>Man fired from Immokalee Dunkin' Donuts charged with armed robbery of the shop
>An Immokalee man bent on grabbing some cash from his former workplace, a donut shop, ended up in handcuffs Saturday morning, law enforcement officials said.
>James Taylor, 21, was arrested and charged with grand theft, armed robbery and possession of a short barrel gun.
>Collier County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to an Immokalee Dunkin’ Donuts employee’s 911 call about a robbery. She said a man wearing a bandana came in with a sawed-off shotgun and forced the clerk to the floor.
>After a quick rummage through the register, some drawers in a back office and the tip jar, $350 was taken from the business.
I remember when the first thing you thought about with Florida was beaches and hurricanes.
Now it is niggers and crime.
For instance, here is another dead Treyvon and his family justifying his bad behavior and saying the old white lady shouldn't have shot him while he was robbing her home.
Brayden Lopez
Another Florida Nigger story:
3 Black girls drowned in a stolen car that one of them was driving,
Fleeing from police in a stolen car, in the dead of night, they drive right into a murky, alligator-infested St Petersburg, FL pond.
Gravity does not give the 3 teens extra privileges for being Black, so the car sinks down into the inky vegetation-choked waters..
Black protesters are blaming the police for not rescuing the 3 teens from a water wreck in the alligator infested Florida waters in the night.
>3 teenage female dindus steal car >run red light >chased by cops >drive into pond >car sinks to bottom >cop expected to dive in after them despite it being pitch-black.
Blacks Upset As Hell, Irrationally Blame Police even though the cops stripped off and tried to save them.
Sebastian Nelson
Re-name the lake.
Gabriel Long
Eli Jackson
He looks older than 21 for sure.
Luis Anderson
Pretty normal shit with niggers
Alexander Lee
Jace Smith
Nigger was lucky he wasn't shot.
Like the scholar in pic related, Dante Williams.
Jawan and Dante invade a waffle house with bad intentions.
A lone white man decides that he is not going to be robbed or killed that day.
Pulls his legal weapon and removes one of the threats. Family upset at the white man.
>Nineteen-year-old Dante Williams' family said there is no doubt he entered the Waffle House in Chesnee back in January of 2012 intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.
>FOX Carolina obtained surveillance video from inside the Waffle House that investigators said shows Williams and his accomplice Jawan Craig come into the restaurant. Deputies said Williams is the one seen pointing a gun and demanding money.
>Sitting at the bar area of the restaurant was Justin Harrison, a concealed weapon permit holder, who was armed the night of the robbery.
>"They're yelling 'everybody get down, get down' and I'm not getting on the floor. I am not going to be a victim," Harrison said.
>Harrison said while the men terrorized other customers and staff he was deciding when to act.
>"This was the only time," Harrison said. "If I am going to fight it was that one time. He was approaching me and I saw that as him engaging me."
>The above video shows Williams, gun by his side, walk back toward Harrison, who stands up and fires several shots killing Williams almost instantly.
Yet the police still went in the water after them.
Camden Wright
The South wasn't always famous for misbehaving niggers.
But they are now.
Southern niggers used to know how to behave.
Now they are almost indistinguishable from Northern niggers.
Nicholas Green
My little sister hates niggers and I didn't even have to try, if anything she should have been deterred to agree with me on anything since I'm such a degenerate but they started shipping tons of blacks Into her high school apparently
Ethan Rivera
Nothing will make you dislike niggers more than proximity.
And the libtards want to blame white people for bad nigger behavior.
Never trust niggers.
Pic and link related. Nigger driving the bus where kids died. Nigger arrested. Doesn't bring the kids back.
>The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) has released its annual “Crime in the US” report for 2015, and as has been widely noted, arrests for violent crime were up 3.7 percent over the previous year. Murder–up 11.8 percent–showed a sharper rise than at any time in the last 25 years. This rise in violent crime is a reversal of a steady, almost continuous decline since 1994.
>The BJS reported 10,800,000 arrests in 2015, slightly down from the 11,200,000 in 2014. However, in keeping with the rise in violent crime, arrests for murder were up 4.9 percent to 11,902. Arrests for rape (22,863), robbery (95,527), and aggravated assault (376,154) were all up a few percentage points as well.
>Compared to the total 2014 arrest figures, black arrests for 2015 were up by 123, Hispanic arrests by 62, “Others” (including American Indians and Pacific Islanders) by 54, and whites by only 39. Blacks therefore accounted for 44 percent of the increase from 2014 to 2015, Hispanics for 23 percent, and whites for only 14 percent.
