Reminder that shills from extreme right websites are invading Sup Forums and trying to spread their propaganda here...

Reminder that shills from extreme right websites are invading Sup Forums and trying to spread their propaganda here, accusing anyone who is less than a full blown Nazi of being a leftist shill.
Sup Forums is not a breeding ground for death squads ("day of the rope" is just a meme). Take your crap ideology back to double chan or Stormfront or wherever the fuck you morons came from.

It certainly seems that way

A few threads today have been about people that someone obviously assumes we know and agree with, and they seem surprised with the collective "what? Literally who?"

> shills keep on trying to deradicalize Sup Forums
we know what you are doing, it's not working

So Nazi thread?


nice try, you''re clearly trying to discourage Sup Forums shill.

what's your end game? who's funding you shill?



Our own Nazi larpers have to shoulder some of the blame for attracting people who took their posts at face value.



>accusing others of that which you are doing


i love it! we've all become so good at detecting shills. i remember when the very first pizza threads started and i could tell they had a shill post pattern they came up with to try to discredit us.

LMAO more like stormfront is being invaded by Sup Forums you dirty jew shill

GTFO of my board


Nice try




Sup Forums was a nazi board from the very beginning


Fuck off CTR

Sup Forums was always ubermensch

Stormfags have been trying to subvert this board for years now and it has worked.

They have threads about spreading their message on Sup Forums and have intelligently accomplished their goal.

We are now Nazis get used to it m8












Sure there are. Back in the day the only threads on pol were nazi threads.


What agency do that shills work for? I know there's CTR and JIDF, but what about the rest?


Go back to r/the_donald.


I'm not even a naziboo but you're a massive faggot desu senpai

Look at the fag and laugh

Requesting pic of blonde girl laying on couch reading book with a hakenkreuz


Don't think I have it

Spotted the shill.




>shills from extreme right websites
what the hell does that even mean, it doesnt even make logical sense

>"yes hello we noticed you run a very right wing website here, would you be so kind and go to this other website and spam it with your viewpoints, thanks"


yes. /pol full of hitlerfapper autists



I'm not gay

Sup Forums was MUCH more Nazi in 2014 and before that.

I reckon I'm on some FBI watchlist now




>fap on hugo boss shit
>not a gay


FBI loves is though. They know we are patriotic and don't want to actually murder people. I am convinced they leak shit here on purpose to harness the power of collective autism.

Sure kike.

Sup Forums is a NatSoc board

Hurr Hitler



Shills don't have to be paid you know, the website users encourage shilling on other websites to spread their message (of shit).




pol wouldn't be the same with out Natsocs it would be better off with out the concern trolls and appeal to moderation fags

The FBI might find us useful but it's still their job to watch nutheads like us. I would never harm anyone, just saying.


The shilling is real

We get it, you like Hitler and Nazis.

Shills GTFO


Its too late shill. The alt right own this board. Make a new safe space for faggets like you.we were always here. See these streets? We want to make them clean, and degenerate free again. You can wallow in your own excrement singing the song of globalism . SEIG HEIL PRAISE KEK HAIL MOONMAN HEIL HITLER

It's so nice to finally be void of CtR and now finally have our typical JIDF back.


can you name one website that openly does that, can you even name one extreme right wing website in general?






Fuck off op you fucking yid

who could be behind this thread?


lelwhat? I thought CTR would disappear after their candidate lost?

Some are joking
Most aren't
Welcome to Sup Forums

But lowkey they are right about a lot of stuff

That Hitler guys was a god among men

I'm gunna raep ctr in the rectum

This message brought to you by the same assholes who bump and create

A)muh BASED nigger threads

B)think meme'Ing a porch monkey into the Oval Office is cool brah

C)think john kike Stewart is wise or base in anyway

Or just look for any excuse to suck black or uncut dick. This nu/pol/ faggotry must die

They just turned to JIDF overnight.

This is the first image that came up when I searched "pol politically incorrect". Truth is oldfag Sup Forums was exclusively a natsoc and libright board, then shills and normies had to ruin it all.

This. I go weeks without seeing GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW

They'll convert with time. Eventually everyone comes to realize racism is obviously correct.