Other urls found in this thread:
basically Bernie shit
We should push our own "alt" memes to dilute the labels they're using to control public perception
>the inevitable effects of "alt left" policies on the economy
Alt Pepe
I think youre onto something there
wojack be alt
The leftist equivalent of the alt right is the ctrl left. It's the monster we've been fighting since the hippies lost their party back in the 70s. They are a den of vipers and thieves and by God we will rout them out!
We aren't the past
It's called the Turn Left movement
Can someone define alt-left?
Can someone define "alt-right"?
We have to start pushing human rights and environmentalism as causes essential to white people. The left already embraces socialism so let them know it is not possible without nationalism.
This is what happens when you push wojack too far
Letting a Gay Greek man tell you that you're a big special boy and that girls can't hurt your fee fees.
so alt-femmes would be the reasonable "feminists"?
>human rights and environmentalism
your kike tricks wont work here
How are you guys going to have a movement without your own haawt spokesman?
I have seen no one else call it that
Yet I've seen plenty of alt left threads
Start making threads and I would hop on them
MSM boogeyman to scare viewers away from independent journalism
ALT LEFT can only thrive in hollywood interpreted nazi Germany.
Or on the internet
Actually, now I think about it, old fashioned feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers are reasonable
It is the new ones that are insane, these would be "alt-feminism"
>white nationalism
>social conservatism
That's alt-left.
Sure, but not in reality. Maybe in 50-100 years. I'll be with you guys when the time comes.
Nice try
Also, fuck off (((shill))).
This is just as real now
who cares its just a meme dude
let the normies get confused, it's hilarious
The Alt Left is gonna grow during the Trump Presidency
leftypol and all the commie hubs are going to grow and there is nothing you cuckolds can do to stop it
Go away
but i see what you're saying
maybe neofeminism would be more appropriate for the new sjw type
Some jade
>WAAAAAH Get out of my safe space you bullies:(((((((((((((((
Is this me? I have no idea WTF is called what I want, but here it goes.
● Economy: Protectionism. Mixed capitalist with a big socialist component for public health, education and infrastructure. Tax the richer. No public money for: corporations, past-time activities like sports, chopping dick off because you identify as a seagull, rapefugees, islam, christianity, any religion, etc. Split banking in investment vs. personal. Nationalize personal banking. Limit mortgages. Official interest rate is 0%. Tax the fuck out of investments and other means of getting rich without working. Very strongly reward people who work. Fuck with corporations who avoid tax.
● Work: Promote work ethics. Force people to work. Don't help people who don't work. Unemployment insurance is good, but you need to prove that you're very actively looking for a job and do public service for 4 hours a day, or you're banned from it. Try to make land belong to those who work it. Promote self-employment, family businesses and cooperative corporations.
● Society: I do value and defend personal freedom, including freedom of imaginary friend or none at all, freedom of fucking anything that can consent, freedom of being a pony loving faggot, etc. but no public money or promotion of any choice. Egalitarianism, which means no feminazism. Straight white men are people too. Non-interventionism; avoid violence escalation and try to stay peaceful no matter what. Protect our values, which means if you're a muslim and want to live here, I've got bad news for you: islamic beliefs and activities are incompatible with our values. No invasion. No rapefugees. Build walls if necessary. Hunt down and eject intruders.
● Environment: Protect the environment above all else, especially from the interest of rich fat corporations. Promote green industry and policies. Reforest and protect land as much as possible. Protect and strengthen animal rights. Prohibit animal cruelty at last, including in the industry.
Good buzzword man now call me racist and go back to riddit
>please PLEASE go out Sup Forums needs to be a hivemind
I like how this nuright is literally becoming what they hate the most
You are immoral
>I have no idea WTF is called what I want
>Environment: Protect the environment above all else
it's called cuckoldry
Right, is it going to be more of the same?
You know, Marxism, communism, feminism, BLM, lgbtdiy6809+8tvgjy78kjf?
So, what's this? Alt-left? Non-do-goodist left? Based left? Whatever it is, politics is not one-dimensional. You can't easily classify things as "left" or "right"; there are many parameters, and what I want is not well represented by any party, except, maybe, for Marine Le Pen's Front National. I like 90% of her stuff, but I'd make the environment the top priority once we kick rapefugees and goatfuckers out.
>muh safe space
>no one is gonna ban you
>no one is gonna downvote you to oblivion
>no one is gonna prevent you from shitting on people we like
>no one is gonna delete your post
every single fucking board/forum on the internet is full to the brim with leftist garbage, and you chose to come here and complain how intolerant were are towards your kind, fucking pathetic little shit.
I told you its cuckoldry
Gotta help those minorities!
Alt-Left kike globalist shills please die
Everything except your environmentalism is good.
Can we get a red pill over here?
just ignore the threads you don't like newfag, there's quite a lot of leftists unhappy with the current estabilishment here on Sup Forums
>Prohibit animal cruelty at last, including in the industry.
could you elaborate on this?
His environmentalism is perfect
I feel like that should be extremely obvious
Sup Forums is short for "politically incorrect"
Leftism, up to and including full maoist communism, is socially acceptable. You can talk about it anywhere.
This board is not for you.
>Protect the environment above all else
That means above human life and prosperity
The only real reason to protect the environment is because we need parts of it to survive.
Spending your resources and effort assuring the continued existence of something else, in detriment of yourself and your people is the literal definition of cuckoldry.
Animals are still tortured for fun in many ways in many countries, and while I wouldn't ban meat eating (even though I would promote any more sustainable and efficient means of growing our food), it's one thing to grow animals, kill them instantly and eat them, and it's a very different thing to factory farm the fuck out of them, treat them worse than merchandise, torture them with absolutely immoral, inhuman practices like foie gras (which I would ban on day 1), etc. Also ban animal testing, which is stupid and ineffective and is basically about torturing animals for peace of mind before testing on humans.
you do realize that these are just troll threads, right?
nah I want some details man, I partially pro-animal cruelty if it's for a greater cause
>implying you can even question mainstream leftism
dude it's like the Communist International never died
It's a key combination in order to return to the previous page in web browsers
Oy Vey, this cultural appropriation!
Didnt know that one
I always used backspace
>troll threads
that's what everyone thought about trump threads back then
Mark my words, the nuright is gonna become everything you hate the most in the next months, by then you'd like to have a solid alternative