...meanwhile, in Italy

...meanwhile, in Italy.


The Ministry of the Interior has conceived a plan to seize privately owned vacant houses in order to store niggers in them. It is going to be enacted after the 4th of December.

At the moment niggers are stockpiled in government owned buildings. If those aren't available, immigrants are settled in hostels, hotels and other private resorts, with the owner receiving a daily reimbursement for each migrant he hosts. Apparently this system is too costly, so now they are going to just seize private propriety and criminally charge those who refuse to surrender it.

That nice holiday home your parents bought working their asses off for most of their life? It might be seized by the government and turned into a nigger shelter. The same goes for your grandparents house you just inherited. Or any other vacant housing you own.

May God Emperor Trump save us all from this madness.

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Porca Madonna may someone plant a bullet into his retarded brain

All those poor children

>il giornale
Do you have a real source? Not saying they aren't cucked enough to do this but after they lose the referendum they're gonna be so unpopular it's seems like political suicide to do something like this

They should be feeding them into ovens

That's pretty horrifying...

Try taking my house I paid for myself or from any Russian living here. I guarantee, the government will burst in flames along with their niggers.

Many Estonians learned after the bronze soldat not to fuck with Russians.

I thought you spaghetti niggers had the mafia? Don't you get anything for your subscription??

>il giornale

Is this legit? They could seize my house over there? Any legit sources?

>Apparently this system is too costly, so now they are going to just seize private propriety and criminally charge those who refuse to surrender it.
Italian Civil War soon?

Mafia brings those niggers here, then enslaves them
Also mafia owns most if not all the cooperatives who provide "assistance" to them, it's a fucking business