Well, Sup Forums? The facts speak for themselves.
Well, Sup Forums? The facts speak for themselves
Trump is probably working for wallstreet jews just like every president since JFK (excluding Carter).
Rhetoric is cheap. I'll have loyalty to him AFTER he deports illegal immigrants. AFTER he jails crooked bankers. AFTER he reopens the 9/11 investigation. etc etc
it means that paying 25 M is cheaper than wasting 40 M and years of your life only to demonstrate you are innocent
Don't post this bullshit on here.
What about if people who know facts about someone commit suicide by gunshot to the back of the head?
Does that suggest foul play and massive corruption?
give some qt3.14 pussi pls b0ss.
That's something Jeb would never do
Gib rollerino
kek. occupy got coopted by the very people they formed to oppose.
maybe the mods should do their fucking jobs
Should have the unimportant person's picture taken out of the image
Whoever operates occupy democrats needs to be gassed.
So what about Bill and Paula Jones who he paid?
gross, i got greek, average tits, loose, chubby, anal gangbanger.
gonna re-roll that.
what was the fraud?
what was he accused of?
>court costs increase exponentially
>poor people are happy to find $5 on the street
>settling makes everyone happy in the end and it is Pareto efficient
This is why we need court reform and also why peole should have basic legal knowledge of the court system
>so buttblasted he needs to derail the thread
Fucking retards don't know what settling is about
It's like assuming someone is guilty of a crime just because they plead guilty
Almost perfect,damn.
Guilty before proven innocent huh?
This burger is right.
Words are meaningless
I don't about this guy but wasting time on something that has lesser yield ,and more liability on the long run, than what you currently have is fucking retarded.
> continuing a self destructive welfare system
> counter intuitive / almost scorched earth method of middle eastern warfare.
> Funding fucking mercenaries to fund your war.
No wonder democrats have no business sense.
>Constanza face
>average tats
>unfuckable pussi
>boyish body
>into femdom and furry
>loaded and shut-in
>borderline personality disorder
>virgin waifu
Jesus christ am I cursed?
Cmon cutie.
>what was the fraud?
>what was he accused of?
nobody knows what he did do they?
Kek, nice one
These posts are disruptive and you will probs get banned for a day
Awww poor little shill.
Came to see OP's flag; was not disappointed
lets see my waifu
>implying there are mods
>implying the entire thread isn't a shill thread
>Butter face with huge tits and curves who likes thin boys and is a kiddy diddler. But she's rich
Feels good
Brilliant businessman.
Almost Swiss-tier shenanigans.
lets see
A settlement exactly the same as a guilty verdict, oh wait
>Unfuckable pussy
Are you retard?
Inny pussy is best pussy
>ok face
>Tiny tits
>Loose pussy
>Curvy body
>prefers buff furries
>Gamergurl that plays vidya
Fuck this
By your logic bill is guilty of rape as he settled outside of court to
roll that shit
Sup Forums mods are a fucking joke.
60% of threads here are not Sup Forums related and the mods don't give a fuck
rollin just to c
The fact is Hillary lost.
Gimme some HUUUGE ones
>newfag spotted
Thread just has to be politically incorrect, much like Sweden's immigration policy.
>waaah my occupy democrats shill thread got shut down
sweet, got the HUUGE tits and skinny bod, face & everything else is shit tho
>Redhead bitchface
>massive tits
>very tight pussi
>group sex cum lover
>Brony bookworm
Eh, could be worse
Rolling down the river
The fact: When a case is settled everyone gets what they wanted, otherwise they would not agree to settle.
Tens of thousands of fraud cases get settled every year... most often because it's cheaper for a company to settle than to waste money on court fees
So by your logic, Bill Clinton is confirmed a rapist?
ok this is now a waifu thread
Are there any articles not from left leaning media about this?
My point stands.
You mean like Bill Clinton paying a $800K settlement for rape? Oh shit I love things blowing up in your liberal faces...and for ONCE, its not a dick shooting cum in your eye faggot.
Thank you based aussie
oh dear god pls deliver
I mean.. people give hell to Bill for settling a fucking sexual assault case
What do we do with this WHERE Trump settles and he uses Presidency as the base?
Who's to say this thread isn't politically incorrect? Does the fact that if you don't reply to this, your mother will die tomorrow make this politically correct?
>loose puss
>Face Piercings
Lemme get that waifu
waifu get
Why are there so many retarded liberals in my country?
fact is spending a shit load of money on defense doesn't mean you're guilty.
lmao leftists are retards
Rolling famalam
oy vey goyim
rolling, should be interesting.
This, people assume that if a bussiness pays out they are guilty and don't realize it's cheaper and less time consuming to settle out of court
please be 7/10 average qt3.14
>bond only $1M
if she's a good counterfeiter she'll be out by lunch
For Melania
still not as bad as bernie sanders who want taxpayers to pay donald trump so that dumb niggers can go to trump university for free
>You just got in the White House and you don't want silly shit annoying you while you're busy
>$25 million is like a penny in a quarter stack to you
>What to do... what to do...
King Rolo
gotta roll
Alright, I'll bite