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Fuck off, Katut.
He's a faggot nu male. Stop posting this shit
His speech is being very well-received. Did you hear it?
gay faggotry
this has been a co ordinated smear against Trump and his supporters, by leftist surrogates and useful idiots like OP
SNL, CNN, AMA, and this dope, all converging at one point to maximise damage and extend the news cycle by pinning everything on trump via Twitter (#TrumpsAltRightMovies)
Wait, so now the Nazis are homos? Confused!
Literally who?
the media is going to do what its going to do user, its not something you can avoid by being a good boy
Why are people pushing this faggot?
The autists are getting triggered. I think this is excellent news.
>very well-received
by autistic neo nazi larpers on reddit, sure.
>our boy
>3 posts by this ID, all in this one thread
It's not going to work.
They're trying to get people to hate Spencer
It's obviously a couple guys making 20 threads
actually, we've done well here at Sup Forums
You can't say things were a success when we're talking about pic related.
It's just Richard pushing himself under different proxies.
Yea thats what i meant, cant figure out what they are trying to achieve though
>Alt Right
We literally created our new enemy.
You're an idiot. He probably ruined any chance of white nationalism going mainstream. He's obviously controlled opposition.
From the speech:
"But even though we always took Trump seriously, there was still a moment of unreality ā or perhaps too painfully intense reality ā when the state of Pennsylvania was called for Donald Trump, the moment when we knew Kek had smiled upon us, that meme magic was real. And though these terms are used half-jokingly, they represent something truly important--the victory of will. We willed Donald Trump into office, made this dream into reality. If you will it, it is no dream, a quote Iām sure our friends at the Anti-Defamation League know well. And this is only the beginning."
They do their best to associate his nazi antics and the alt right with Sup Forums and trump, so we can all be judged as one.
Literally who? I've never heard of this asshole before. He seems to be some sort of deluded homosexual.
>*opens video in new tab*
>*presses play*
>"long live the god emperor"
Well i hope they succeed branding pol a nazi hotbed, maybe that will stop the normies from coming in droves
Wow, Spencer is a fucking idiot.
Why the fuck would you yell "HAIL TRUMP HAIL VICTORY" at a conference being filmed?
and what is with all the neo-nazi larping RETARDS doing the Nazi salute? You aren't German or in Germany and your leader isn't Adolf fucking Hitler.
jesus christ, how the fuck are we ever supposed to go mainstream if these absolute FUCKWITS are alienating everyone with their thoughtless actions?
they are going to set up strawmen no matter what, thats an issue with the media and you cant stop it by just acting really tolerant and progressive. the more you give the more they will demand
>He's obviously controlled opposition.
Does thinking in cliches actually count as thinking?
Fuck off.
>taking memes seriously and spout them in public
I heard it. He sounded like a beta LARPer to me.
Yeah, right, also tone it down with the racism and homophobia, you wouldn't want to alienate everyone.
no u fuck off he is god. hail spencer our fuhrer
Shill detected
There's a difference between not sperging out in public and compromising on principles.
Autist LARPers like you will ensure that we remain a freakshow with no real effect on the world
Sure thing Mexico.
>There's a difference between not sperging out in public
He didn't sperg out in public, he raised a glass while people around him ironically did the roman salute. That's it.
How is saying "hail trump" more alienating than HBD stuff? Seriously, how?
Wtf Indonesia
you're probably a jew
Shut up Russia
Have to disagree. He was rather eloquent and summed up the key issues with panache.
I wonder if Stephen Miller and the Trumpenfuhrer and Barron all watched it together at Trump Tower, after telling the Lugenpresse to all fuck off?
I wouldn't speak for a Jew. Quick reminder that isn't here to conform to your opinion.
>How is saying "hail trump" more alienating than HBD stuff?
Because most people have observed the HBD stuff with their own eyes and agree with it deep down.
On the other hand there is no chance Nazi LARPing will ever be mainstream or not alienating to 95% of the public
Miller is probably unhappy with Spencer.
I would be if this faggot tried to name drop me to a reporter for attention
>Because most people have observed the HBD stuff with their own eyes and agree with it deep down.
Yeah, no, most people don't agree "deep down" with HBD stuff. Not even remotely.
