Please, enlighten me Sup Forums
Is this guy planted opposition or a guenine autist
This shit is even in the french MSM, who is this retard seriously ?
It's nice to boost my thread kiwi but I don't see the connexion with CTR, explain yourself.
>he thinks i havnt been bump locked
'hail trump'?
In his whiney feminine voice?
This dude is an idiot
Read the most recent radix journal post the dude is legit.
He is a FED.
>everyone I don't like is controlled opposition
Just admit that there are people like you who are retarded and make you look bad a result
doesn't matter what he is
extremist views are not productive
furthermore, this board is only opposed to jews because of their lies and evil, we have never been part any group, real or imaginary
Neither, he is the glorious leader of Sup Forums
Are you a plant? no seriously, there are 50 other threads of this guy and you make another without checking. Are you a fucking plant?
>yeah hes totally not Sup Forums everyone lets hate him for absolutely nothing
Who cares about his shitty blog ?, Why does he suddenly have intention at an international scale like the OP points it ? This guy was a "litteral who ?" 2 days ago and now he is in the fucking Der Spiegel and Le Monde.
It's a fucking media plant, they built a narrative of "le ebil racist Trump supporter" but they ridiculized themselves by blaming a fucking cartoon frog.
Now they are moving to next stage with "le nazi alt right" and with this type of demonstration it will gain traction among the normies, guaranteed.
>jews trying to fragment Sup Forums by infiltrating with some larp
Hahaha they actually think they can stop us. Soon all the pedophiles will be killed on a massive scale, all across the world.
The jewish race will be exterminated this century along with them.
Swedish newspaper had a interview with him a couple of weeks ago.
What is a FED ?
>Sup Forums needs a spokeperson
End yourself leaf
Only autistic and controlled opposition
What about Richard Spencer did nothing wrong?
in that case vote for the"autism" option and then proceed to get yourself tested for autism also
>he mentions Sup Forums as if he's our spokesperson
nope, only milo does that because he's an attention whore faggot.
Fuck off frenchie elect marion already.
Stop defending your master leaf, where do you even come from ? Does this guy have a community ? How many are you there ?
>singapore saying someone else is autistic
>This guy was a "litteral who ?" 2 days ago
If you didn't know who the guy was 2 days ago you don't know anything about the alt-right
>It's a fucking media plant
So the media planted him years ago when he coined the term? Wow, truly playing the long game.
>oy vey i made 80 threads trying to crush Richard and people keep resisting my shilling
Stop making threads shlomo make something more interesting to shitpost on
yeah, a legit fucking autist
I'm from the usa, just traveling abroad
imo it seems he's a genuine autist thats been thrust into the spotlight by our opposition because they know his autism will discredit us
Had anyone heard of this guy before this week?
As I said to the german above, if you had never heard of the guy, you don't know anything about the alt-right so why are you complaining about him?
He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
>He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
>He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
>He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
>He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
>He has got to go back to his concrete bunker
I assumed that the MSM was attacking natsoc, which I do know about and believe in. But I don't know this guy or what he stands for so I feel it isn't right for them to attack my beliefs based on his.
the "alt-right" in general has been pushed by the opposition to discredit anyone who supports trump and doesnt fit the libcuck, conservicuck, or bernie socialist dichotomy.
the media keeps pushing this autismo because he makes trump supporters look bad to everyone else.
>the "alt-right" in general has been pushed by the opposition
The alt-right has existed for years before anyone in the MSM talked about it, there are forums, podcasts, youtube channels and so on that belong to it. As the guy who coined the term and organized a lot of stuff relevant to it (vanguard, radix, npi) he's an important figure in it.
If you don't know about any of this, fine, but why care? If you're not in the alt right and you're not fine with being associated with it just say you're not a white nationalist and it's done.
Idk but the whole hail trump and doing the nazi salute thing is incredibly cringe. Why co opt some other nationalist movement, to be edgy? They look autistic. I am very Jew skeptic and pro white but being a neo nazi is some brain dead shit. Alt right had a chance to be its own, new, fresh, American nationalist movement. Now it's being cucked by these faggots
>If you didn't know who the guy was 2 days ago you don't know anything about the alt-right
I know the alt-right doesn't exist, it's a pure mediatic creation that goes from Gamergate, to MGTOW, to Sup Forums and Molymeme, everything calling out the media leftist bullshit.
We are paleoconservatives at core, nazi stuff is funny because it triggers people and has good material on kikes, but that's something you keep for the backstore and not bring on the forefront, just look at Trump or Farage.
>So the media planted him years ago when he coined the term? Wow, truly playing the long game.
They didn't plant him in advance, but they digged a bit and proposed him to give him 15 minutes of fame, since he is desesperate to sell his books/t-shirts and having attention he took it and he said himself: let's make the buzz and yell "heil Trump".
The medias are now ecstatic because they finally have their "evil nazi iconography" (you know: the ultimate enemy of the US, the ones we are still making video games about killing them 70 years after), the thing they craved for during months with Trump supporters in order to poison the movement and disgust patriots and legit conservatives, all their demonization finally found a justification today in a 3 minutes video.
