i need you guys to make a promise. I need you to promise that you will NEVER stop pushing this issue of PizzaGate. The Elite and the media are hoping that the issue dies down and that is why we must NEVER, EVER stop pushing PizzaGate. Push it on all your social media accounts and form strategies on how to make it go even more viral.
Most of us have known for a long time now that the Elite/Illuminati are engaged in satanic rituals and child molestation. But this is the first time that it has truly exploded and has the chance of becoming mainstream. DO NOT GIVE UP! NEVER STOP PROMOTING THIS!
If for no other reason, let's do it for the children who are being raped and killed by the Illuminati satanists.
>Lets ruin authentic american food businesses by spreading lies
Joseph Mitchell
fuck you shill. You know GODDAMN WELL the Illuminati are engaging in child molestation and satanic rituals.
How dare you make light of this issue
Alexander King
but the threads always make me want disgusting american pizza
Caleb James
I don't see anything that really suggests Pizzagate.
Mason Brown
then go kill yourself faggot
this shit has been happening for many, many decades now. It's only now that it has the potential to explode into the mainstream.
Jeremiah Phillips
Go report some twittergate accounts to media agencies. See if you can get someone to bite.
Austin Jenkins
yep - a lot of us oldfags actually knew about this very well. this is really bad for the globalists if we keep pushing this into the public consensus, even if there isn't a huge bombshell at first glance.
Asher Fisher
yea so now is the time. Now is the time we finally have the momentum to push this into the mainstream.
if we let this opportunity pass us by, we are even worse than the satanists cause we could have stopped it
Andrew Baker
>this shit has been happening for many, many decades now. It's only now that it has the potential to explode into the mainstream. Sure, I'll accept that. I don't see anything that really suggests this particular happening though.
Michael Martinez
it's exploding on Twitter and on reddit.
We cannot let this opportunity pass us by.
What have YOU personally done to help it go viral? Either help out or get out of the way.
Thomas Garcia
>exploding So lots of people think there's merit to it means there is actually merit to it. Got it.
Joseph Rivera
pizzagate moved to reddit it seems
or the mods are actively banning threads
Cooper Jones
what a goddamn retard you are.
Most of us have known about this kind of shit for years. We know this is happening. NOW is the chance to push it into the mainstream.
Oliver Rogers
Dude if you haven't been following the threads your ignorance is your own problem. Search eyes wide open in the archive
Joshua Lewis
Pizzagate and nothing about the kids in at the Bohemian Grove?
The photo is from a wedding that took place there,
The Elite are scared shitless that this will explode into the mainstream
Kevin Richardson
get twittergate trending too
Michael Moore
i need you to make me a promise that you won't shit on streets
Jordan Hernandez
Disgusting pizza for an hour.
Noah Ward
we all need to go to twitter and get the fucking PizzaGate hashtag going
Jose Bell
>tfw Sup Forums will be trying to prove that Papa John's has child rape parties with politicians in his mansion five years from now
Zachary Robinson
>Most of us have known Wow, you're not one of the cool crowd. You must be wrong! Also: question-begging much?
Did you know about this particular ring? Or just rings in general? Because I know about smuggling rings and I know my neighbour has done cocaine ergo...
Even if you did "know" about this ring, it doesn't mean that any of the things that people are talking about provide good evidence for it.
Wyatt Green
i think you wanted evil organizations to be real so bad you made up this whole story to roleplay a fantasy game and all you did in the end was make couple italian food salesmen jobless.
some real heroes. i bet the guys collecting welfare really think you saved them and a lot of other people. fucking retards.
Hudson Scott
GOOD. Better to keep fighting this fucking issue than to let it die down
how fucking retarded are you? even the Elite in your own country got caught involved in child molestation and satanism.
You clearly are a shill or just some fucking idiot. Kill yourself
Brayden Wood
I won't, it's some of the most entertaining roleplaying I've done in a while.
