I'm a french, on this forum :
they say Sup Forums/pol is part of the deepweb, is it true ?
is it safe to come here without VNP ?
I'm a french, on this forum :
they say Sup Forums/pol is part of the deepweb, is it true ?
is it safe to come here without VNP ?
nan c'est des conneries
don't hesitate to respond, France knows the secret of Sup Forums.
Go avaler 30G de paracétamol enfant de viol.
comment ça ? sur l'iceberg on voit qu'il est sou l'eau
pkoi ?
Sale fils de pute je te pissé à la gueule
T une pute comme ta mere enft
>going on Sup Forums without a proxy
on this forum they say very often Sup Forums is the deepweb, so is it true ?
Pour t'empoisonner.
Le paracétamol est létal à haute dose.
Sale merde va, ouvre plus ta grande gueule connard
why do you want to suck my dick ? are you pédé ?
Baffer un corbeau en cage est passible de 4 ans de taule fdp
Encore les mêmes fils de putes qui nous embarassent.
Dégagez d'ici bande d'enfants de tournante, personne ne veut de vous (Sup Forums compris).
Toujours les mêmes sous-merdes qui viennent polluer ici.
Allez vous entre-sucer avec vos ;hap; et ;noel;.
not nice for the crow
Sup Forums est sur le clearnet vu que tu peux y accéder avec un simple web browser, tout comme une bonne partie des sites situés en dessous de l'eau dans ton image.
Depuis quand est-il devenu acceptable de trip sur Sup Forums?
Newfags pls leave
in english please
Neither of these CP sites exist anymore
Nique ta mère suceur de gros lards américain.
Que ta mère crève demain.
Casse ta mere de la fdp
merci, I'm rassured
Sur Sup Forums c'est le premier qui fait une allusion a JVC qui est durement lynchés par les autres.
>Ylilauta in the red segment
Top kek.
Sup Forums is reddit tier now
No, it's not
Since we colonized reddit it has backfired on us
What redditors and DHS don't realize is we are here for years, they are here for a few months
it's not deep web since it's indexed by google
Ta gueule petite pute
Shut up little bitch
thank you from France, so indedd Sup Forums is on google so it is not the deepweb,
Jeuxvideo.com was wrong after all
No we're not on the deepweb
You can get here by typing into any search engine.
That means we are not the deepweb if it's that fucking easy to get here.
no and go fuck yourself
go back to 18-25
la chancla
thank you, I rassured again, the internet is so dangerous today
thank you, I'm rassured again, the internet is so dangerous today
Not deep web, deep state
what is deep state ? is it dangerous ?
Mai Nigga
La chancla ! Indeed Sup Forums is on the deep side of web !
personne n’a oublié à ce sujet
>using a proxy
>being able to hide from alphabet agencies as a civilian
Ce topic
>Sup Forums(-Sup Forums)
Nega Sup Forums?
Mélenchon and the 18-25 will succeed
in all honesty they've been collecting shit for how long?
how long ago did you figure out how to hide your ass?
too late
no point
Are any of the ones in the top two segments even real?
Wtf is all that shit
If the agencies wanted you then they would find and take you.
Why are French people ALWAYS newfags who can't speak English properly?
Marine4ever fdp
it's because we are open minded, speaking ban english is not a problem for frenchbro, only the main idea is important
we are the civilisation of the concept
it's because we are open minded, speaking bad english is not a problem for frenchbro, only the main idea is important
we are the civilisation of the concept
Can you speak french properly ? Most of canadian people either only speak english as their native language and a tiny bit of french or speak a gramatically butchered french as their native language and a good english
Refusing to properly learn the most important international language is not a sign of open-mindedness.
Oui, je parles Français parfaitement.
Literally the french equivalent of reddit. Go back there.
C'est pour ça que tu as fait une faute…
Il n'y a pas de s à "parles"
fugg :DDDDDD
refusing ? LOL
Ok, "parfaitement" est peut-être une exagération, mais c'est toujours mieux que la façons dont les Français écrivent en Anglais.
No. Now fuck off back to your shitty forum.
>deep web private programs for connection with password
>public accessible web page (tor, torrents, chans)
pick one
Sup Forums has been mainstream as fuck for AT LEAST a decade now, frog.
>je parles français parfaitement
Mdr bravo feuille
All those pedo boards are dead now
>la façons
Le pluriel c'est le problème évidement
NOOOOOOO petit suisse
I will come back belgiumbro
prove it !!!
Admittedly spelling things in French can be hard, especially at the end of words since there are so many convoluted rules and silent letters, but at least you can't deny that my French was grammatically correct and perfectly understandable, which is more than you can say about the average frog's English.
Mouais, peut être, c'est vrai qu'il y a de grosses lacunes chez la plupart des français, même beaucoup de nos ingénieurs qui sont censés avoir un bon niveau sont nuls j'ai l'impression…
J'imagine que c'est surtout à cause des médias : tout est en français, télé, cinéma, journaux, radio
Dans les pays scandinaves par exemple il y a beaucoup de trucs en anglais, d'ou cette différence de niveau à mon avis
C'est dommage, l'anglais est une belle langue et je la trouve plus moderne que le français qui se fait vieux et est assez chiante à apprendre…
Du coup on a une population qui fait plein de fautes en français et qui ne sait pas parler anglais, c'est un peu con, il faudrait limite n'apprendre que l'anglais…
>Not knowing about healthpacks
You sure are new here.
So this isn't even a meme. This is actually where most frenchfags come from.
Tu dois retourner. Retourner dans ton forum d'endiguement.
I'm a leader of Sup Forums since 1998
Nigger. Go to google and type "Sup Forums". Do you see any *.Sup Forums.org/* links? That means it's not deep web.
Deep web are websites that are not being indexed by major search engines.
Dirrection poubelle
fresh off the boat from retarddit kid?
>Literally the french equivalent of reddit.
How the fuck does that work? Why do you fags end up there instead of browsing the english web like normal people.
There's even a french reddit but they still wash up on an inane french video game website to socialize. How more inept at using the internet can you get?
>our board isn't listed
Guter goy
the fug is godchan?
For the non-frogs what I explained is that the main reason for the lack of skill of french people in english is the fact that at the opposite of some countries such as norway or sweden where TV and the medias are often in english, everything is translated in France.
In theaters and on TV, movies have french dubbing, as well as TVshows so there is almost no point for the average french person to learn english…
And a sad thing is that french is a difficult and aging so most youngsters cannot either spell it right or speak english right.
you mean medkits
ok, mate.
it come from here, I posted it, we love Sup Forums, we are little french childs
it come from here, I posted it, we love Sup Forums, we are little french children
HEY whats the site with the greek letter "mu" logo in OP's pic.
sorry in advance that I don't know all there is to know about the internet thanks
These insults sound like what a mentally retarded teenager would come up with. They're bad, your language is irrelevant and you should feel bad.
Sup Forums is literally mainstream
It has been on the MSM for years ever since the whole scientology shit
>Attempted board disruption