Now everytime we will say something they will throw us back to this guy, "Richard Spencer the leader of the alt right".
Nice imagination leaf, the only one I see shilling here is you.
Amusingly he's always been very vocal about the nazi LARPers and he's done quite a bit to mold the scene into something more acceptable to the normies. In the video he doesn't actually salute he just raises his glass but i also think the "hail victory, hail trump" was a mistake. It will blow over soon, no damage has really been done.
>I know the alt-right doesn't exist
lol wut
>it's a pure mediatic creation
That's amazing because I knew people in the alt-right before the media talked about it. The term alt-right is older than any reference to it in the media. It's almost like you've no idea what you're saying.
>Gamergate, to MGTOW, to Sup Forums and Molymeme
Nothing of that is alt-right. Maybe molymeme has become such recently, pol is so hopeleslly cluttered it can't be anything.
Just admit you don't know anything about it. Have you ever heard of radix/npi? TRS?
That's right goy, keep clinging to your "alt right doesn't exist" egalitarian dream
Genuine autist, just like the rest of Sup Forums.
>Now everytime we will say something they will throw us back to this guy, "Richard Spencer the leader of the alt right".
This is why many other anons and I were adamantly opposed to accepting the media labeling us as alt-right. We saw this trap coming and to no great surprise, the exact same people who demanded we blithely walk into the trap are the ones who expect us to pull ourselves deeper into the trap and rally to the defense of some walking toxic waste dump that wants to tie himself to the presidency.
The alt-right as coined by Richard Spencer exists.
The alt-right as coined by the media does not.
This--the guy is either retarded or cognizant he's being used by Jews. What an autist faggot.
He's not tied to the presidency this is just MSM trying to paint a narrative and you've taken it as if it was your own. Literally the only people who care about sieg hails are tumblr and numales
Truth was spoken. This is JIDF's new strategy. They lost so they're butthurt and they're trying to create a new David Duke controlled opposition faggot. I wonder what (((Richard Spencer))) did to be blackmailed into doing all this shit for jew media like (((Huffpo))), (((the Atlantic))) and so forth.
Part of how you know it's fake is how like simultaneously every site was hit with his no-name faggot. JIDF will be out there saying OHHH this Goy was famous! He was a well known activist and so forth, and yet everyone real on /pol knew this faggot was obscure to say the least.
And so when we see reports of this guy on every major MSM outlet in the US as well as abroad, one just has to say, "whacha doin' rabbi?"
Could it be a media stunt? His face sure gets alot of coverage now.
And this fucking Jew Canadian has been spamming this shit for 48 hours straight. How's it goin' rabbi?
Exactly, they had to create a label for us and give us a leader so they could attack us
>Trump gets called a Nazi for a year straight
>still wins
fuck off with this anti nazi shit it stopped working why would it keep working now?
>be Obongo, faced with ctrl-alt-delete-right
>no idea what do, oh I know
>go ask Merkel she knows best
>look Omongo, have you ever heard of the NPD?
Trump got in DESPITE you jew-faggots trying to define him as a Nazi.
>Its Sup Forums thinks that they can change the world in their basements with meme magic thread
exactly which means the term nazi is nothing now. People have been dissociated from it. Think about repeating a word over and over again, it tends to lose its meaning. This just expedites it's failure.
It's the concern-troll jew who thinks we can't post.
>oy vey denounce your heritage least people think you're a racist
>you dont want to be deemed a racist right goy?
>don't through away your shackles or you get the whip
the only shlomo here is you.
>That's amazing because I knew people in the alt-right before the media talked about it. The term alt-right is older than any reference to it in the media. It's almost like you've no idea what you're saying.
Who give a fuck ? Anti-semitsm was defined originally as prejudice on population living the Levant, now it describes the hate for jews.
Inventing a word doesn't matter, what matters is its popular definition.
If you are happy with identifying as a strawman, what can I say ? You are just an idiot.
>Nothing of that is alt-right.
Maybe it isn't for you, sadly you don't decide what can and what can't be, the MSM are deciding it right now, so it's either you reject the brand and remain a headache them or you let yourself be on the defensive and strawmaned.
>Have you ever heard of radix/npi? TRS?
Of course I didn't and that's the fucking problem, I'm on Sup Forums since 3 years, I read a correct amount of books/articles and this guy show up from nowhere, present himself as one of the "alt right leaders" (everything people carefully avoided to do until now because we know they have power to poison some specific words) and throw a "heil Trump" and his dumb faggot supporters do a roman salute while being filmed by MSM.
Lol. New JIDF strategy:
>Just Ignore it goy! Shhh!
You're such a snake. Jews truly are a pit of vipers.
Whatever he's doing it's apparently working on libshit women
None of the above, faggot.
if you're gonna call me a jew at least drop good redpills or expand my shlomo folder. Your isreal flag is not worthy of my meme folder.
>ITT: r/the_donald
Oh did I catch you again with your double-speak, Jew? On one hand, "Ignore it, goy", on the other hand "You're the Jew!"
You jews are fuggin borderline schizo. Is it hard to keep you shit straight with that jew brain of yours?
