What is going to happen at this point? Will it reform or will the Establishment stay, and all the SJWs go elsewhere?
There's been some talk of the more left leftists leaving to form a lefter party.
(((black folk)))
Sweet baby Jesus I can only hope they do. Democrats entertained and enabled these millennials and their insane views, and now they have to deal with them.
They wanted a voting bloc that wouldn't ever even consider voting for a Republican. They got that, alright, but they made them so extremist that they won't even consider voting Democrat any longer.
If you knock 10% or 15% off of the Democrat numbers, they'll never win a purple state ever again, and start losing some blue states.
>libtards divided among third party and old stablishment
>Calexit hopefully happens
>Easiest reelection in american history for Trump in 2020
>The left is never going to take power back again
this is going a bit too perfect for my liking, Sup Forums
Here's to hoping they become more marginalized and overtaken the Libertarians so they can become the opposition in the 2 party system.
Instead of Coke vs Pepsi we could have Coke vs Dr Pepper.
Talcum X pointing out only his demographic mattered in this election.
was it 88% or (((88%)))
>his demographic
His demographic is white.
It is mindblowing to me people still take shaun king seriously. How fucking stupid are my countrymen?
The more black people are able to get good jobs, the more they'll realize just how stupid and annoying people like him and the whole Democratic left truly are.
They are doubling down. I hope they all go to hell.
Shaun King has always been a dumpster fire
He LARPs as a nigger for fuck's sake
If he was really black wouldn't he call black people niggers ? Like what's up my nigger?
For once Talcum X is correct.
Fucking hell, this faggot tries so hard to be black. I remember watching an interview of him a few days ago talking about Trump being elected. He kept saying "black folk" this "black folk" that. Not even the most brain damaged nigger from 20 years ago spoke like that on a regular basis. The way he forces this ebonics language while still trying to sound "educated" (while also being white) is just cringy as fuck and makes me want to punch him right in his fat pasty face.
That's what hes saying. That's the joke.
it was 14/88%
Correction: 88% of black people THAT ACTUALLY VOTED voted for Hillary. If, for argument sake, only 20% of blacks voted, then 88% of that 20% does not create a consensus amongst blacks. Therefore, if there was a historically low turnout for blacks, then his implicit argument that blacks shouldn't be blamed for Hillary's loss because they did all that they could do is an invalid argument.
he's ripe for the redpilling.
I want to see stats for how many blacks didn't vote at all. That'll shut him up.
Talcum X strikes again!
Feels good being part of that 12%. Dump that ungrateful commie's ass in the Congo.
This Shaun King is one angry white guy!
Everybody is divided. The democrats more right now, but there are still fractures in the Republican party. Too many people are ignorant of how the world actually works and too many people want the gibs. If you want a glimpse of our future, understand this: Too many people have been promised a lot of shit that that they're never going to get, and a lot of them are depending on those promises.
Can someone explain the Talcum X thing?
It's a pun on Malcolm X.
This guy is white, talcum is white, and he's a wanna be race warrior like malcolm x.
Talcum powder is white
Malcolm X is a famous black nationalist
Talcum X is a white guy acting like a black nationalist
He's rite tho.
This is the red pill the black community is begrudgingly beginning to swallow. The Democratic party has been corralling them as a monolithic voting bloc and nothing else.
Roughly 2-3 entire generations of this has transpired and black people have received nothing from this except more cyclic poverty, incarceration, failing communities and getting leapfrogged over by newer incoming minorites.
They have to be absolutely livid considering they held up their share of the bargain with unwavering loyalty, literally 88%. A 9 in 10 clip that goes back for 50 years of elections.
Only now are they waking to the reality that they were never part of the Democratic party platform (nor will they ever be), but can count on to be scapegoated by party elites for any and all failures.
Oh I see, I didn't know what talcum is. Thanks.
>Democrats rig their preliminary election so Sanders lose
>Clinton loses the very election she rigged with the media and current administration help
Sweet sweet irony.
I actually agree with him here.
What the fuck is with the liberal obsession with the word "folk"
Is "people" too uninclusive?
No problem, aborted texas.
Screw you Democrats! We'll go form our own political party!
With blackjack... and hookers!
In fact - forget the political party and the blackjack!
>Only now are they waking to the reality
Trump pandered to them harder than any republican ever before. He made this exact same, very simple to understand argument to them. They still voted against him almost unanimously. Niggers are beyond saving. I really, really hope Trump understands this. Otherwise, his compassion might become his achilles heel.
