Ethno-Nationalist Goals

So how white do we want America to be? Maintain it as it is now? Revert back to the 50s? 100% white? What are our goals?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Colorado

fuck off racist

America has always been a melting pot.

So you don't want to maintain its current levels of whiteness?

Ideally we would turn the entirety of the west back to being predominantly European not just America


No. Push forward to new heights. First we have to Make America Great Again, but then we need to push forward and Make America Greater Than Ever Before.

Deport the illegals to stabilize the demographic shift, drain the swamp to stack the government with people able and willing to make it the meritocracy we deserve, and protectionist trade policies and huge work projects (like the wall) to make us productive again.

Then, once we get moving, once we see the boom from this and once we see the liberal backlash and hate caused by our success, will we be ready for what is next. This election has almost made the mainstream media honest. It has almost made the left honest in their intentions, because they're losing control. When their vehement hatred at the rule of law and happy productivity bubbles to the surface, the average American is going to see them as the untermenschen that we have always known them to be. Once that happens, we'll be able to deal with them and have a more permanent impact on the problem.

100% white pl3x.
Deport all colored people to California. Don't exterminate them. That's "inhumane".

At least 1000% white.

Make the whole damn world white and send the overflow of aryan population to space to colonize the stars as humanity's birthright (hence over 100% of the USA's population being white).

This is a great idea
Have a (You), good sir! you're saying that being intentionally vague about the ultimate goals is the best strategy right now?

Honestly if you want a country /the world to become more white, just encourage every white person to have 8 kids, and every non-white person to have at most 2 kids.

99%, honestly.

Seems like you melted into disfunctional brown shit.

He implies the alt-right wants 100%:
Is the WaPo right for once?

Remove all laws relating to specific ethnicities.

Remove all diversity and AA programs

Remove welfare for the non disabled

A "white" America is really just an even playing field for all ethnicities, but all ethnicities cannot compete on the same level as we know. This would organically cause America to become white over time without any sort of supremacist movement.


the US of A could count itself lucky if it was to maintain Germany's levels of whiteness. desu, i think they have gone too far down the drain.

>melting pot
Of Europeans

Ethno-nationalist? Well what is the ethnicity of true American then?


american, unless they are some kind of ...-american


libertarianism naturally leads to a white-dominant society

You mean these guys?

Fuck off, you stupid cunt. It's not about ethno-nationalism. It's just nationalism.

If the blacks and asians and hispanics join the culture, it's fine. (Speaking of Asians, are pretty much already there)


100% Red

native-americans? see above

Full ethnic integration. Monoculture like Japan. Enlightenment cultural values

Ban interracial porn.

Remember - not "ban porn" just "ban interracial porn".

White woman + BBC, is that ok for you?

What makes America great is there is many people of all backgrounds coming from bloodlines across earth to share in our freedoms.

What makes America bad is there is also people that hate our freedoms & wish to takeover using them. Once they have control they'll strip the freedoms one by one since if you really think about it America is the only country able to stop the NWO.

Every race brings it's problems but if they have a genuine love for the USA & will always try to adhere to the laws I say they're always welcome.

If you've got muslims & mexicans coming to America because the jews started wars & chaos in their countries to force them here.
& they come and hate everything we stand for & vote for whatever fascist fuck the democrat communist party puts out ILLEGALLY that's where we get problems

fuck off hans.

Hell, in a society that doesn't favor any specific race with government programs, this would probably fix itself.

Don't ban it though, that's an overstep of the government.

Civic nationalism goes out the fucking window when the country fails.
Race is the only thing tying people together.

Races have a hard time coexisting in the same place because they're not the same physically, mentally, or emotionally on a macro level which makes it very hard for races to compete with eachother in the free market. This is easily observable statistically through IQ bell curves, physical sports, and psychological reaction tests, so what do you do to overcome these imbalances?

You introduce welfare to help a certain people, this is a drain on the government, doesn't help the people in the long run, AND creates animosity between races since one group of people is now reaping benefits they didn't earn.

Ethno nationalism is the end all, be all. Why do you think ethnic identities are being completely destroyed in Europe?

The non-white left would be talented and educated.

It's win win.

>What makes America great is there is many people of all backgrounds coming from bloodlines across earth to share in our freedoms.
the USA has proven that can melt various european ethnicities. but so far it has failed to prove that melting people with different skin color works. unless you herald interracial porn, that is.

>What makes America great is there is many people of all backgrounds coming from bloodlines across earth to share in our freedoms

>Once a hallmark of the boy and girl next door, blue eyes have become increasingly rare among American children. Immigration patterns, intermarriage, and genetics all play a part in their steady decline.

>About half of Americans born at the turn of the 20th century had blue eyes, according to a 2002 Loyola University study in Chicago. By mid-century that number had dropped to a third. Today only about one 1 of every 6 Americans has blue eyes, said Mark Grant, the epidemiologist who conducted the study.

>A century ago, 80 percent of people married within their ethnic group, Grant said. Blue eyes -- a genetically recessive trait -- were routinely passed down, especially among people of English, Irish, and Northern European ancestry.

>The influx of nonwhites into the United States, especially from Latin America and Asia, hastened the disappearance. Between 1900 and 1950, only about 1 in 10 Americans was nonwhite. Today that ratio is 1 in 3.