And even so, you're going to lose much more social capital if you say something like "iq differences between races are heritable" than "hail trump" with a smirk on your face.
take your hairy nose somewhere else kike
>Nut an argument
>Miller is probably unhappy with Spencer.
I bet they WhatsApp each other daily and have a good laff.
your jewish trickery doesn't work here
>95% of the public
do you have any evidence of this?
Your opinions have no influence here.
Grow up.
Why was he going HAIL TRUMP and letting faggot LARPers give the Nazi salute? All those undercuts. Kek
>an autistic neonazi LARPer
he's a plant like Duke. Fuck him
>Yeah, no, most people don't agree "deep down" with HBD stuff. Not even remotely.
I've lived in Korea, Japan and China for many years and can confirm that 1.5 billion people in this part of the world absolutely agree with HBD theories and race realism. Funnily enough, they also tend to have the highest average IQs in the world. Correlation or causation?
as i said kike you have no powers here
>I've lived in Korea, Japan and China
Yeah I know what they think about races, I'm talking about the west.
Because associating our principles with a dead ideology that has been propagandized as one of the greatest evils of human history on such a massive scale ...does NOTHING but hurt the overall progression and expansion of the alt-right.
The memes were kinda autistic but it's a major part of the alt-right identity so I give it a pass. But the "Hail Trump" at the end is inexcusable you god damn fucking asshole.
He did ok I guess.
Now tell me how you are better than those left wing idiots acting exactly the same.
You are making more harm than good for right's image.
>Why was he going HAIL TRUMP and letting faggot LARPers give the Nazi salute?
It's called b8. Did you see that picture of Spencer reading "The Art of the Deal"? He has learned at the feet of The Master.
>Because associating our principles with a dead ideology
Please do tell me how can a white nationalist movement not be associated with nazism. How?
Whether you make ironic gestures or not, the press is going to associate with them anyway. See for example how NPI was already classified as a "white supremacist" association by the mainstream press, even though nobody did roman salutes.
Lol, tough crowd here.
too many people thinking they can play by the medias rules and come out on top
nobody learned from trump
>But the "Hail Trump" at the end is inexcusable you god damn fucking asshole.
We won the election. What can anyone do now? The goal is to freak the (((MSM))) out so hard that they literally self-implode. Then order will be restored and the thousand-year Trumpenreich will commence.
He did well.
You press on when you win, that's how you win again.
It's not like he went on stage and shouted HITLER IS THE MESSIAH ALL HAIL THE NEW NAZI PARTY OF AMERICA he just behaved like a shitlord in front of the media to give them what they want.
Trump technique of bad publicity=better publicity than normally possible.
And this is the best proof, perhaps, that the alt-right conquered the establishment:
After bitching and moaning for over a year, even (((NRO))) has finally embraced the new nationalism championed by the God-Emperor. Indeed, the alt-right raided (((NRO))) so many times that they finally had to shut their Disqus commenting system down. The leftists and the cucks only respect power and strength. Onwards and upwards!
It's not the press we're trying to convince or reach out to though.
If the last year has proved anything, it's that hardly anyone trusts the MSM anymore.
I mean yeah, there's always going to be a percentage of people that will be manipulated by the media no matter what because of conditioning, but the people we are ideally trying to reach are already questioning the media or may be on the fence about it all and the whole emulating Nazi Germany thing is extreme to normies who don't know the truth yet.
I don't think we'll have much success by pushing people right into the deep end first if that makes sense.
>I don't think we'll have much success by pushing people right into the deep end first if that makes sense.
Yeah, sure, and I agree.
But again, if someone tells you "ISN'T HE A FASCIST NAZI EEEBIL MAN" you can just say "look, the msm painted him like that only because he was trolling them" and you can link the actual video or photos or whatever and anyone with half a brain can see that he's not the type of figure they're portraying him to be.
I agree that he should refrain in future from similar things and if asked tell the press that it's clear he was messing with them and so on but come on let's not make this a big deal.
The mainstream has no value. Only 3% of Americans took part in the revolutionary war. 97% of people did jack shit. That's just how it is. The lunatic fringe is the only reason people have any rights at all.
This too. Most revolutions, movements and so on is a middle class thing that encompasses only a tiny fraction of the population. The rest of the population just changes ideas based on what those movements accomplish.
