Were the Nazis actually socialists with nationalism as the driving force behind policy? Or was the name just a meme and the Nazis were essentially a dictatorship?
Were the Nazis Socialists or What?
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Google it and come back when you figured it out
Well that settles that
As someone who has studied this immensely I believe I can answer this. In short, no. The nazis exploited the term socialist to appeal to the disgruntled, poor and unemployed majority in 1920s germany. The people actually had a reason back then, namely poverty, to subscribe to extreme political standpoints. Just look at the spanish civil war, nationalism and communism/anarchism were extremely polarizing. The majority had cause to seek extremist ideologies but saw few alternatives beside socialism and conservatism. The nazis were the new third alternative and now the majority could advocate their economic policies and reject communism. Hitler promoted nationalism but cleverly appealed to socialists as well (the socialists who only agreed with some aspects of the political left). Ideologically, the nazis were in the middle of the economic spectrum but retained elements of the right, such as free enterprise and property rights. Unfortunately, the nazis didnt appease small businesses but that's another story.
Tldr; they werent socialists
You seem to know quite a bit. What country today would be the most like them economically? The US? Or a more left leaning country like Sweden?
you'll understand once you watch this three hour youtube video
kek this
Was the "National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei" socialist?
I'm gonna have to read into this
Go read mein Kampf and watch a Hitler Speech , NatSoc is anti Marxist
>got rid of social structures/classes through hitler jugend, BDM -> uniform -> no differences
>increased rights renter
>decreased rights of banks in terms of getting their money back from debtors
>got rid of rigged/corrupted laber union and instead made it the task of the führer to handle things like that
>their tax system was all about redistribution. maximal income tax of 90%
>invented a fixed number of vacation for every employer
>made it possible to working class to travel around the world on state owned ships
>build huge vacation centers
they understood that a good economy depends on national demand. there is no country similar to that atm since we live in neo-liberalism. keynes REAL ideas arent really applied anymore. nazi germany melted good old capitalism with social aspects. until the 80s that is what made germany great but then the neoliberalism kicked in.
They didn't like capitalism and wanted the government to intervene so they had no problems calling themselves "socialists". But "socialism" is a meme word that has lots and often contradictory meanings. Marx defined his ideas as "scientific socialism" as a way to differenciate them from the rest brands of socialism (which he assumed to be unscientific). They both want the government to do something, but what they want the government to do, it's so radicallt different it has not a lot of sense to compare it.
Ideologically they said capitalism was awful and in the end the burgeois was just a tool to them, if they could they wouldn't keep the capitalist elements.
In practice they kept it around since they knew they'd need it to get their other goals, so they'd have to remove capitalism later.
id summarize the NS approach to capitalism as following: as along as it benefits the majority, their is no need to regulate.
Long but worth it. The Swede is right.
Socialism ≠ Marxism.
Nothing wrong with collectivism for the benefit of your people. Individualism and individual profits are destructive to social cohesion.
What is destructive about marxism is not the collectivism. What's destructive is how it crumbles social cohesion, instigates class war (which is simply civil war), and destroys institutions that have grown organically and incrementally in harmony with the nation to which it belongs.
Thanks guys. I needed to TL;DR version and ya'll delivered.
National socialism was very different from Marxist socialism. I have seen countless Americans who believe socialism is automatically bad, because you are a nation of individualists. But can you imagine a whole nation, 60 million people, of the very same culture and ethnicity? A society in which there are close to no special interest groups trying to fuck over others for their own profit?
National socialist Germany was all about unity. It was about creating a society for ethnic Germans, by ethnic Germans. Foreigners were not seen as part of the "Volksgemeinschaft" (people's community). This is very much unlike what the USA has or has ever had. The USA was founded on different principles, and you had Italians, Germans, Brits and countless other white ethnicities trying to make the best for themselves inside the USA. So the government had to appease all of these groups somewhat.
Now, this German socialism was working quite well, just as Swedish socialism worked quite well before the massive influx of foreigners. The German socialist nation was simply a giant German tribe. Everybody looked out for his fellow German, everybody had to give something back in order to take from the collective. This worked well, because work was encouraged, unemployment was virtually non-existent, and all those who were permanently (genetically) disabled were killed off.
German national socialism was also a dictatorship. It operated on the Führerprinzip (leader principle). The people put their trust in the Führer, and the Führer's power was almost limitless, with his main objective to create a better life for Germans as a whole. Dissenters were eliminated because they were seen as enemies of the German people. So it was a real dictatorship. Yet that makes it "bad" only for the ones dissenting, but not for the vast majority of Germans who saw a rapid increase in their quality of living.
I believe national socialist Germany was a model nation. But the war ruined everything.
Some were, and they got liquidated in the night of the long knives. Most notably, Ernst Röhm, leader of the SA.
True, National Socialism would never work in the US, as much as some Americans want NatSoc it will never happen. As you stated, even all American Whites are different in terms of culture and ancestry. The best this for the US to do is go back to what the Founding Fathers wanted us to be.