Eli Bennett
to play dominos on for an hour
Brody Evans
Promise either spamming that shit till death, either mine or (((theirs)))
Charles Perry
Because not thinking there is good evidence for something happening means that I just haven't looked hard enough? It couldn't possibly that I have seen the arguments and decided they are of little merit? Seems slightly fanatical of you, as if you don't allow for the possibility of all the threads being a massive circlejerk.
Camden Nguyen
bump for justice and poo in loo forever
Nicholas Bell
Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble
so Sup Forums is now compromised. Okay fuck this place. you all know where to go, the chan that starts with an 8
I'll be starting this same thread on the Sup Forums at the chan that starts with an 8
Xavier Sanders
Are you trying to associate any picture of children with pedo. Children should be not seen and not heard ?
This is almost like treating children as some rare addictive drug and all parents as users ??!
Brayden Mitchell
>racist xenophobic white shit >m-muh jimmy jeff and other fictional characters opinion ingored :^)
Austin White
don't you have bigger problems mr. pooing rapist?
Brayden Diaz
If you've truly seen all the threads and still come to the conclusion that there's nothing going on, then there's no hope for you.
Ethan Martinez
I accidentally clicked on a Pizzagate collage picture in a thread.
Am I gonna to ''''''''suicide via 10 bullets to the back''''''''''' in the coming days?
Benjamin Murphy
They've been banning a bunch of threads and sliding. Honestly a couple anons found CP on twitter pages openly and forwarded them to authorities and whatnot. What's kind of scary is Twitter was baning Alt-Right pages and people who were coming clean about it, yet keeping the pages with CP on them up and running. Something just seems really off about this whole Pizza Gate thing. Considering these rumors have been going on for decades with some people coming forward as adults talking about the abuse and whatnot. Man the British parliament had a scandle involving this not even a decade ago.
I think anons stumbled upon something real big here. Big enough that if enough evidence was leaked, people involved would be lynched in the streets. The swamp must be drained senpai. And drained completely dry.
Eli Scott
wtf! that's from their site
Mason Stewart
ebin mene make
Joseph Nelson
Whats the evidence for Pizzagate again? Or right, its literally nothing.
Christopher Bennett
people need to realize that the Elite are SATANIC CHILD MOLESTERS
It's that simple. We must get this into the collective consciousness.
Connor Ramirez
i hope your younger brother or sister or son or daughter gets kidnapped by the Elite's agents and tortured and raped.
maybe then you will realize this shit is real.
Alexander Hernandez
substantiate your claim then faggot....what evidence do you have?
Ryan Lewis
I promise. This goes beyond political ideology, into the realm of morality. If you are a moral person, you cannot, once having learned of this great evil, allow it to continue unarrested
Aiden Evans
there's a fuckload of evidence. go to reddit pizzagate for the full list
but you are a closed minded fucking slave so no amount of evidence will convince you. It's idiots like you who keep the Illuminati in power. So kill yourself please
Sebastian Ramirez
Currybro is right.
Adam Perez
>internet trolls unite >launch "investigation" >name it PizzaGate >expect anyone to take its "findings" seriously
good luck, faggots
Kevin James
Sebastian Ward
well if society refuses to acknowledge this evil, then they deserve it. I hope more of their children get kidnapped by the Illuminati and tortured in satanic rituals.
If people are evil enough to allow this evil to happen, then they DESERVE it.
Cooper Gonzalez
Best post itt
Ayden Young
Okay, just woke up from three day nap. What the fuck is pizzagate?
Brayden Reyes
all of you nay-sayers on here who refuse to accept the possibility of the Illuminati raping children in satanic rituals are PART OF THE PROBLEM because through your VOLUNTARY IGNORANCE you are allowing it to happen
Therefore you will all burn in hell along with the Elite pedophiles
Jayden Cruz
U sound scripted as fuck >I'm guessing there is a subversion effort afoot which began being planned when this first started leaking
Cooper Davis
I'll I'm seeing is conjecture. Where is there any real evidence?
