Reddit tries to take credit for the great meme war of 2016

Ok so I opened todays newspaper (An economics newspaper, called the marker) and I was shocked. There was an entire page dedicated to reddit and how they influenced the elections.
They said redditors use the term 'cuck' as an insult to feminists. They also wrote about racist frog memes in the newspaper. What is happening?

In umbris

FYI, this is one of israel's biggesr newspapers

>Ok so I opened todays newspaper (An economics newspaper, called the marker) and I was shocked. There was an entire page dedicated to reddit and how they influenced the elections.
This is a GOOD thing, Schlomo. This is about winning, not virtue signalling or trying to stand out. We need slow increase in numbers, not mass immigration.

Let them

We don't want new people

Let them go to reddit, this is not a bad thing. We don't need the edge

Yeah, they did great work. Good for them getting the recognition they deserve.

Good, we're supposed to be faceless


We are the man behind the curtain, let reddit take the credit while we pull the strings.

That's what the plan was nigger.
Maybe you should go back there.

How new are Jew? It was ebaumsworld the whole time

Good, being honorable we don't need credit.

>we are the man behind the curtain
>let them take the credit while we pull the strings

You think like a jew, I like that.

Not that new yet not an oldfag. I'm here for about 2 years.

Pretty much this

>wanting credit

You're in the wrong place, here is all about shitposting and honor.

>There was an entire page dedicated to reddit and how they influenced the elections.

As a Jew, you should understand that staying in the shadows and using fronts (ie. our reddit colonies) to accomplish our goals is the best way to manipulate the political system. Delegating "credit" is delegating risk.

exactly what happened

Tbh senpai, /r/the_donald has almost 300,000 subscribers on a liberal website that is able to convert the masses much better than we can because they think we're sum of the earth. Plus they constantly hit the front page with their headlines so they can do a slow and steady red pill. If they were to go on Sup Forums, they'll scream at the first natsocgen they see.

Tell us about the centipedes.


Jeez this feels real weird telling this to a Jew.

We don't want credit around here. We work behind the scenes, I'm glad reddit got the "credit".

We're the ____ now my nosey friend.

It just says that that's the way they call trump fans and it's a reference to trump's speeches and from a song named centipede.

I agree with most people here. This is a good thing. You don't want Sup Forums attracting attention. The libs will do everything in their power to shut us down.

let them

we are the Israel to their America

So you crave attention?

Is your pussy tight or loose OP?

What are you moaning about, Reddit did literally everything and pol did precisely nothing at all and I'm not just saying that so that normie sheep continue ignoring us

That's our colony we founded then we bred with the natives and ingrained in them our ideology, blood and culture.
It's basically online Canda.
Maybe :^)

This should go without saying, people who think different should not only leave this board but leave Sup Forums all together, because they haven't grasped the meaning of anonymity.

No one ever looked at me in school. I never had a gf. I was always ignored. The other jews would laugh at me from time to time. When I finished school I thought I would come back one day, big time. And when the meme war came to an end, I felt glory. I hoped people would look at me differently. I understand your point. I should keep my nose down from now on.

It's ok itzik, I'm here for you.

This is good.

Shortbread like Richard Spenser are bad

I think you'll find that ebaumsworld is reasonable for the meme war

> Reddit tries to take credit for the great meme war of 2016
Whatever, it`s only for the best if CTR would shit on reddit and not there.

just as planned

Everything is proceeding exactly as I have forseen

your language looks awful,OP

what's up with the huge influx of russian posters recently? i've seen double the amount of you guys than normal. i use to be able to go weeks without seeing a russian poster. was there a ban on Sup Forums a few months back?

It's good. We will remain in shadows.

So? Let them have it. They'll be the ones taking the flak for it.

Reddit is our scapegoat

We need less on Sup Forums. Already becoming poldit.

This is good you mong, we don't need anymore normies than the half of the donald that already came here. Everyone get out the redpills.

Let them take all the bullets, thus is why we created /r/tge_donald in the first place.

Good. We don't want credit you FUCKING NORMIE


reddit is like soros, everyone thinks that he's pulling the strings while we are like the hidden jewish cabal, the actual string pullers, and we prefer it this way


They have some shitty Centipede mascot while we got a frog god. The frog god pulls the strings that makes the Centipede move. Praise KEK

>You think like a jew, I like that.

>You either gas the kikes, or live long enough to see yourself become a Jew


Praise kek

Absolutely this

The normies think le reddit is the place for "counter culture" and internet memes. And that's fine by me.

I am so confused right now...
(((Sup Forums)))

third post best post

we shouldn't seek credit like the attention whores on reddit. keeping the secret club secret is much better than getting a bunch of normie exposure

>the actual string pullers

Yea I'm ok with this.