I thought Asians were red pilled?
>dat filename
this is a very good example of why 9 out of every 10 american blacks are fucking retarded.
republicans know they will never get more than about 10% black votes. this is why they never do anything to help black people.
democrats know they will never lose more than 10% of black votes. this is why they never do anything to help black people.
somehow, this pattern, already firmly established ever since we allowed these fucking idiots to vote, has escaped the attention of 9 out of every 10 blacks.
if they were to vote closer to 50/50, then both parties would bend over backwards to try and nudge a few % points of blacks in their direction, to help them win an election. then at least, blacks would get something out of the deal, win or lose.
but no. every time there is an election, they vote 90% or more for a single party without fail.
it's un-fucking-believable how fucking stupid american blacks are. now, i actually expect this from the average nigger. they are usually so fucking stupid when it comes to anything but crime that they usually don't even vote at all, even when they haven't disqualified themselves through a felony conviction yet. it's the black that are somewhat "smart" and are not criminals that end up voting. and yet they are still this fucking stupid.
What is going to happen? That is simple - every heiling little failure will crawl from under their boulders and MSM will start to pin them on the Trump, and there will be enough autist with hand salute that normies will say "You know, what? There are fucking nazis under Trump" and reps will loose it all in the next elections and Trump will spend his presidency deflecting legitimized media attacks instead of getting stuff done, while the left recuperates and counterstrike.
Pandering would be promising them more gibs like the democrats always do. Trump (and Sleepy Doctor) tried to tell them the truth.
cnn just keeps screaming stupid,racist,sexist,homophobe over and over again. like anybody buys that. pretty funny.
We are. That's why we sucked it up and voted for Clinton instead of a con-artist who is only in it to benefit himself and his businesses.
I think they are still in shock.
Considering he got elected mainly by working class people tired of being screamed at I don't think that's actually going to have much of an effect.
They were already screaming RACIST NAZI BIGOT LITERALLY HITLER at him all election and he brushed it off. He's basically told the mainstream media to fuck off.
>doing anything to benefit others
Pick one.
The irony of his last tweet being he'd lose his mind if 50% of blacks voted trump or any other Republican.
Well, thanks for proving me wrong.
Yes, but there were no actual Nazis to be seen anywhere, only some Duke inbred. Now however it will be different.
I think the problem is, everyone knows everybody is on pretty even footing these days. so the old appeals don't work.
implicit in his rantings is the notion that while it's okay or even a moral good that his kin(((folk))) stick together and vote as a racial monolith, wypipo cannot act in kind and vote along their collective rational self-interests. There is a tacit expectation in intersectional, neo-marxist sociological/political thought that whites cannot express an identity beyond that of racial self-masochism and should willingly cede privileges, institutions, control and ultimately their countries to oppressed groups as atonement for white privilege. Black turnout dropped 10%; if they had voted, NC would have gone for HRC and Michigan and Florida most likely too.
i noticed that the other day too:
gay folk
trans folk
asian folk
white folk
black folk
I think it's a way to sound folksy and non-chalant about race and to avoid analytical connotations of words like homosexual, african-american or transsexual as a way to destigmatise their degeneracies/ingratiate themselves into the public sphere while eschewing more critical thought.
Top kek
That 12% hates niggers like him and will balloon to 50% if he keeps up the bullshit.
Let em run free. They can only harm themselves at this point.
We should probably create a new party called The Leftover Party. Founding control of a left movement would guarantee that it pursues similar aims, even if the packaging is different. Left leaning Democrats and republicans who jumped ship and need a new party...Leftovers
lol is this guy even black? How in the fuck is even a Halfrican the trumpet for this bullshit?
I love how people complain black people didn't fall for identity politics enough.
There's still no actual nazis, just a bunch of stormfags.
You can consider the amount that didn't vote to be s tacit vote for trump. It's really the best you can hope for with them.
I saw some video last night of a Richard Spencer speech. I had only read a transcript of an interview he did with NPR, never heard him speak. I wanted to give the guy a chance, but after that cringe-worthy speech and the faggots in the crowd... I'm out if he and his mannerisms are something we're supposed to see in a leader.
top banter
He's just asswounded because blacks are getting called out for not turning out for Hillary. In other words, blacks are racist and only really vote foir their own kind enthusiastically.
88 percent doesn't mean shit when half of you didn't show up this time.
