only sleep a few hours a night. I'm not entirely unconvinced there are humans who do not have a biological need for sleep and just lie about it to fit in.

I had a psych professor in college who claimed to only sleep 3-4 hours a night with a 12 hour crash every two weeks.

I sleep average of 5 to 6 hours a night. I struggle to get a full 8 on my days off.

Yeah, there really is a genetic component to how much sleep you can persist on.

Twitter time is based in San Francisco no?

Every great leader,dictator and mass murderer in history was a night owl.

When I'm working I can only sleep 1-2 hours a night and I feel great. But god I cannot move when I'm not working. I'm so unmotivated that I'll stay in bed for 20-30 hours at a time during the weekend and not drink or piss or anything until I roll myself out of bed. I've pissed the bed and went back to sleep until Monday morning where I jump out of bed full of energy, put the sheets in the wash, take a shower and head to work. Come home after work, wash everything, do yard work, shitpost on Sup Forums. Weekend hits I got energy until I fall asleep at 10pm then I won't get out of bed till Monday. Sucks.

>seriously though when does he sleep?
The water filter salesman said he sleeps for 3 hours spread out over 2 naps.

> thinking the god emperor needs any sleep ever
you still haven't realized his power level? after all that happened, it is safe to say he isn't a mere mortal

Doesn't Trump sleep for a few hours a couple times a day?

I like to picture him getting up from a nap and shuffling out to one of his golden kitchens in his monogrammed slippers. He sits at a table facing a window showing the early morning cozy atmosphere. He eats a steak that was prepared for him moments before and as he chews he posts some mad man shit on twitter. Then he logs into his official account and posts some milder mad man shit. Then he goes to Sup Forums and posts in a few threads that he checks on throughout the meetings with people he doesn't like.

Synth confirmed

if he does great in his first term which will certainly happen
>8 years
8 years

Trump confirmed for great leader


that sounds good apart from the steak, guessing he eats something more normal for brekkie

he is deluded and probably retarded too. he lost more money then pris fucking Hilton and he is fucking mess. even i could make more with his daddies money. now i am not surprised he make such retarded claims. usa will get worse in next 4 years by a lot and next time democratic, better, candidate will landslide.

if digits kek wills 8 years of trump
ir no digits only 4 years

>usa will get worse in next 4 years by a lot and next time democratic,
No shit, they are the end of the biggest credit expansion in history and they have been on a fiat currency for over 40 years. This is going to hit them and it doesn't matter who is in the white house.

“I try and avoid breakfast actually. If I can I’ll avoid breakfast. In terms of that I will like have a lunch but my big thing is dinner.

If I have it – I like bacon, eggs, I like cereals – different kinds of cereals. Made in the USA, has to be made in the USA. You know the cornflake type stuff, Raisin Bran. Has to be right out of the fields of Iowa.”

I looked it up because he's my celebrity crush.

lol trump hasnt even begun and damage control is here. kys senpai ok?

The balls on this man.


seems like the effects of time travelling


You're retarded mate,

>it's real


It's going to take 4 years to convert a lot of mindless Lefties and another 4 to show them up once and for all

It's going to take him 1 year to bring back millions of jobs.

uhhh that's how you fuck your long term memory but sure
>people don't know why REM sleep is actually necessary for them

Not yet president he already won a second term.
Absolute Madman!

mine too

sounds like a comfy breakfast

Throw the faggot out and replace with a Trump clone and this is perfect

i sleep only 2-3 hours on a monday and thursday night then have a 12 hour work day the following day and manage the day well. last night i slep for less than 2 hours, didn't eat lunch and barely ate dinner but managed to do a full day of productive work. it knocks me out the following day though. i'll sleep for about 9-10 hours on a tuesday & friday night. i think with a routine i could manage with 4-5 a night but the difficulty is getting that routine and not starving/binging with sleep.

trump is here to stay

>even i could make more with his daddies money
Clearly, based on how educated and coherent you are.

donjr took his son to visit an abondoned gold mine in montana yesterday

wonder if that was some kind of signal about the gold standard? but to go back to it, or to abandon?

I'm with you on fiat money, not sure how you can extricate a country from it, without just telling all the banks and central banks that you default

why does everything have to be borrowed anyway?

I'm connived trump is a cyborg or so

Has anyone ever seen him sleeping? He used to hold rally's all day and tweet all night

Checked. Where are the kek fags now?

I've worked 12 hour nights, 5 days a week for the last 2.5 years and average about 4-5 hrs of sleep a day. I can't report any real negative effects. The biggest difference is the lack of feeling the day, "reset," if you will. My thoughts, mood, energy, etc. are mostly unchanged upon falling asleep and waking up. Weirdly enough time seems like It's going faster since the days just blend into eachother.

The greatest shitposter that ever lived...

I got up today at 3am and I'll be awake all day. Trump is probably just too HIGH ENERGY for a 12 hour workday and has to get up early to maintain his schedule, as I do. He starts his day with some twitter shitposting and the globokikes in the media assume he's been up all night, because that's the kind of degenerates they are.