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*sips tea*
defend this drumpfkins
he's keeping her nice and comfortable
no need to talk big when he's not president yet
Wait, Twitter looks like Pornhub now!?
We can't have it all.
Well, I'm not an American so my low expectations doesn't matter. Just the fact that he won the election is almost everything for me. If he deports 3 million criminals, build a wall/fence and control the borders, doesn't start any meaningless war in the middle east.
Everything like that is just an dreamlike bonus. For me.
It's an add on that helps turn website dark. Less strain on my eyes.
Remember when he asked over and over why we tell our enemies when we are going to attack? Remember when obama said he couldnt pardon "snowden" until he has a trial? Remember when fbi investigated clinton and they deleted everything and smashed everything with hammers? 1. Presidents dont prosecute 2. Obama cant pardon her after jan whatever. Its the smartest play wouldnt want her taking any extended trips to quatar
Any other bait i mean questions? Also let me guess this didnt come from trump but main stream definitely not fake media (((sources)))
Shhhh, it's OK little calf, no reason to be scared, it will be painless.
Meh its not like she's gonna win any public offices in the future.
Also he supposedly said he wouldnt which is correct but will he stand in the way of the attorney general? Which could be gowdy or juliani or? I would pay money to be at your synagog when the news hits irs fbi and ag are all going after clinton
It came directly from Kellyanne and there is a video.
Sup Forums has been even more naive than the Hope-and-Changers that backed Obama when it comes to eating up obviously bullshit campaign promises.
>"Look, I think he's thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the President of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign are not among them," she added.
I don't think Trump has the political capital to go after Hillary right now. Plus Comey still fucking works there.
Majority of Americans HATE Clinton & her sprawling corrupt foundation. There's your political capital.
>Drain the swamp?
The majority of Americans voted for Hillary.
I think you're thinking of the majority of Sup Forums
Either way Obama could just pardon her. Best bet it to wait until January if he still wants to send her up.
Well it's to be expected that he won't go after her personally he has to be a gracious winner. If someone else does though there's no way Trump interferes.
she's powerless, she can't do shit anymore
Many HRC voters held their nose & chose her. They saw Trump as a greater evil I suppose. The clinton foundation is a giant cesspool built on quid pro quo.
If the foundation's dirty laundry is aired many well known politicians' careers will be destroyed.
Good! If Trump is really going to put Hillary in jail then he's truly a misogynist.
Why the fuck do you think he put Jeff Sessions as AG?
>well, obviously I'm not gonna go after Hillary, that would not be presidential
>my AG, on the other hand....
Can't really defend it, because obviously he's going back on his word. That being said however, her time is over. She's going to fade into obscurity, only to be heard of when it comes to her daughter's affairs.
If there is no long term game plan to lock Hillary up and Trump's supporters aren't happy about it, they should speak up though. No way to spin this one - this was a major selling point of his platform and if his supporters aren't happy with her just fading away, they should raise hell to him and let them know that it's not okay he should go back on his promise.
No. Majority of voters. Many people
Turned off by both candidates stayed home. Your statement is false.
fucking dipshit, the president can't just go after their opponents, it will look wrong to alot of people you idiot.
not only that, but if you start being vile then you need to take into account that the next president might come after you too.
I understand that it sucks from a moral perspective but I also understand why Trump won't do anything about Hillary anymore.
Everybody can be fucked with, I seriously doubt that Trump actually thinks some emails that are stored in the wrong way warrant a break in tradition.
She's no longer an opponent
All Hillary is now is a murderer
Should murderers not be locked up?
exactly, he will just leave it to the rest of the government
Single issue voter reporting in.
And while Obama could still give her a pardon
Play it cool until Trump is sworn in, then then fun begins.
An FBI uncucked by the #BLM Justice Department means Hillary goes to jail no matter what Trump does. On the emails, on lying to the investigators (esp. Huma for the secret email stash she withheld on the home laptop) and on the Foundation.
Yall realize that this makes total sense, right?
You don't wanna waste political capital on a personal vendetta;
However: spending it investigating a multinational "foundation" for corruption and human trafficking is a totally different thing than investigating Hillary herself
She's going down folks. One way or another
you're a fucking idiot with the foresight of a nigger in heat
you cannot fucking chase your goddamn political opponents in a nation like this, god-willing there will be more investigations, but as of now she's a non-threat and 100% powerless for the rest of her existence, going after her makes Trump look like the bad guy because he would be "prosecuting a political opponent", she's either going to rot in silence or get nabbed by the rest of the government, where Trump will NOT be involved.
He's trying to get her to relax so she doesn't start shenanigans and wet worx
Emails and foundation is small-time
All the "suicides" and "robberies" need to comr to light.
>"If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing."
This is actually more humiliating for her than prison. Prison just turns her into a martyr.
319 million people. 120 million votes, 61 of which were for Clinton.
>the majority of Americans voted for Hillary
21 January 2017 Hillary.
It's coming.
For ((((you)))).
Justice for Seth Rich please. A pound of flesh from Hillary bill and chelsey.
>implying Obama won't still quietly (without the notice of the MSM) pardon her as he leaves office
before the election
after the election
>well, actually he can't do that and anyone that believed it is foolish.
>non threat
>100% powerless
Last I checked the Clintons still had a lot of money and could easily still suicide whoever they wanted to, possibly even trump if he's not careful
Losing an election doesn't mean you lost all your money and connections
Why let the media make you out as a bad guy when you could come out looking supportive and tolerant of this broken up woman, while unleashing your rabid beast, the FBI.
The FBI is a fucking keg of TNT after 8 years of corrupt suppression from Obama and his leftist. All Trump has to do is side step and all hell will break loose.
Just like he wasn't going to run?
Just like he wasn't going to win?
Or build a wall??
Or he was a Hillary plant?
How do people still fall for this shit
The medias entire goal is a one term presidency where he doesn't even run
Would be funny if Trump used it as leverage.
>Hillary, tell the Democrats in the house and senate to cooperate. No filibusters or you'll be doing the perp walk in front of the nation.
Actually it kind of does. Nobody wants to remotely even touch her. Especially with pizzagate looming. If someone were to assassinate her and that pedo Bill, right now would be the time to do it. She is currently at her weakest.
He's just saying that until he gets inaugurated on the off chance the hillfags convince the electors to go faithless.
Hey OP. Trump to Gov.Christie to go pound sand because of his corruption. What in the world has given you the silly idea to make you think he won't got after evil corrupt Hillary?
But ok OP,
Msnbc confirms donald trump will lose the the election in a landslide dont even bother going out to vote drumpfkins
Who won?
>people still believe the MSM
Regardless of bait or not, the fact that people in the world actually do trust the MSM is pathetic. Normally you get fired for failing to do your job, liberals just double down on it. P
she conceded. Even if that happens she can no longer take office.
Also if trump is ever removed from office and Pence replaces him, then all the fake twitter posts and scared lgbt people will have something to actually be worried about.
Is believing Kellyanne Conway on video saying exactly what this Tweet says okay to believe or nah?
>Sup Forums is one person
Nice picture by the way, would it happen to be you?
>thread # 54672 echoing normie media headlines that won't be true in a few weeks
record corrected, thanks
>defend this drumpfkins
you lost, that will never stop being satisfying.
How's it feel knowing your tears lubricate my fapping?
Idk I just think now that he's won he's trying not to rustle too many jimmies until he can actually do what he wants to do, which is not for another two months.
Once he gets inaugurated he doesn't have to say he's going to appoint a special prosecutor, he can just do it.