Why does Land O'Lakes bother whipping their butter when they can't do it right...

Why does Land O'Lakes bother whipping their butter when they can't do it right? This shit is impossible to spread and I've ruined several good rolls. The butter is a bunch of broken clumps I can't spread out. What's the trick?

>What's the trick?
Buy Olivio instead

I've also noticed this

>not using margarine



>Sup Forums - Sup Forums 2.0

is hotel bar butter redpilled?

>eating butter
Isn't butter bad because it's got transexual fats in it?

better unsalted so you choose how much salt you're adding

No they outlawed those

Maybe put some in a little bowl and put it in the microwave on defrost for like 15 or 20 seconds

The trick is to stop being a dairy pleb

>all natural
>made from just cream

Finally, a thread that's not about related to trump.

How the fuck is this related to politics

You know I was thinking the same thing, but at the same time I would kind of like to have a conversation about butter.

Leave a bit of your butter out so its always soft and stop being a bitch.

No, it's embedded with New York values. Whenever you buy those, you contribute with the GDP of NY state and thus liberal cuckoldry.

GTFO Ketofag

wakey wakey

probably all of the added estrogen, do you have tits OP?

butter is the redpilled fat


Too subtle

I made some chocolate chip cookies with that a couple of weeks ago and that was the best shit I ever baked.

We /ck/ nao

Came to post this. Don't even bother with "butter" unless it's kerrygold

>trusting """"butter"""" with a redskin on it

This stuff's good. Making your own is really good too, and not that hard. Fill a mason jar about 1/4 full with heavy whipping cream, close it, and shake it hard for like 5-10 minutes. Butter will start depositing on the glass as you shake.

there you have it..not enough of what makes the butter "butter"

I leave my butter out of the fridge in a sealed container. As long as it's airtight and the container is kept in a cool dry place it shouldn't go off too quickly. Maybe keep a small amount at a time out of the fridge; fours days worth at a time.