Friendly reminder that
>holocaust is a lie
>hitler did nothing wrong
>kikes are anti-white monsters
>the west only went to war with hitler because he kicked out the kike-banking system
Friendly reminder that
>holocaust is a lie
>hitler did nothing wrong
>kikes are anti-white monsters
>the west only went to war with hitler because he kicked out the kike-banking system
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums is now a subreddit. We dont believe in your racist shit. Please leave. Now.
Preaching to the choir mate.
If you want to make a difference, you need to be able to go to off-site social media communities and get holocaust "denial" some attention, without being dismissed immediately as a hateful, brainwashed maniac.
David Cole is a GREAT redpill for normies. He's a super jewy jew who made a documentary explaining why the holocaust is bullshit.
Apparently not, there are a bunch of kike shills around here that are either lolbertarian/a caps or reddit newfags.
I still can't tell how many retards actually believe this and how many are just being ironic.
The irony being after you're red pilled on the JQ, you'll never trust a kike again in your lifetime.
You tell me schlomo.
I know most Sup Forumsacks are already aware of this shit,but considering the amount of normies who have flooded in lately,we do need a reminder.
I assume ironic then.
fuck off ahmed
friendly reminder that most of the white people that are actually "propagating the white race" are "libtards".
>6 million jews supposedly died
>Auschwitz "official" body count drops from 4 million to 1 million
>6 million jews still died, instead of 3 million
Its comming baby
>Red Cross released factual records as court evidence
>later forced to publicly apologize because these numbers disproved the holohoax narrative
hitler invaded several countries and is responsible for the death of millions upon millions of white christians.
he only wanted back the land that was traditionally german and home to germans. Land that had been taken from Germany after the first world war.
100% what I would have wanted if I were German
What's with all these Spencer/NatSoc threads today?Raid?
William Pierce warned against associating with these degenerates
>kikes are anti-white monsters
(((Noel Ignatiev)))
(((Barbara Spectre)))
kek germany is the new sweden. fucking cuckolds
>Hitler did nothing wrong
pic related
fucking non-argument, fag
Good work OP.
God damn, Sup Forums has fallen far. We'll bring her back, though.