For Euros yes.

>would be talented and educated

The only thing native Americans have going for them is the fact they're not native australians.

We would end up with the good minority of said minority.

There will probably be a period of military style crackdowns in the ghettos after the benefits are pulled, but it's a bitter pill for a better cause.

> What are our goals?
Get rid of you, merkel.

80%-90-% white with 5% Japanese and 5%-15% patriotic other races

This is the best redpill senpai

Only after Putin.

I doubt document like that on your picture ever existed.
In Russia our "patriots" love to recite so called "plan of Dallas" which basically saying similar things, but aimed at Russians and made by evil Americans. Its proven lie, but patriots do not care.

i used to live in a few different parts of chicago. all dominantly white. even in my mostly white parts of town somehow my neighbors still got shot by some hood rat black guy running around town causing trouble. most black people ive met at parties, which im assuming were black people living in a white world, were still degenerates and dumb as shit. some were ok. but most were still garbage. ive lived in vegas and a lot of my neighbors were black. 3 of them were arrested for burglary and some of the black girls there were prostitutes at the local UNLV

moving between apartments i hired movers. one of the movers were a very professional kind black man, but the others were just typical spics. they managed to steal about 500 dollars worth of stuff, including a small chest which had my buss pass in it. i received an email sometime later that someone was using my bus pass. i contacted the authorities and they caught the very mexican moving my furniture using my buss pass. when i used to smoke pot i remember buying off a mexican a few times. the loser had a few of his friends surround me and try to rob me. unfortunately for them i was 6'4 and a /fit/fag and they were all sub 5'8, unarmed and hung over losers. i easily shoved them off and got away. but i still remember wishing i beat the shit out of them for even trying

ive only ran into one asian i didnt like. his name was ken and he hung out with niggers and acted like them. besides that ive never really had a problem with asians. i cant remember a time when i had an asian friend but ive never had beef with any of them

indians who speak english properly are ok with me. indians who come to america with broken english and act like theyre the shit and give you attitude and condemn you for not understanding their broken english. need to go back ;]

ive dated a middle eastern girl a few years ago and she was absolutely one of the hottest girls i ever dated. big butt small waist nice boobs tan skin kind and smart. cont>>

This is literally what we are all on the internet fighting against.

We're taking it back to set things right.
You, me & everybody on Sup Forums knows exactly how it ended up this way.
The jews...

Black folks in America are starting to come around people should be able to see that.

A good bit of them actually voted to save & protect America this year. They put all their racist shit aside & voted for Trump.

Were you here on election night?
There was a energy here, it was like a drug
People are pumped about MAGA of all colors

Russia is great leader have in country

Putin Strongk!

Yeah, doing Merkel's job in Russia.

the middle eastern girl and i stopped dating because her family found out she was dating a white man and punished her for it. i feel sorry for her. her brother send me death threats. i knew him from the local gym though and when i confronted him [being probably at least half a foot taller] he acted docile and didnt want any trouble. so the women can stay, but their over protective culture needs to get out of this country

am i missing someone here? i dunno. anyway. most white people ive met were lame. white people are the least exciting race, but i love you guys for that. if i were to choose stable boring conditions with results you can count on, vs erratic behavior that might be a little more exciting. id go with white people everytime. white neighborhoods are always the nicest and everyone loves our attractive women. if it were up to me this country would be dominantly white and i would only let in the "cream of the crop" from non white countries

> meanwhile @ sokolniki, where nobody films it and nobody is bussed in literally from other countries

Should be 90%+. With no Muslims as they will quickly breed like rats.

>alt right

Kys newfag

Nobody asked what kike-wannabes think about it, fuck off, gypsy.


they all died

>bussed in literally from other countries
Oh, Merkel did that, I got it.

Shill, why dont you want to tell our friends what Putin actually does?
Why don't you tell them who are his friends?

Over 98 percent white. Theres no real need to go on genocidal sprees. We can do it peacefully by introducing targeted sterilization or other forms of birth restriction however this takes a long time to bear fruit. Other options include covertly fabricating a race war and then have the government pretend to be pro-nigger by helping build safe zones outside America for them to live and censor media coverage of these safe zones to make them seem luxurious.,_Colorado

Littleton Colorado

>90% white
>to the west, a beautiful mountain range
>to the right, a beautiful range of trees and plains
>weed 100% legal
>right next to denver so you can enjoy city life. but just far out enough you can have peace and quiet
>in the middle of america. you can fly anywhere in about the same distance
>clean air
>columbine lol
>90% white

yes, hans was here on election night, all the way to the morning. same as brexit night.

still better than western sunni allies

>We can do it peacefully by introducing targeted sterilization or other forms of birth restriction however this takes a long time to bear fruit.


Goals of Sup Forums

1) Securing existence of our people and a future for white children.

2) Extermination of the jewish race and their pedophile ring

Everything else is irrelevant. Nuance is not how meme magic works.

200% white.

first you make america 100% white, then you use genetic engineering to make us even whiter

Oy vey

>the poster for the melting pot play has people literally being thrown into a pot
>melting pot
these kikes have been eating goyim for thousands of years.. havent they?

This. Putin is a cucklord