There is literally nothing wrong with Justin Trudeau.
There is literally nothing wrong with Justin Trudeau
Hello Sup Forums it is clear we have a problem with Canadian shills on this board. They are more than likely funded by the effeminate cuck Justin Trudeau and are here only to disrupt our community.
According to Hirohito all boards are allowed to enact changes if they can get a consensus. So i ask every user on Sup Forums should we enact a final solution and range ban every leaf from the board.
I will be running this poll over the week until we have a final solution to the Canadian question. If we decide to exterminate every leaf i will then present that decision to the honorable Hirohito.
I agree. Thank you. He is an amazing leader, very dedicated to progressive values and he fixed our economy.
Sup Forums BTFO as usual.
>internally crying
That's not what "literally" means.
The only reason he wasn't murdered yet is because he would win that way
Why are you such an autist?
the day of the rake will come soon enough for you, leaf
LOL at this wacky bird, may I save this image?
>Canadian complaining about autisim
Go right ahead friend. :)
>New Zealand
You are America's hat and a failed colony
>Failed colony
>G8 nation
Try harder Anglo scum
He's a racist
He appointed the first Sikh cabinet member in history
You are the laughing stock of the anglosphere mate.
Yes, he went out of his way to elect a member of this race, racist. The fact that he hails it as an achievement is evidence.
How long are you going to Fuck Alberta?
Communism when?
Enjoy your worthless diversity points.
Fuck off Leaf, he's done more damage in a year then Harper did in 9. He's like his father, only without a spine, the one redeeming quality P.E.T. had.
Can't wait until 2019 when we get 10 more years of Tory rule.
Sup Forums has redpilled me on canadians, every one of you faggots is worse than muds and nogs. Luckily the day of the rake is coming soon. Get fucked Canada.
Of course there isn't. Faulting him for not having a penis would be sexist.
are you absolutely retarted?
If you ban the leafs, they win.
No, not since he can absolve all his sins with jihad. He's all sorted now.
He panders to immature liberalism and has shown poor economic sense. He is a populist leader in a country stuffed with narcissists and drama brats.
I would kill you, but you'd win so nevermind.
Face it, your governments love us. Your people love us. Americans traveling abroad wear Canadian flags to avoid dirty looks and spit in their food. The mighty leaf will shitpost into eternity and there is nothing you can do but cry harder.
>double doubles
Kek confirms the eternal leaf
>sold Canada's gold reserves
>frequently meets with Soros
Really makes you think
If Trudeau blows something up, does every Canadian go to paradise or just his immediate family?
Tell me ten years in the future.
What's it like being one of the poorest nations in the EU?
I'm doing fine thanks.
What is like being one of the cuckest nations on earth?
The liberals are a fucking joke. Do you like the fact that they are blowing the people's money right in our faces? That they are pushing for a bill that is going to compel you to use certain words (C-16). That they are closing down our countries biggest industries that cause job loss for tens of thousands of Canadians. Pic related is just on instance of how completely corrupt the liberal government is. While they kick people out of their jobs they are busy buying luxury cars on our dime!
Fuck off, now.
>10th largest economy in the world
>ridiculous amounts of oil
>all of europe's best cultures are well represented
>beautiful women
>comfy weather
bretty gud m8
When will Canada become great again?
i agree it mostly americans talking shit about him they are just jealous they dont have a leader like ours
>jealous they don't have a leader like ours
Why have a cuck for a leader when you can have a God?
>implying trump isnt an orange flip flopping cheeto
Make Canada Wonderful Again
This may be our chance . I've looked at the candidates and this guy is our best bet to MCGA, imo.
This is bait. The liberals are terrible and everyone who has more then two brain cells to rub together knows it.
This was a reply to this
Upset because you haven't been groomed by the Islamic gangs I see.
Can we shitpost and meme this guy into power?
We are leafs after all!
Shitposting is what we are best at!
