Let's have an ancap thread
Anarchy Capitalism
roads are for cucks
Love these
Wish there were more anarcho-transhumanism me mes
How can we make people understand that legal plunder is a bad thing and the opposite of love of your country?
not risking it
fuck off
look at all these dubbles
not risking
When your entire system is upheld by a non-enforcable moral principle that can and will be broken in the face of any massive instability that will cause a domino effect that will force other companies to break it in order to compete
>implying I wouldn't kick her out
Fuck you
These are either made by liberals (pathologically incapable of understanding anything but their self-centered ideology) or by conservatives who have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
Likewise for anyone that finds them funny.
You piece of shit
lol I won't have children anyway
I basically just want to legally kill non whites. It ancap the ideology for me?
You son of a bitch
>i don't want to pass my genes to the next generation.
I hope you have the guts to look at your ancestors in the face in heaven.
>I hope you have the guts to look at your ancestors in the face in heaven.
h-holy shit, unexpected.
nope because principle of non aggression is a basic dogma of libertarianism (ancap is just libertarianism to the extreme)
you can't risk this one
i never got the ancap meme, it's fuckin gay
I'm already a libertarian though.
Fuck you.
Your designating way to many trees bro, you absolute madman
fuck you nigger
Fuck you
roads are a manifestation of oppression.
What do roads do for you? They provide you a way to get to work? A way to visit the market?
I se a way for corporations to make money off your hard work and profit off selling you crap. The state is there too charging you income and sales tax.
Other than getting the slave class around what do roads do? transport troops? get the police around?
I suggest we free ourselves and damn the roads.
Elves deserve to suffer and perish. Armok wills it!
God dammit
Always one...
Risk not worth it
Oh lawd
Fugg dat
These are objectively the best
that one is far too long; the shorter one was objectively superior
need more egotistball/stirnerball
My favorite
Fuck you
Oh snap
No daughter of mine will burn any coal
Too much risk
not on my watch !
Thanks user, here is your well deserved (You)
So whats the bait part? The image making me reply or the fact that its implying ill ever have any kind of relationship with anyother person ever
Here's you (You), you fucking piece of shit. You must be so desperately lonely, having to do this shit for attention from people you will never know the identity of. How does it feel to be such a sad, pathetic excuse for a human?
Fucking off yourself you lonely, worthess piece of shit.
I always wondered about how anarcho-communism would even exist, then I realized that lefties are just god damn retarded
wew lad
It exists in rojava.
>Not designating every tree, utterly decimating the landscape, and having to carve out an enormous hall to stockpile all the wood from your arborial genocide.
What are you, a fucking elf?
Shit. Clever.
why you do dis
Bls no
Too risky.
It's like this... They see oppression as the result of class war, oppression from the privileged group. By taking total control of art, the media, the economy, weapons, etc and punishing anybody who disobeys, they can stop The Man, and we'll be free.
Probably closer to the idea of a tribe.
So that is how many posters are in this thread.