Its hard to come up with ideas when I can't take him seriously, so I struggle to fathom how anyone can? He looks like a fag do #fagface
Evan Young
How is this a bad thing? We do things and someone else gets the blame. That's exactly what we used to do back in the day. Some people here have become so stressed to receive credit for everything that is happening. Hurrrr pol we did this. Hurrr pol we did that. Fuck off newfags.
Blake Green
Daily reminder there is no such thing as "alt right"
Sebastian Jenkins
Im not from reddit, I have lurked here on Sup Forums for a few years.
I just want to see thought protected and new ideas and political ideologies not being squashed by the media without getting time to find their way.
As much as you all want to say that the 'alt-right' is made up, its real, its growing, and its the label that the vast majority of people use to define the political ideologies of many people who support Donald Trump.
Michael Johnson
This. Colgate is right, you fags need to lurk more.
Gavin Nelson
I G N O R E H I M MSM wants people to defend or attack him to further associate any non-GOP on the right with ebin natsco LARPing
Wyatt Powell
I get what you're saying, that may be the way to go I suppose.
Dominic Ortiz
>he has been here for years >he listens to e-celebrities >he believes the MSM >he is redpilled
Samuel Cook
Im just reporting what I hear from the people around me and what I see on the television.
Im not saying that I believe what the MSM is pushing, I'm just saying that I feel like ti could lead to a weakening of this nationalist populist movement we have going on in the US.
I am just afraid that if the wrong people get associated with it, it will be easier for the MSM to label it, attack it and shut it down.
Charles Morgan
>alt-lite is criticized for conflating anti-SJW with white nationalism and race realism >4chinz celebrates Nazi Pepes being plastered all over CNN and MSNBC >multiple threads about Trump being a neocon kike shill for some of the people being considered for cabinet positions >Richard Spencer is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION KIKE SHILL WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO ASSOCIATE US WITH NAZIS for saying Hail Trump Ok
Carson Wood
He's either an autist Sup Forumsack out of his basement or controlled opposition
Liam Adams
Or both
Sebastian Morales
He's a jew plant.
Elijah Rodriguez
I've never heard of this guy but Neo-Nazis are a bunch of fruitcups.
Literally cringe-tier.
Landon Jenkins
Jacob Hughes
Sup Forums is a Nazi board. fuck off back to the_donald
Brayden White
Fuck off newfag. No fbi larp or microfocused autism will ever stop us.
Fucking pedophile protecting faggots.
Asher Reed
>alt-lite is criticized for conflating anti-SJW with white nationalism and race realism
Yes and no. It is in response to being told that white people are pieces of shit. The fact leftists said that poor white people's problems aren't real is one reason why Trump won the election. Stuff like that gets a negative reaction from normies. That and every Buzzfeed article about white people and every MTV Decoded episode ever.
>4chinz celebrates Nazi Pepes being plastered all over CNN and MSNBC
Because they cherrypicked those Pepes and actually had to dig months and months back into a 3-post Reddit thread of a KKK Pepe. They took it as serious business and that's why it was funny.
>multiple threads about Trump being a neocon kike shill for some of the people being considered for cabinet positions
Their concerns were justified because I don't want any Bush or Romney faggots in his administration.
Again I don't know who he is. But the fact he's being received negatively on here says something.
Christian Martin
He used to date Remy LaCroix and is just pissed off that she left him to do porn.
Gabriel Powell
[under pressure starts playing]
Dylan Johnson
A shill planted in the media to make alt-right supporters look like fucking psychopaths.
Wyatt Clark
He's a good leader - organizes things, smart and articulate - he went a bit over the top here with his 'hail Trump' but he'll recover. You should listen to his podcasts - very reasonable and articulate guy.
Xavier Rivera
Fuck off kike cunt
>But the fact he's being received negatively on here says something.
Only by JIDF newfags.
Asher Moore
this desu. everyone was drunk at that time of night, was almost as fun as the parties on election night. great to shake hands with everybody
Grayson Garcia
> I don't know who he is.