>For offenders whose race was known, the black increase was 447, as opposed a white increase of 221 and a Hispanic increase of 48. By this calculation as well, it is blacks–who were only 13.3 percent of the population–who accounted for the bulk of the rise in murders from 2014 to 2015.
Nathan Long
>tip jar
Elijah Morgan
>Juveniles committed 601 murders, for example, and blacks were arrested for 361 of them, Hispanics for 118, and whites for only 116. When these figures are compared to the under-18 population (whites: 37.8 million, blacks: 9 million, Hispanics: 18.1 million, Asians: 3.5 million) black juveniles are arrested for murder at nearly 19 times the white rate, with Hispanics at 3.6 times the white rate. The arrest multiples for robbery are even more extreme: 35.8 times for blacks and 5 times for Hispanics. Whites were arrested for only 11.8 percent of the 14,142 robberies committed by juveniles in 2015.
>The feds usually know the race and sex of murder victims–but not always. Of the 13,455 bodies recovered by the police in 2015, 78.8 percent were male and 20.9 percent were female, but the sex of 29 victims was unknown. Proportionately, a lot more white (including Hispanic) women are killed–they are 29.5 percent of victims–than black women, who are just 13.1 percent of black victims. This is probably because most whites are killed by other whites, and this includes the usual share of men killing their wives or girlfriends (when a married woman is killed her husband is automatically the prime suspect), whereas a disproportionate number of black-on-black murders involve young men killing each other for trivial or gang-related reasons. Also, there are always a certain number of white (and Hispanic) women killed by black men, but white men almost never kill black women.
>Our analysis of the 2013 data found that of the 650,000 acts of violence involving blacks and whites, blacks were the attackers 85 percent of the time, which meant any given black was 27 times more likely to attack a white than the other way around. It is no doubt because of these dramatic race differences that Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her predecessor Eric Holder have refused to release this data.
Logan Hill
fucking racist gators
Jackson Bennett
Or they grabbed his IQ instead (which makes him the smartest nigger in that part of Florida).
This exactly. If they aren't stabbing you in the back literally, they are stabbing you in the back figuratively.
See pic related, which was at least partly funded with American tax dollars.
A Black organization made a list of all of the bad things about working with white people.
Charles Wright
>black juveniles are arrested for murder at nearly 19 times the white rate
Holy shit. I knew it was bad but 19 to 1. Niggers are a cancer.
Nathaniel Thompson
Also - it is worth noting that they are doing everything they can to classify niggers and latinos AS WHITE.
Brody Russell
Nigger was lucky he wasn't shot.
Jacob Barnes
>It doesn't matter how many cars she stole. What matters is what she didn't do.
>Didn't do
Is Sup Forums always right?
Mason Williams
And yet there are people who blame whites.
Jaxson Fisher
You don't hate white people?
What are you, some kind of racist?
Justin Rodriguez
fl fag here.
lol immokalee. its florida's equivalent of ferguson. im really not surprised.
from the same place that brought you "jenkem"
Ayden Adams
Fuck that is nasty.
Niggers embrace shit.
It is a part of their DNA or something.
They live in it; they create it literally and figuratively; their minds are full of it.
Ryder Bennett
also this is interesting about immokalee The racial makeup of the CDP was 70.98% Hispanic (Of Any race), 18.03% African American, 3.19% White, 1.03% Native American, 0.20% Asian, 0.19% Pacific Islander, 35.66% from other races, and 6.38% from two or more races.
what could possibly go wrong here? why isnt immokalee a shining city on a hill for the rest of the country to use as an example!?? muh diversity!
Zachary King
I've seen this picture dozens of times and only now noticed the backdrop was a church. Shame is truly the only thing that separates us from animals.
Matthew Gomez
>Immokalee dokalee :)
Liam Garcia
Around blacks, Never Relax!
Jason Ortiz
Jenkem is a troll made up on TOTSE. One police department took it seriously and actually sent out alerts about it.
As far as I know, no US blacks every did it before that but they're stupid as shit so I assume they have since it spread.
Camden Edwards
didnt know that, thats hilarious.
Jack Bailey
>niggers steal >the left apologies for them just another day in the shitshow called USA
Christian Harris
Their mothers deserved it.
Justin Bennett
>Sheboon Lagoon my sides
Nathaniel Richardson
I miss Totse. It really was a terrible website full of wannabes looking back now but it did have some funny shit at times.