Prepare for little Spencers to suddenly pop out of everywhere.
It is only little known that Trump considered running in 2000, but he didn`t because at that time the party had real ties with KKK members and Trump said that `he would run, but he wants absolutely nothing to do with these people. They are very bad people.`
>Promising to rebuild the inner cities
>Massive infrastructure projects for nog communities
>Extra focus on schools, jobs, programs for nog communities
>Mentioning them and treating them as victims every speech
Face it, he pandered to them hard and got jack shit in return.
apparently, I'm not trump. didn't really fill the polls. but they got the popular. I don't think the whole election she ever said much.
Got any sources on turnout by race? Would interest me.
Yeah bro, he was all like "HAIL TRUMP, HAIL VICTORY". The way he said "lugenpresse" to the crowd all wink-wink... too much cringe, I thought the guy was more polished than that but now I know. I'm with Trump on this one.
This fake nigger even uses the word 'folk' like them.
Someone put him out of his misery
>Talcum X
I can't comprehend how no one has tried to overtake him because he's as pasty as my Nordic ass, if not more.
stop giving talcum x attention he's just a faggot edgelord
Shaun king can't do math. Maybe he really is part black. 88 percent of blacks could be 88 people. They aren't blaming the other12 percent idiot. They're blaming the turnout. The confusion about numbers leads to movements like blm.
20% of african american voters voted Trump. It was the sheboons that skewed that number higher. 1 in 5 black guys voting for Trump shows just how much men believe in him.
>The confusion about numbers leads to movements like blm.
niggers can't understand something as simple as percentages so they just get mad and chimp out at things they don't understand, like numbers and percentages
>talcum x still acting as if he's emperor of the apes
Hahaha. So that's how (((they))) will keep the cycle of 8 years per "side" this time.
Yes, but you can interpret the comment as the blacks belonging to him.
Oh man i hate it!
We need to destroy talcum x somehow.
I'd like to see dems tack more towards advocacy for increased state power/sovereignty. I'd like to see my blue state keep more of the federal tax dollars we send away, instead of them getting burned to subsidize the tumors that are red states. If places like Mississippi and West Virginia want to vote red, so be it, but let them feel the consequences of those actions, and not float on the backs on more prosperous liberal states.
>SJWs/kikes lose because they kept shitting on white people
>oh I know, let's double-down on hating whitey!
very good point.
He's a gay coal burner the line ends with him anyways.
You guys have no idea. 5 years ago I would consider myself liberal. Like real liberal, as in "I accept and tolerate even the views that attack me and will support anyones right to say them." The last few years, seeing people take "safe spaces" and "cultural appropriation" or mansplaining seriously, of how everything is white peoples fault, all of it pushed me farther to the right. Not enough for Johnson or Trump, but I consider myself a left leaning moderate (I voted Stein, in case you were wondering).
So many of my friends are furious and blame me for going third party (NJ still went blue so I tell them to shut up.) These new types of liberals have no clue how they are alienating their own party and more importantly, the middle class worker who overwhemlingly voted Trump because he made them feel appreciated. The backbone of our country.
When I try to explain that people like John Oliver or Huff Post or Salon, make jokes about the middle class being racist and sexist they alienate them, and we have only ourselves to blame for losing they go insane and repeat "no we lost because of racists and sexists!"
>females being the only ones switching to hillary.
>+11% asians for Trump
>Leftover party
underrated as fuck.
Real Asians from Asia are red pilled. Asian Americans are imbeciles and cucks
> Talcum X
Jesus Christ, I go to a UC-school in Southern California and even I don't encounter all those liberal drivel buzzwords you just spouted on a semi-weekly basis. What fucking Cultural Marxist indoctrination center do you attend?
At this point
/pol reposting Talcum X tweets is the only thing propping up his "relevance".
That uniform and flag both look legit sharp as fuck.
White male anger has really become problematic since the election. :(
I never thought this guy was Black the first time I saw him being posted on Sup Forums years ago, he never looked Black to me.
Doesn't BLM know this guy is a conman?
Black people will never totally disown them. They've been ripped off, conned and swindled by black leaders for 100 years -- hell, since their tribal leaders sold them to slavetraders -- and they still back them. Whores never leave their pimps.
>You can't blame it on the 12% who didn't vote for Hillary
I thought people were blaming it on the 90% of niggers that didn't vote at all?
Shit, what was this guy's name again? Are his vids still up on Youtube?