He and his mentor Paul Gottfried invented the term 'alt-right' and he's been around. He was jailed for organizing(? trying to organize?) a conference in Hungary. He makes the rounds of alt-right podcasts. If you're curious you can find interviews on youtube. He's a natural aristocrat - comes from money, smart, well-tempered (except when he writes speeches for after a Trump victory apparently).
Charles Nelson
He's a good boy who dindu nuffin. I used to think he's too softcore in his intellectual approach, but after "heil trump" i like him.
Gavin Miller
This guy is nobody. The alt-right movement, if that's what you retards want to call it, isn't lead by any singular person or group of people. If anything, it is an indigenous and grass-roots movement of average, every day Americans that are tired of the governmental abuses and usurpation of power. In reality, there is no alt-right; what used to be the party of the right has been sliding left for at least a generation therefore abandoning the conservative base that once supported it. We are the conservatives now, we are all that's left that believes in fiscal responsibility and freedom.
If I had to pick one person that is responsible for the "alt-right", I would have to say it all started with Lois Learner. The conservative American attitude towards governence and governing has drastically changed since her and her cohorts used to IRS to target political enemies and the rest just fell into place.
Joshua Jenkins
The jews labelled you alt-right now this guy calls himself alt-right leader. Don't take it personally , it's all jewry.
Angel Hernandez
Seriously, I've never heard of these people and people here are having conversations about them like they're Alex Jones or someone.
Jordan Clark
If he is such a good leader then he wouldn't have his minions crapping all over this board. You guys are exactly like CTR. Contrived and forced. That tells me he has no natural ability to lead. Please go back to the bunker, take a long hard look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you can't win allies by being total douchebags.
Jaxon Morales
There is no alt right there never was
Xavier Turner
Dylan Edwards
What they are attempting to do is undermine the legitimacy of the Trump movement; the one where he was going to drop out any day now, lose the primaries and lose the election in a landslide. If you can't see how this no-name prick is suddenly declared our leader, by our opposition no less, then you probably have very little understanding of the manipulation - both subtle and blatant - that the media utilizes to destroy the credibility of it's enemies.
Now you might find yourself asking how does RS ruin our credibility? First, he embodies everything that the media has been trying to say about Trump supporters, a white supremacist and a nationalist. If you want to learn more about how these strategies work, read FM 2-0 and 2-22, but they found a somewhat irrelevant guy that shares the interests of the most extreme elements of the right to which will appeal the to dumbest of you fucks thereby giving the illusion that we are a centralized and organized movement under the command of a single individual. So instead of liberals thinking that they were beat by ordinary citizens, this plays into the rhetoric that is continually increasing and gives the liberals a face.
Calling us alt-right is your first mistake, trusting this guy is the next.
Hudson Perry
>people are doing nazi salutes at his talks The majority of people on Sup Forums are sympathetic to the nazis. Lurk more newfag.
Brayden Adams
Stormweenies ruin everything.
Mason Gutierrez
Ayden Morales
Sweden yes
Carter Wood
He's controlled opposition. They made him to destroy the "alt-right" Another term the media invented.
Kayden Hill
Anyone remember when 3rd position was spamming their shitty chat on here? Wasn't one of them a sex offender
Asher Ramirez
Spencer is more "alt-right" than any of you The_Donald faggots
If you disagree with Spencer, then I demand you stop calling yourself "alt-right", you nigger-loving kikes
Aiden Parker
Everyone has the right to freedom of speech, sieg hail. what ever
Jace Cox
Find a way to associate Richard Spencer with exposing #pizzagate.
Even though he hasn't, if the normies believe it, the msm will drop him immediately to cover for their pedo bosses.
btw, its against twitter's rules to post private information, but I don't know how many people are reporting this guys tweets.
Colton Gonzalez
Uncle Adolph will have a good time.
Adam Thompson
The guy sent pretty much any trump supporting, nationalist and the right wing in general go full damage control. Trump is not even in office and we have idiots like this screeming Sieg Heil in his name.