>This guy was a "litteral who ?" 2 days ago and now he is in the fucking Der Spiegel and Le Monde.
I hate how this is the dominant fucking mentality of Sup Forums because it shows just how much they know fuck all about what they talk about.
I vote that he's autistic even though I admire the guy a lot and would love to meet him. He's a through-and-though white nationalist and back in the day was a friend of Jonathan Bowden, even when the Alt Right was in its infancy. That's how I found him and I've known about him and followed his work since. Clearly Sup Forums is full of trendy edgelords who don't know a thing or two about what they proclaim to support.
nice it's clear you dont know what > or you just pretend to not know
Controlled opposition if there ever was some. They are trying to create heads for the movement since they realised that they can't win against a Hydra. i had never heard of him before the heil Hitler shit and now he's played up to have been a leader for years, going as far as claiming that he was the one coining the term alt-right.
>/pol proclaims to support Nazis
Who's the edge-lord here?
Yeah as if we were ever this (((alt-right))) shit to begin with. Fucking jewish tricks have no end.
Sup Forums has become diet Sup Forums.
Time to fucking leave this cesspool. Thanks for killing my board you cucked r/theDonald milofags. Hope you all get cancer
No, we're being invaded by shills and we've already been outnumbered by normies from plebbit since last month.
The type of normies who unironically support Kanye, diss Tila, get on shilling bandwagons because of "oy vey antisemitism".
They hate on Richard even though he's not like Lauren Southern type of "i hate anti-semites". The same group who believes "the alt right aren't white nationalists". All of them can go back to plebbit and turn leftists for all I care, seriously fuck em.
lmao this Spencer dude is such a fucking retard. He even mimmicks Hitlers gestures during his speech. What a fucking tool
>cites more (((controlled opposition)))
Fucking OUT OUT OUT with you kike leafs, Jesus!
Sieg fuck off!
Autist who's being used by the media to smear Trump & us.
>oy vey don't lump us in with Nazis because we aren't white nationalists
why are you even posting on this board?
Original movement was faceless. Pepe is the face.
Normies are not ok with this, neither leftist are.
So expect a whole bunch of cringeworthy and utterly retarded alt-right "founders", "inventors" and "leaders".
They will pick up most dusgusting attention whore and let him say any retarded shit that comes into his mind and then air it 24/7 untill every facbook bydlo on this planet start associate alt-right with him.
makes me glad that i am not an alt righter
are you a bot? normally people reply to someone or they post a self standing critique.
That you newfags only found out about him recently because you only follow mainstream media says more about you than him.
Also, the alt-right has been a thing long before this election: The appropriation of the term by people who aren't white nationalists is something much more recent.
They're going to do it anyway, you unbelievable cuck. You're literally just like republicans that supported Jeb or Kasich because they didn't say naughty things all the time
this guy is not some organic phenomenon, he's a kike-shill. A neo-David Duke.
Pretty much this, adopting a label is basically creating a shackle, when an idiot say something stupid we just don't have to give a fuck and mock people linking us to him, the moment people rally on the same label though you become obliged to defend or renounce him because you are attacked too in the process.
Fuck this, I want Sup Forums to be tied to Sup Forums, Trump had the perfect strategy about this, he took our support on social medias but never recognized us, you never heard him saying "alt right" because it doesn't exist.
Ledias just looked like a bunch of conspiracy theorists when they talked about "alt right" and people asked them "but who is the alt right" and they couldn't point toward anyone since there is no head.
Now this faggot ruined this, fuck him for being so stupid and failing to grasp something that even the youtube e-celebs could.
True but cutting the heads of people who stand for the movement and allowing us to pretend to not support them because we're not "racists" or white nationalists is self defeating as well.
>Implying user are JIDF shills
How to NOT win friends and how to NOT influence people. Come up with a new strategy, before you make user weaponize the autism.
You are a Jew. Normally people aren't obsessed with supporting an obvious jew shill and autist.
you should have voted for hillary
This Frenchman is right!
So jews are better than you? Some ubermensch you are.
I don't care about making friends with jews. They are the devil, Hyde.
Normally, people who call everyone else a jew with no support facts and keep posting shitty images that don't break the already low bar set for memes, are shills themselves.
domarigato mister roboto.
>waaaah boo hoo Spencer triggered the normies
Spencer has been around for about a decade; he's on our side. We've had people like Taylor who have attempted a soft-handed approach for several decades, but we've gotten nowhere. Normies react to obnoxious Nazi chic, so it's time we start plastering our movement with swastikas, and fidget our thumbs while we wait for the normies to stop calling us racist Nazis and finally pick up some of our racist, national-socialist literature.
Oh no the leftist media will call us racist ;__;
We should just hide in the shadows and shut up so no one gets offended.
>Czech republic incharge of shitposting
pick a better proxy faggot
Anyone who calls himself "alt-right" here is a clueless moron, useful idiot, a newfag, or a shill, doing the work of the kikes.
We didn't coin the term, we didn't label ourselves with it, and that term wasn't even used here until very recently.
It is just a label the kike media is using to paint all those who go against the narrative. Falling for that kikery is foolish.
he's literally no one.