I'm glad we could find common ground on this, Mario. It's something I'm passionate about.
I mean, it's not as if people from Amren or NPI have been lynching niggers or beating up Jews.
Meanwhile, supposed "progressive" groups like BLM have actually killed people and burned cities, so I guess I'm not too worried.
>Most revolutions, movements and so on is a middle class thing that encompasses only a tiny fraction of the population.
And that's also why Krooked Killary lost the election. Hers was a "dumbbell" coalition of the poor and the rich. The American middle-class was a hundred dollar bill that she just left on the ground, and which Trump wisely picked up.
(((Our boy)))
Fuck off pollack Jew controlled opposition all of you.
fuck this faggot
alt-right is a jewish-borne ideology see milo, lesbian stephen bannon, and gay boy richard spencer
u wot m8
The alt-right has been effective because it links homogeneity to the surival of western civilisation. Its biggest recruiting tool (if you will) has been the migrant crisis, terrorism and SJW culture.
The problem with goons like Richard Spencer, and with the victory of Trump, is that people now think that ebil white nazi's are a slither away from placing everyone in a concentration camp.
It's almost like it justifies the massive and out of proportion screams of 'racism' and 'nazi' against anyone who opposes multiculturalism and mass migration.
The main intellectual pioneers of the alt-right are all cisgendered hetero gentiles: Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire and Peter Brimelow. Milo is merely our court jester.
Oh that reminded me that I should water my plants.
'Alt right' is just a term that has been used to denote general right-wing culture online, among people who are ideologically more serious than their 'conservative' counterparts (particularly on immigration).
The 'alt right' banner allows all different types of people to come together under one roof: Cultural libertarians, Conservatives, Classical Liberals, An-Cap's, Civil nationalists and White nationalsits etc to pursue the destruction of leftist authoritarianism together.
It's a lot like the 'occupy' movement, multiple people with different ideologies working for one single goal: reform of the banking system. No leader means the idea cannot be destroyed through character assassination. That movement introduced many people who were annoyed with ethnics in banking to socialist concepts. The alt-right is able to do the same to soft c Conservatives.
Although the term was coined by Spencer, he was never the leader of it. He's now trying to crown himself as such, and in doing so he destroys the movement. The Trump administratino will have to denounce all these people and will struggle to carry out policies that can be miscontrued as being favourable to them. Kiss goodbye to the kind of financing people like Palmer Luckey would bring to the table.
In other words, Spencer is a fucking twat. Enjoy losing.
OWS didn't have a "leader." How'd it work out for them?
>He sounded like a beta LARPer to me.
Isn't that most of Sup Forums anyway?
Terrible, because they were not strategically engaged in transformation at the political level. I wasn't using them as an example of how to transform society, just that they were able to last longer than they would have with a leader, and that they managed to introduce people to hard left politics that they wouldn't have reached before.
You can see what happens when the 'alt right' has leaders, they get offered lots of many by publications like the Atlantic to sperg out and betray their cause.
Isn't NPI just a think tank? The Dems and the GOP each have hundreds of think tanks. I think of Spencer as more of a spokesperson and gateway or point person than a genuine leader, to be quite honest. Just being the face of a movement that is largely online and anonymous is an important first step. I think he will help others to step out of the shadows soon as well.
milo, bannon and so on are alt-lite at best
I know. Why is everyone so hypocritical. If we had the forum and the resources, everyone would do it.
Oppotunistic Autistic LARPer /10
The "Hail Trump" worked. It's the top story on The Atlantic right now. People are talking.
It's short and simple, and deceptive enough that people think they know what it means without properly grokking it. In other words, it's a classic Trump-style troll that exposes cognitive bias brilliantly. Well played!
OWS didn't have a goal either, so it's no great surprise they fell apart.
The goal was to get laid and snag some Soros cash.
It sounded larpy because you never heard something like this before, when in reality he had not really said anything bad
yes, it is someone unaffiliated with Trump riding on his coat-tails, doing very well. for himself.
right now there are key priorities - closing the border and working against illegal immigration.
by conflating Hitler with Trump, you are HURTING that cause.
The uncucking will happen, but not like this.
>by conflating Hitler with Trump, you are HURTING that cause