>we are our greatest enemy, the people already hate the left. >we simply need to not fuck it up.
How is this so hard?
Jack Adams
she actually showed more of the speech than the atlantic though.
Joseph Brown
Oh come on. Trump is just a help on the way he is in no way a good president. He's the most jew friendly president in forever and would never harm gays or colored people. All we can do is ride the train with him and drag people to the extreme right-wing politics instead of a lying shitty populist
Joseph Diaz
Never punch Rightwards. Spencer's more extreme than Trump, that doesn't mean anything. Just apply Rules for Radicals and Motte & Bailey it, but NEVER attack to the Right. Our enemy is the Left. You'll notice that they NEVER do this, which is why their subversive tactics have always been better than ours.
Trump is a master of this. He never attacks racists or white supremacists, he just says "eh, I disavow," but he lets us keep talking and showing up. That's the key. Retain plausible deniability but tolerate radicals. Spencer is a jackass but he's important. More radicalization on the Right means our momentum will last longer.
Jayden Jenkins
Trump will do fine. He's got a respectable face on, but he's already working hard against Israeli interests with the Syria thing, and the immigration policy is looking better and better--it's just stealthy.
Besides, worst case scenario he only reforms the tax code. I'll fucking take it. That was worth electing him for.
And then everyone that supported Trump was labeled alt-right as opposed to self identifying as it. The alt-right really only exists in dirty corners of the internet.
Cameron Cox
Lucas Smith
Sure but everyone thought Trump would be so much more. Maybe it's for the better this way. Right-wing death squads can wait a year or two.
Connor Robinson
>Media is desperate to label Trump supporters as nazis >Invite 150 members of the media to your speech >Say "Hail Trump, hail victory" while a bunch of autists in the audience throw up the "nazi" salute
Two possible options: 1. He is controlled opposition 2. He is a blithering idiot who let himself get played by the media
Jaxson Brown
What I think you seem to have very little understanding of is how President-elect Donald Trump is a blatant racist, misogynistic, uninformed piece of orange trash. Even if this WAS a stunt by the liberal media to manipulate the masses into believing a Trump presidency somehow represents a rise of the KKK/alt-right/white supremacist movement/whatever, you cannot deny that the rhetoric used by Trump himself and his supporters is somewhat alarming. You cannot deny that Trump's words have not been the fuel which has sparked the rise of hate crimes against Muslims, blacks, and other minorities in this country. You cannot deny that the things he says about Mexicans being rapists, drug dealers, and criminals gives these extremist groups some sort of legitimacy in the current political sphere. You CANNOT DENY that his talk of banning entire groups of people based off their religion and/or country of origin undermines the very principles and core beliefs that this great nation was founded on.
Never mind these hate groups - Trump has said more than enough to prove he is a supremacist and a nationalist on his own. The fact that you even attempt to explain away the the disgusting amounts of hatred and racism that has come to light in the wake of his election as some sort of "liberal media propaganda" means that you are part of the problem.
Jason James
We have no benefit from being associated with the alt-right, who gives a shit about this faggot or what he does
Levi Long
>racism and nationalism >bad things
Too blatant to be effective b8. 0/10
Grayson Cox
How would you respond though
Tyler Ward
White privilege doesn't mean anything. Fascist bigot homophobe doesn't mean anything. They are still using these tactics with great success.
Landon Murphy
holy shit, shills are out in force today with the d&c
Richard Spencer is one of us, now fuck off kike
Mason Adams
Okay, so what we did with #DraftOurDaughters, was going fricking extreme. We can do it again. What's fucking heated right now, is that Hillary won the popular vote and lost the EC. So we have to go full retard with that shit. Shit like: - #ElectorsWithHer - #AbolishTheEC4Her etc etc
Dylan Nguyen
If libtards want to create a new bogeyman, there is nothing we can do about it. Just let it blow over, like everything else in recent months.
Grayson Gray
Shill thread
Carson Harris
Its because no one gives 2 shits about that faggot or you. There is no fucking alt right here. Its an anonymous image board, im santa klaus ffs. This guy needs to step in front of a bus as does everyone who tries to label user.