Sorry fellow Canadian of European decent, but next election is lost as well, we're being over run with immigrants who will keep voting for increased immigration.
We've lost, our only hope is to split up the nation.
worth it for weed.
Send all the libs and pakis to queerbec and give them the independence they want so bad. Watch how quickly they destroy themselves
He's done fuckall and won on "dude weed lmao"
Yeah, no. That could have been done without ruining our economy. In fact it could have been done in a way that would have been a major boost to it. The liberals are bad at everything but bullshiting and creating slush funds to enrich them selves.
He's just a globalist and a corporate crony like everyone in the Liberal party. The Left needs a real hero. Too bad Jack Layton died.
degenerates like you who promote the drug culture in this country should be shot
Maye NOT literally... mentally there is something wrong for sure
Castrated anthem ?
Why "Liberal" is called worse-than-soviet TYRANNY ?
Canada is totally degenerate, second only after Sweden hell.
what, don't you like tommy the commie?
Bah, c'est un sale multiculturaliste comme son va overflower le Canada avec encore plus de shitskins...
Thomas "I fire people for being pro-Palestine" Mulcair? I'll pass.
I live in Windsor bruh. If we beat Americans to legalize we are gonna get a legit whole new industry to get jobs from. Tourism, agricultural, manufacturing. Shit bruh. This was like a syringe of gdp growth just waiting to happen. And if he does go with voter reform our WN party can be voted in next time around. Think about the big picture.
dude weed lmao. my nigga trudeau gonna get it done.
I voted to gas the cucknadian scum
The guys whole plan was based on mawfuckin child care. Fuck this nigga. Lemme keep my hard earned dollars i didnt get no kids.
He's an extremist ideologue who is so obsessed with race and gender that it impacts his ability to make rational decisions, making him unfit to lead.
>Think about the big picture.
You mean the picture that happens to involve you? If you're thinking of the big picture you'd be allot more concerned over whats happening to our oil industry. Literally our biggest industry. Don't be an idiot.
Like Donald Justin Trudeau. Ahahaah
Oil industry is cya bye anyway. Don't fool yourself. And I can't get a job anyway(4th class power engineer) so I need this marijuana thing.
Fine, I hope that works out for you. My point is that the Liberals are a fucking disaster. Also, there is still no guarantee they are going to come through for you in the end. For someone with your skills I would think that last thing you want is a liberal government. You would benefit from an economy that isn't being strangled by their lunacy. As would most people in the country.
>Oil industry is cya bye anyway
And who do you think is to blame for that? Oil is still our biggest industry, btw.
>4th class power engineer
kek, multiple choice question exams.
Get your 2nd class ticket if you want a job.
Everything in 1st world N.America is mediocre right now. Foolish to believe that this was the fault of liberals.
Change in tide of economic powers and the foolish struggle of New World in trying to retain its influence is all this is.
The liberal government has the right idea with trying to get cozy with China and Mexico.
Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Sonya body. Kek.
weedman just wants peace and prosperity worldwide. I mean, it's the current year.
Voted yes. It'd be fun to ban them.
We need the leafs to make fun of them.. and to wipe our ass when outdoors.
Canadians = the best ass wipers.
Either him or Maxime Bernier
It's all the same. You have some vague belief that the president/PM actually controls the success of a Country.
It's naïve and wrong. A country's internal and external affairs are controllable, but its success doesn't depend on itself. It's entirely based off of how everyone is interacting with eachother.
But whatever, I'm on Sup Forums, you guys will undoubtedly shill for some political actor in this political theatre because he 'embodies everything that needs to be right in this country'.
Un Irlandais...fuck nah...
And this.
Leader should be a prototype of Morals.
This one malebitch is a prototype of Degeneracy and anti-Order pro-Chaos destructor...
Pride of Shame - won't change the fact, that it is an abominable SHAME !
>a fucking drama teacher
How the fuck we went from Harper to colossal faggot Trudeau in a single election will forever be a mystery to me.
Dude weed lmao