Grayson Morales
I believe they would rape children but here's my problem
>Globalist forces capture/kill Assange, take over his twitter >Continue publishing emails to keep the facade going >Add in a fake breadcrumb trail including coded language involving pedophilia and satanism among the elite >we jump on this and ignore more pertinent evidence of crime ,or don't ask questions when the emails have missing info. >eventually use Assange to discredit the entirety of wikileaks and its documents >mass media jumps on "fake news" like pizzagate to discredit us
Give me one reason why this isn't what is happening.
Bentley Ortiz
It's actually called Eyes Wide Open /EWO/ True DeKEKtives and Season 2 just began in Texas
Austin Sullivan
there has been hundreds of pieces of evidence linking the Elite to pedophilia for decades now.
The problem is that you DO NOT WANT TO SEE IT and thus you ignore the evidence.
You are just as guilty as the satanists themselves. You are going to burn in the pits of hell.
Gabriel Nelson
>pizza gate
wtf is this shit, you cant be serious with this calling it pizza gate come on, it doesent even explain what it is, is there by any chance international news about this and not tha same crazy ideas of Sup Forums?
William Phillips
This is some /x/-tier shit.
Fuck off.
Hunter Smith
Bentley Clark
They're going down. They might have gotten away with it had they not been such blatant pedophiles but now there's too much evidence to ignore.
>Thank You for being with me during my first "lollipop" experience wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/7036 BLUPR13MB03870B10DF10CB91E96BF001B6620@BLUPR13MB0387.namprd13.prod.outlook.com
Benjamin Adams
The only thing that has any legitimacy to me is the Epstein shit. And that was teenage hookers, not exactly pedophilia. What else is there, really? I go to reddit/pizzagate and its a shitstorm of opinions and happenstance with exactly zero hard facts. I have an open mind user. But I need facts, not crazy sounding rantings about the use of the term 'hot dogs' in emails.
Seriously though it is pretty weak. I skimmed through Podesta emails and the the guy is pretty much just talking about food and cooking. The "pedophile secret code" interpretation doesn't add up to anything. Only suspicious thing is this "pizza.jpg" image and comments on it, but it can still be very vell something completely innouous. Materials from Alefantis instagram are curious I admit, but still nothing expicit. Worth more investigation perhaps, but good luck with that now, when you already made a lot of fuss with very little clues. If ping pong pizza really is a pedophile nest, they will just quickly clean any evidence and laugh at you amateur internet sleughts.
they sure are you must be one of them too so do you prefer cheese or hot dogs?
Ian Morales
Ryder Bennett
Wtf is this? Also are white kids primary target, dont really care about shitskins being raped they do it all the time.
Grayson Bell
>this is really bad for the globalists if we keep pushing this into the public consensus,
nah, it's all part of their strategy to normalize such things
Gabriel Murphy
I want to jump on this train, but no one has answered my question.
Michael James
>or the mods are actively banning threads
been watching a full on attack on this topic for a while now, it's been humorous to witness
Chase Ortiz
Nolan Clark
Thats retards assuming that hot dogs and pizza are code for something. A total fucking stretch without a single piece of actual evidence to back it up. Are you really this dumb or do you just pretend to be on the internet?
Samuel Fisher
>so many thirsty dindu nuffins in this bread
still waiting to hear what the blackmail was all about?
your premise is too retarded to respond to seriously
(we know wikileaks is compromised)
Julian Ortiz
Listen you idiots, "pizzagate" was a psyops campaign designed to make Trump supporters like conspiracy retards before the election. I'm telling you as an ex-member of CTR. You took the bait like the autistics you are, now it's just annoying. How fucking retarded can you be? take a break from the internet.
Caleb Roberts
for DECADES now there has been tons of evidence that the Elite are pedophiles.
PizzaGate is the latest trend but this has the potential to EXPLODE. Therefore we must use the momentum.
Kevin Rodriguez
>(we know wikileaks is compromised) Exactly.
If wikileaks is compromised, why aren't these emails?
Hudson Kelly
Thomas Lewis
JYT already updated their headline to remove the "fact check" from the title because the article has absolutely no fact checking whatsoever.
William Rodriguez
dude Kanye West just spoke about PizzaGate and now he has been taken to a psychiatric institution to get MK ULTRA reprogramming