Zachary Williams
You haven't heard shit. Shekels deposited. Now fuck off.
Elijah Davis
Nazis make funny may Mays but actual Nazis are losers Nat Soc is much better without the swastikas
Henry Thomas
Alexander Brown
You are cancer to our movement if you think (((Spencer's))) behavior is anywhere near acceptable.
Liam Lopez
>Too autistic to realize that in reputation, the only thing that really matters is what always choose to believe about you
Aaron Peterson
Why do you guys hate him ?he holds your beliefs that whites are superior and that America should be a country for whites
Caleb Diaz
The answer is probably number 1. He spergs out the second he gets a ounce of coverage. Like fucking Dr. Strangelove and his sieg heils
>In b4 it is just a roman salute.
Angel Jackson
>Richard Spencer
That's not how you spell Hal Turner.
Tyler Harris
Who cares. Where were you newfags when milo was hijacking our movement?
Jace Reyes
Milo is nowhere near as damaging as Spencer.
Jackson Hughes
I agree with this yet the problem is that the media uses Spencer and his cringry shit to discredit the entire group of people who are anti globalist. They use his term (which is moronic in the first place) to dismiss entire diverse groups in order to keep the masses focused on what they want them to think everyone against them is like.
"The alt right is just full of we're going to say all of these websites, alternative news organizations, politicians and personalities are also Alt Right so people dismiss them because they are now racist, because we said so."
And the people are so dumb that they believe it and it delegitimizes any work that goes towards anything that goes against the media and elites.
That is the problem here.
Lincoln Reyes
He will turn out to be gay or worse. Ignore.
Julian Ross
Twitter is deleting countless account because of this. Facebook too. Wouldn't be surprised if in 3 months just declaring yourself "alt-right" or using certain words will put you under review for termination. As private companies they can do whatever they want, and most people outside of this sphere would prefer that.
Jaxson Carter
This most likely, he has been given a lot of press, even on NPR. They don't give press to those they want to hide, they want this guy to scare the left into hating the right even more.
Juan Young
Milo is a hundred times more damgeing than Spencer. He is a degenerate faggot cuck with a black cock fetish. Nothing on race, nothing on (((them))).
Luis Nelson
>articulate Really now?He had to keep looking at his papers and still sounded forced.
Lucas Wright
exactly its just a stupid fucking word and I hope it gets replaced.
Hudson Butler
The answer is simple, if you are able to do it better, than don't be a fag and do it better.
Elijah Morgan
>check those deviltrips user Amazing how this faggot gets splashed across the front page of the shill media practically simultaneously. What a coincidence.
Matthew Clark
that guy is just invented by the media and jews. the movement he is leader of doesnt even exist and hes surrounded by jews all the time proving he isnt a white supremacist at all.
Michael Green
The irony is that what they're doing, while legal, is quite fascist.
I think things like Gab will help, if it can get big so that Free Speech Social Media can get legitimacy.
Parker Rodriguez
Why is Richard Spencer such a qt 3.14 Sup Forums?
Gabriel Evans
The secret is not caring if the alt-right is relevant since you never considered yourself under that label.
Brandon Foster
>they want this guy to scare the left into hating the right even more. The left already hates the right without the need for help,so they more likely try to create a boogyman to scare the average people away from Trump.
Also check'ed.
Grayson Ortiz
we are transitioning into a world where saying "this platform is built on free speech" will be codeword for "racists be here" for normies. I could see this getting a lot worse into the future.
Carson Foster
media made him up. he's designed to be someone that is easy to attack and discredit a movement. They've done this type of shit before.
Joshua Flores
Never said that i'm better or that he should be either,just don't call him things he isn't.
Gavin Hill
If it really does come to that obvious suppression of free speech then we should just revolt.
Brandon Perez
Yeah this is the point I was trying to get across with the OP, I just couldn't find the words for it.
Jackson Thomas
its called freedom of speech either everyone has it or no one does and thats just the way it is