Can't even drive a bus without killing people
Can't even drive a bus without killing people
There must have been a cop standing on the side of the road.
Poor kids
>inb4 niggers
They don't start becoming niggers till they're old enough to steal a car.
This nigga high as fuck
>They don't start becoming niggers till they're old enough to steal a car.
So about age 9 then?
desu accidents on the road happen. at least he had a fucking job. i will be naming the google if it turns out he was high or something.
Welp, that just pissed me off so much my day is ruined. Thanks
Your edge is razor sharp. It was an accident.
Poor kids. Never made sense to me that school buses don't have seat belts. By judging his eyes, he was either crying or high.
Tennessee should reenact nigger lynching, just saying
Niggers tend to be lazy. And inattentive.
And too cool for school.
Those poor kids.
>witnesses told police that Walker was driving "well above" the 30 mph speed limit on the narrow, winding road.
Extremely preventable accident
>The driver, 24-year-old Johnthony Walker, was arrested on Monday night and charged with five counts of vehicular homicide, reckless endangerment and reckless driving
Yeah, just an accident
Single vehicle accident. You don't roll over a bus and slam into trees in a residential neighborhood without being fucked up. You don't get arrested for having an auto accident.
I live in Chatt & that road is a 30 mph speed limit. He was speeding fast enough to roll it over. Niggers around here are fucking retarded
Sorry user, remember not all black people are niggers.
He wuz a good boi
One of my favorite vids. I wish I had the balls to do this when I attended Crossland High School
A nigger with a nigger Affirmative Action job fucking shit up.
And up next, Trump likes his steaks well done.
OTOH, wayyyyyyyyyyyy toooooooo mannnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy NIGGERS are driving buses. Remember that when you're driving around with your kids in the car. If you see a Greyhound bus, there is a 100% chance that it's a nigger driver. That is all Greyhound hires.
Safety 1st,
That video always ends too early. I want to know the aftermath.
>Click here
....tumblr....... go fuck yourself faggot
That shit is fake
Yeah, I'm sure seatbelts would have stopped a fucking tree
>i give a fuck what google jew sources
eat ass nigger
If I was a parent and my kid's bus driver looked like that, my kid would not be taking the bus to school. It's common fucking sense.
It's in Brainerd so most of the kid's parents probably look similar to he bus driver.
>lets let the government ship our kids to school everyday
socialism is cancer
>Crossland High School
I imagine he got killed by 20 niggers on his way to his next class.
No its not.
His first name is "Johnthony" lmao
The end of the barrel is orange
But thats racysis
Were you there?
is an airsoft gun, look at it
Even if its 'fake' it just goes to show how these little monkeys 'play'
Disgusting apes training for when they get a real gun
what's that like 8
an airsoft gun to the temple will kill a nigger
Black Otto