Be Kanye West

>be Kanye West
>look up to your mentor Jay-Z
>become a superstar in your own right but still don't get his recognition that you so badly crave, even documenting it in your best track on your best album ('Big Brother' on 'Graduation')
>double down and work harder to gain your senpai's approval, releasing two more great albums
>eventually he decides you're good enough to be his bro
>records a joint album with you, and let's you into his world
>he invites you into the upper echelon of the musicindustry-hollywood-elite nexus
>you witness a pizza party
>you panic, screaming inside and trying not to throw up
>politely decline your own initiation and run the fuck out of the building
>end your friendship with senpai, which the public notices soon thereafter, despite public denials
>you promise you won't reveal what you saw if they leave you alone, but they are uneasy with this arrangement
>feel so sick by what you saw you just want to leave that celeb shit behind so you get married and settle down
>(senpai obviously doesn't attend your wedding)
>you try to forget about what you saw by losing yourself in your work, making more music than ever before, dedicating your life to artistry
>meanwhile senpai and his wife are now fully integrated into the elite societies in Silicon Valley, Wall Street and D.C., doing PR work for Obama by visiting Cuba etc


Other urls found in this thread:

>2016 election rolls around
>senpai is fully part of the D.C.-Clinton machine
>they're looking for ways to ensure the election goes the 'right' way
>also want to remind you to keep your mouth shut about things
>2 birds, 1 stone: arrange for 'robbery' against your wife in Paris
>murder her team and friends right in front of her, let her go as a message to you
>you safely get her back but now you're completely redpilled and scared shitless
>senpai shills for Clinton at last minute; you hopelessly, desperately and secretly vote for Trump
>Trump wins
>think maybe things might get safer for you now and maybe you can also start redpilling the masses about the great evil you have witnessed
>masses are too stupid to listen and chimp out at you
>cancel your concert tour and figure out how to make your escape
>before you can get out, police and paramedics force their way into your house, drug and handcuff you and take you to 'hospital'


Good theory op


I enjoyed this.

Kim's team got murdered in the robbery?

>Kanye exposes the radio
>chants fuck radio
>tune into my local hip hop station this morning
>Morning Host: Kanye has mental breakdown caused by his jealousy of Beyonce
Like fucking pottery

Nice theory

Mark Zuckenberg is lying to you.

checks out op I think this is exactly what happened

deep inside Kanye there's white man trying to get out.

What did he means?


Who gets this scared of a pizza party? Pizza is delicious. Lactose intolerant doesn't mean you can't tolerate being in the same room as pizza, you just can't eat it.

>this thread

*sips Super Male Vitality*

Kanye OD's on redpills, quits tour and locks himself in basement.
Soon to be shitposting on /pol for eternity

News at 11

breaks my heart.

Kanye 2020

What is this all about? What's happened to Kanye? I don't follow American celebrities lifes

Elite pizza party means ritualistic rape of children.

He made some pro trump remarks, like he voted for trump

days later

his manager cancels all his world tour

emergency call

kanye 'not well' reported by media

apparently he was handcuffed to a gurney and probably shipped off the to looney farm where his wife belongs

He got (((hospitalized))) for having a (((mental breakdown))) after supporting Trump. He warned us about Jay-Z hit men, Sup Forums didn't listen

>tfw Yeezus will play along with the program for a couple years until 2020
>he'll finally run for president
>by that time Trump will have paved the way for another black president
>only this time he'll be a redpilled black president
>tfw Kanye president

Feels good, man.

trump got 8 years in him

If this is a supreme Adidas PR stunt to sell more shoes and clothing, it might work on me.