Well played America, well played

Well played America, well played.

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Hello Sup Forums it is clear we have a problem with Canadian shills on this board. They are more than likely funded by the effeminate cuck Justin Trudeau and are here only to disrupt our community.
According to Hirohito all boards are allowed to enact changes if they can get a consensus. So i ask every user on Sup Forums should we enact a final solution and range ban every leaf from the board.


I will be running this poll over the week until we have a final solution to the Canadian question. If we decide to exterminate every leaf i will then present that decision to the honorable Hirohito..

I have made it simple for you, copy the image.

Dumbocrats have nothing to do with any of those things.

Also republicans did that over 100 years ago. But it seems the left can't forget anything that happened before any of us were even born.

What's that about record high markets?

>Owning a gun
Top qek

>occupy democrats
>zero attacks by al Qaeda on us soil

how old is that shit

>Repubs responsible for 9/11
>Clinton had the WTC bombing under his admin and did nothing more to fight Al Qaeda

>Fewer americans in harms wa
>unironically thinking pulling out of Iraq was good and didnt fuel ISIS' rise

>industry markets surge

tell me more about your discovery of an upwards sloping line over time, next you will tell me about how the stock market grew since 1950, and inflation.

Nothing? Wow dude, way to marginalize yourself into oblivion.

And uh... over 100 years ago? What are you talking about? You mean when Republicans were liberal? Anyway, nothing on the list is from 100+ years ago.

Clinton was JUST inaugurated. He eventually tried to go after them, got no support.

The WTC attack was actually supposed to happen under Bush1, but failed and he wasn't even around. Round 2, Bush 2, another attack, and this time it was able to be used to go to war in the middle east, just as they had agreed to do for Saudi Arabia. And who were the hijackers? Oh right, Saudis. This is all documented.

ISIS was inevitable since the Iraq civil war and the troop surge. You want a huge number of troops to stay there forever to keep out people who waited patiently to invade?

>13% GDP growth
Maybe in terms of Good Dindu Points

that was real weak, bro

2 0 0 8

Why the fuck do the Democrats keep taking credit for the global financial crisis?

It's like being pushed onto a trampoline and boasting about how high you jumped

also taking credit for Islamic State replacing Al Qaeda???

>unironically thinking pulling out of Iraq was good and didnt fuel ISIS' rise
>Unironically repeating the neocon propaganda line
>Not knowing Isis was deliberately funded and armed by Hillary's State departmen to destabilize Syria for Israeli interest and it wouldn't exist without said arming and funding regardless of "the pull out"

>GPD growth of 12%

>losing a million jobs a month

They can own guns as long as they cuck themselves properly

Under Trump the projected growth rate is 6%. PER YEAR.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think 12% GDP growth over 8 years is something to be proud?

you know this is opposite of reaity right?
democrats nuke the economy
2008 was caused by bill clinton and fanny and government and shitheads liek barney frank
great depression was caused by FDR
capitalism make economy great
communism ruins it

Unemployment % went down because there are less jobs and we have been losing more at a fast r8 m8 nice b8.

Hhhmmm mmmm omnomnomnomnom those tears are delicious.

What's that year on year? A bunch of shit?

China has GDP growth of 7% every year. That's 1.07^8.=1.72. That's five and a half times what USA is growing out.

Worst recovery ever!


>Real GDP growth of 13%

>13 (%) / 8 (years) = 1.625% average GDP growth per year


Whoa! Really made me think.

>The worst terrorist attack in US history

Did they just confirm 9/11 as an inside job?

Trump is third party in everything but name. He has no loyalty to the GOP.



I own a gun, our laws aren't as strict as people think (hell they're more lax then in 12 states, such as Cuckifornia)

Day of the rake when?

I think you mean 1.13^(1/8) which is 1.01539

so closer to 1.54%

Registered democrat here who voted for Trump.

The Hillary era needed to die, along with the DNC and all the bought out for sale kikes. Donald Trump did that, now what most Trumpets are forgetting is that if its good for the goose, it's good for the gander. For me everything is going according to plan, but the stupid fuck liberals who went out and voted for Hillary, well, they still do not get it.


>real gdp growth of 13%

Are you fucking retarded?

You think the democunts who spend trillions on worthless niggers and other military adventures are going to grow the economy 13% in 8 years?

The USA is a developed economy. We've reached steady state, which means that they're going to grow at a lower than 1% pace, or possibly contract.

This is blatant jewish lies you fucking leaf.

Still, fucking awful however you slice it. It's at parity, or even below, our general rate of inflation.

Certainly not something to proclaim as a primary accomplishment.

Shows how little you know leaf. I'll go in order for your points.

>Of course GDP grew we're fucking America
>Thanks to bailouts headed by GOP
>US Labor Force Participation rate fell hugely, dramatically affecting this statistic.
>because they increased the debt cap like 4 fucking times! The national debt went up 7 TRILLION DOLLARS, the highest increase ever! FUCK YOU FOR EVEN CLAIMING THIS
>Obama didn't deliver on a single campaign promise to end wars.
>Because the Obama administration refuses to acknowledge terrorist attacks or Muslim extremism. They still happened though.
>DOW just hit a historical high today as investors prep for Trump

But then again 1 post by this ID so you ran off somewhere, liberal shilling completed.

Yep, that's right, Dems. We would rather have all those things than to have to deal with you.

>>because they increased the debt cap like 4 fucking times!

Obama increased it 7 times actually.

Guess who also increased it 7 times? Dubya.

Reagan increased it more times than they both did put together.

Stop making me look bad you fucking faggot.
If you live in the Hamilton area I'm going to kick the shit out of you.

>number of times
>vs size of increase

Well they're right, ISIS has taken responsibility for them. Kek, who seriously buys this shit (besides leafs)??

Uh huh

ISIS wouldnt have been successful if we stayed a bit longer to help their glaringly flawed military, even if only air support and a few trainers, rather than watch the Iraqis get BTFO all day erry day and abandon the shit we gave them

insurgency was inevitable, but ISIS was not.