What did he mean by this?
"We are children of the sun"
Other urls found in this thread:
we're diurnal duh
We wuz Sun godz n sheeeeit
Dick was showing his autism level in public
We need to embrace our pagan roots
OMG he is an evil NAZIIIII.
We need to make people realize that the Alt Right is all about civic nationalism and protecting homosexuals from evil nazis and Muslims. Thats y Milo should be the leader of the Alt Right, and we shouldnt adopt White Nationalism. Also sage.
based spencer
Have you ever been more embarassed than you were when you saw that video?
I thought I had cringe immunity but WOW
>I'm an autistic LARPer and a faggot
that's what he meant
Sounds like, in addition to being a Nazi larping faggot, he's a pagan larping faggot.
You need to realize that there is no such thing as the alt-right.
Milo is a faggot too.
No leaders, no labels
The Black Sun.
He is marking his following for Death.
>protecting homosexuals
ya sure just step in this oven faggot. it'll protect you just fine.
>tfw Ricky Spencer's speech was fucking amazing
The alt right doesn't exist. It's just a catch-all phrase for contrarians and people frustrated with the arrogance of left-wing postmodernists.
Ausitm. Many such cases.
Hail Trump
>the Alt Right is all about civic nationalism
fucking cucks
"civic nationalism" is the thing that promotes mass immigration & amnesty to illegals
>install plant
>initiate media coverage
>plant gains traction
>draft in next level script writers
That's not even the beginning, sun worship goes much older.
Yes it does lmao. You fucking cuck.
You can be civic nationalist with upholding the rule of law and having stricter immigration standards.
You have to be 18+ to post here
I have autism and I need help.
He means he is a Jew.
Well, if you knew about Zoroastrianism, what it is about, that it was the first religion, Aryan religion (Buddhism and Hindiuism is there too), and that the people in the persian region were caucasian, you'd understand what he meant.
Meme spouting faggot.
Dark souls, you ignorant fucks.
Promoting civic nationalism, while the spics, jews, niggers have been engaging in their racial identity politics, is just promoting defeat
Civic nationalism is the multi-culti garbage we've been against all along
As well according to the laws of politics, anything that is not explicitly right wing, inevitably becomes left wing.
We must be EXPLICIT in our racialist views
>Be self proclaimed (((leader))) of the (((alt right)))
>doesn't even attmept to act serious
>doesn't even go for speech coaching
This plant is too obvious
It's a reference
>We are children of the sun
Same applies for everybody.
Your point? Sun Gods were and still are the main gods throughout most religions as they were for thousands and thousands of years, every human being has a legal claim to call themselves a child of the sun
Well, you didn't ge the point then. And you didn't even look into it.
I think you're the one who misunderstands something here. I studied religions and studied the Aryans as well, well enough to know what I'm talking about.
>Talking about Apollonism when he has 0 actual understanding it
>Dresses up like a fetishist
>le seig heil
What a joke
This is all controlled opposition. Hillary was supposed to have won and this white nigger jew puppet was supposed to be the dying voice of the white man. Its all scripted
Based. PR faggots pls go
Serious answer: a lot of Aryan metahistory types believe (abstractly, generally) in some Aryan urcult of sun-god worship. It's pretty Victorian.
Using your logic, Trump was supposed to have won and bring up all his kids are with Jews and he's surrounding himself with Jews.
Probably a reference to the swastika being an ancient symbol of the sun.
> To pass from theological and philosophical truth to the truth of civil business; it will be acknowledged even by those that practise it not, that clear and round dealing is the honor of man’s nature; and that mixture of falsehood is like alloy in coin of gold and silver, which may make the metal work the better, but it embaseth it. For these winding and crooked courses are the goings of the serpent; which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet. There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious. And therefore Montaigne saith prettily, when he inquired the reason why the word of the lie should be such a disgrace and such an odious charge. Saith he, If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth, is as much to say, as that he is brave towards God and a coward towards men. For a lie faces God, and shrinks from man. Surely the wickedness of falsehood and breach of faith cannot possibly be so highly expressed, as in that it shall be the last peal to call the judgments of God upon the generations of men; it being foretold that when Christ cometh, he shall not find faith upon the earth.
>Sup Forums discovers pizzagate
>jews activate larp.jpg and nyt shills
>jews actually think we have leaders
>don't realize we worship a God of chaos and by our very nature shun the idea of unity and leadership
Day of the rope is coming you pedophile subhuman filth.
Pre-christian Indo-european reference.
I watched some parts of the npi conference live through redice and saw a pretty damn white-looking Iranian talk about the connection between Iran and Europe and that the first white genocide happened in ancient Iran, which was pretty interesting.
No one cares, literally and unironically.
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right".