Let Reddit take the credit for this one, and we can keep influencing the world for YEARS. Lotta Euro elections around the corner...


I would gladly support a one-state solution and let you do whatever you want with the Palestinians if your parasitic diaspora would just fucking leave

Yes, all goyim exist to serve Gods chosen people.

Good, let reddit take the credit to keep the normies away from here.

We're being hidden away as a High Value Memetic Asset (HVMA) (Huvma). If we are broadly advertised we will become over-saturated by counter-Shitposters and other unhelpful newfag fuckwits.

I honestly couldn't give a shit if Plebbit's ego gets any larger than it already is. I would honestly be surprised if it could.

It's better that we are hidden away, that way we can better work in relative peace.

Checked for Lord KEK.

>and then Sup Forums was the jews

We (((anons))) now?

>(((Sup Forums)))

/pol is a christian board.

The_Donald is a colony of Sup Forums





Blaming innocent sites for our antics is a tradition, let the newspaper think it was reddit.

I thought Jews were into subterfuge.

>wanting to be front and centre to prove your a member of a super sekrit internet club
>not wanting to influence from the shadows



Go away Jew


wew lad

All of these are correct. Sup Forums needs to slowly grow to keep our soul alive, and also having reddit take the blunt of the media attention keeps shills away.

IMHO we should deliberately promote Reddit as an alt right hate site.

Let me show you the steps.
1) The idiots will get Shoa'd by the mods.
2) Those not deterred will either stick around or filter through to here.
3) Over a long enough time frame all of Reddit will shift Right as the constant influx of wannabees and gonnabees creates an atmosphere where the moderation simply gives up.

Alternatively Reddit will simply implode.

There is no downside.

We're getting new people, people from even worse websites than this one. Prepare your anus for the Nazi shills coming here.

>im here for about 2 years

library or hasbara 'professional' shitposter?

Seems like a good idea to let them take the credit.

There has been a lot of genuine stormfaggotry (as in, from Stormfront, not in the "more right wing than I am and I'll have cry about that" sense) recently.

I'm honestly not happy about that, Stormfronters are absolute subhumans.

disgusting kikette

how the fuck did this gremlin get into music besides being a kike holy shit

>normies think Sup Forums is cool
>normies flock to Sup Forums
yea naw i prefer they flock to reddit.

who cares kike, let ebaumsworld take the credit for all we care, we care about results not upboats

She Coalburned with a lot of Nigger producers.

reminder than Sup Forums dindu nuffin

we just enjoy our chinese cartoons on a japanese owned site.

What can a weaboo even accomplish, just ask Rick Wilson.

they can never have our meme magik!

it's mine! i mean ours!

yes, it's ours!

And her Kike daddy pushed her out there since the age of 13ish

Let go of your ego faggot. This is Sup Forums, if someone else wants to take credit for things we do, who cares? Being upset about something like this is a classic attention whore symptom, and makes me think you need to lurk more.

Let it go.

Meh. Let them have it. We have other shit to be getting on with.

>an influx of Jews will head to Reddit instead of Sup Forums

Praise kek.

this is good you fucking retard.

The more you take credit, the more plants from the media come in and ruin the fun.

Loose Lips Sink Keks

They should take credit, they did it not Sup Forums Reddit is more popular than this stormfront shitpost-ageddon. Go worship kek and black cocks(secretly of course).

I like the way you think Sup Forums friend.

>Let Reddit take the credit for this one, and we can keep influencing the world for YEARS. Lotta Euro elections around the corner...
That language barrier tho...

Sup Forums what does it feel like being very influential? We got our boys in the whitehouse! Let that sink in, think how it was a few years ago! The situatiom is complete inversed.

It feels like having aids and cancer simultaneously. Kanye better run for President next or this place will suck dick.

Maybe they'll shut down reddit

This senpai

Kanye / Tila Tequila 2020


Nah, we need to go more rightwing populist. Lefty bullshit needs to be stomped out.

This. It's been said already, but I say again: Let the normies and hangers-on flock there, not here.

Israeli newspaper does not want to admit Sup Forums is the Jew now.

Bingo bango

Good let them. We don't do it for fame nor do we want it.

>We were in the thick of the liberal swamp, first it was Bernie Bros and then the Hill Shills
>oh we fought hard against the well supplied shills
>I fought from the beginning when it started with spamming polls and online surveys
>then came the Tumblr raids, dropping redpills on facebook under fake accounts, shitposting on yik yak
>I saw it to the end when it came down to putting his name on the ballot
>we didn't do it for fame or fortune, we did it for you son