who wins the norwegian Sup Forums vote? i see the strongest candidates being KrF and FrP, though they are both very flawed.
Who wins the norwegian Sup Forums vote? i see the strongest candidates being KrF and FrP...
FrP obviously. Only anti-immigration party.
here is a semi accurate map of the parties.
KRF is literal fucking cancer. That this bullshit party actually gets votes is beyond me, even more so that a party that gets 5% of the votes is able to have such a huge impact on the policies being made.
If you take into account other countries like US, all those parties would pretty much be in the same little cluster.
None of those parties are as Anarchistic & Authoritarian or Right wing as shown here.
they fell too hard for the kike capitalist meme though. both of them are against eu, but frp will abolish the sunday "lock", which will remove the "family day" for many.
Good, fuck the Sabbath
FrP is pretty cucked. Hagen got rid of the nationalists in the early 2000s, I bet he regrets that now. There are a couple cool guys, like Sandberg and Tybring-Gjedde. But Gjedde allegedly tried to form a new party recently, so yeah I'll take that as FrP is pretty cucked.
>yes goyim, fuck having a day with your family every week, you must work to get shekels!
back to your ant colony in beijing
Our goverment is 50% ruled by the Green party who got like 3% in recent polls :-)
>3 fatties and a manlet
Sounds like a band.
does christ chan support KrF?
Why are they all fat old women? Norskjävlar förklara er
>Calling me a Jew while defending a Jewish tradition
If you work in a fucking supermarket that's ur own damn fault. Get a real job.
Define real work.
Anything that doesn't involve asking costumers if they want paper or plastic
That is a real work just like any other.
Also, I get that you have some other work. So this is, Fuck you, I have mine? We can then just ignore your opinion as this doesn't affect you.
It does affect me. I don't want the 0.01% of the population that failed to get any actual deciding whether or not I can buy shit on Sunday, because they want some Jewish tradition.
It doesn't really affect them either, you can't go over your work quota per week
>voting for whales
But they will get spaghetti days off that are very difficult to balance with your family, specially if both parents work or have kids.
>buying things takes no time from doing family activities
How hard is it to do any major shopping any other day? There is still small stores and kiosks open on Sundays.
I don't care that it's an old rule from when Norway was much more religous, christian by the way. Not jewish, stupid to think so regarding how the Norwegian government treated jews until recently.
And for me it's part consumerism, a day without it is only good.
steikje så gode siffer!
>boo hoo might have to work Sundays oh no!
Grow the fuck up Bjorn. It's time to act like an adult.