This whole meme stems from the stereotypes that arose during WW2 propaganda to belittle and feminize the Asian man. So that Allied soldiers would not be afraid to fight the fearless Japanese soldiers. You can see countless examples of the big front tooth, thick glasses wearing Japanese soldier in cartoons, drawings, and movies from that era.
But take guys like Ryan Higa. 18 million subscribers on JewTube. Can get any woman (white or Asian) that he wants. Doesn't have a gook/Jap accent. Is funny and smart as hell. Athletic. Rich. This is the real Asian man.
It's about time you all snapped out of the propaganda that you been force fed since the 1940's.
Gabriel Hughes
Still wont do you any good you autistic manlet.
Jaxon Morris
based japs.
Jose Cook
Asian masculine is some cringeworthy shit... Really goes to show there's an inferiority complex or insecurity among Asian men living in America.
Parker Murphy
Nice try nip, but its not that much of a stereotype.
Asian men and people in general are raised in a beta producing society where they discourage actual flexibility of thinking and physical fitness, to make them more weak willed to resist authoritarian governments that dominate the region. Asians actually take comfont and get lazy when it comes to politics which is disasterous when it comes to trend setting and taking risks to accomplish good works. Which is quinessentially un-American.
You want to prove us wrong and get some better sliver of a chance to get laid? Stop shitposting on Sup Forums and get your yellow ass to the gym.
Sebastian Thomas
Too late sorry, asian girls belong to the white man now.
Ian Richardson
You've been brainwashed by propaganda. Just like Leftist SJW's are brainwashed by liberal agenda.
Carter Ortiz
This again is a misconception. Asian people are not docile or drone-minded. It is that they believe in social hierarchy. Respect elders, parents, superiors, so on. In fact, it is one of the greatest strength of Asian cultures.
The fact that there is less crime in east Asia than any other areas of the world is because of this culture of respect. It is also why Asian families thrive.
When a white kid is told to do something they don't want, the kid will usually curse at the parent. It goes without saying for black/hispanics. But in Asia, there is a degree of reverence you pay to your parents, you obey them. This to a certain degree has been tainted by western influence, but it's what's been the core strength and belief in Asian societies.
Ryder Moore
White girls for brown people Asian girls for white people
Sry asian men - but we can still be friends :)
Cameron Sullivan
Go back to /aznidentity/ you needledick
Isaac Cook
I've spoken to about 10 asian girls about this, none of them had ever dated an asian guy and told me they were exclusively interesting in dating white men.
Asher Brooks
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew gross small dick)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: exotic)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Ian Ward
Then you've only talked to trash Asian women (or Chinese or south Asian brown women). Trust me. Quality Asian females from good families only date/marry men from their own country. Even being Asian is not enough. They have to be from their own country.
Logan Sullivan
You are not going to be able to tick and shame women into wanting you sorry.
Aaron Mitchell
>live in MA >asian slags >not a single one has ever dated within their own race
Pretty sad/funny.
Joshua Wood
Mainly girls from S. Korea and HK. Exchange students here in Denmark.
Isaac Jones
Cherry picking is great and all but OKC reply stats disagree. The worst thing to be on that site is a black woman though.
Juan Fisher
t. r/asianmasculinity
Ryder Ortiz
No the stereotype is that they are the least attracted to them
Asian men are the black women of men
Christian Williams
Omg dude nobody gives a fuck.
lol. Western women and asian men, ya not popular and nobody gives a fuck.
Jace Flores
Suuuure. Damn u mad.
Bentley Sanchez
What in the fuck no one uses okc anymore are you for real
Dylan Harris
All the Asians I've ever worked with were hard working little fuckers. Of course they were all south East Asians. Hmong people. They don't have the eloquence for higher management. Guy I work with is very blunt, doesn't understand when the corporate guy is telling a joke, and kiss ass to save his life, but he makes a great manager. Just put the most respected guy in charge and all the little fellas fall in line. They'll do anything he tells them to. Course they can hold a grudge like no one else can. Piss one of them off and you've got an enemy for life. Nice folks though. I'd take some of them little guys over the lazy white guys we usually hire any day.
Easton Reyes
It's true they stick together like rice
Juan Williams
>t. Salty riceman Fuck off back to Vancouver chingchonger
Andrew Long
Can't kiss ass I mean. Whenever the higher ups come to visit, they'll try to be funny and this bastard will just look at them with a blank look on his face.
Mason Sullivan
Sounds like BS, since 99% of the time Asians stick together
Anthony Howard
I'm a woman. I only like white and Asian men. I don't like brown men, one bit. I just find them ugly and unclean looking.
David Torres
oh god no please take them away.
i manage an IT area and the asians I've hired are the most entitled and lazy of all. I only hire asians and eastern-canadian whites, however.
Evan Davis
>Wow user, that was such a logical argument that my vagina undried itself at the thought of your yellow excuse for a penis coming near me. Truly a well reasoned argument, cultural explanation, and history lesson was the best way into my pants.
Carter Nguyen
actually it stems from having a small penis. and women being aware.
Eli Ross
Don't bring up that reddit piece of shit asianmasculinity here. The faggots there ARE NOT Asian men. They're a bunch of estrogen sniffing bitches.
Jacob Murphy
>You can see countless examples of the big front tooth, thick glasses wearing Japanese soldier in cartoons, drawings, and movies from that era.
Hunter Hill
>This whole meme stems from the stereotypes that arose during WW2 propaganda to belittle and feminize the Asian man.
It's not a meme. Studies have been done on interracial attraction and coming bottom every goddamn time are Asian Men and Black Women.
>But take carefully chosen example of extremely succesful individual as proof stereotype is wrong.
Fuck off. It's not just culture. Women are attracted to masculinity - white and black men are more masculine with higher T levels. Asian men, by comparison, are considerably less masculine and thus less attractive. Men are attracted to femininity and Black women - having far higher T levels than white or asian women - are considerably less feminine than women of other races and so are generally less attractive.
Ian Reyes
Bentley Kelly
Asian men is a misnomer. You're biologically male, but you certainly aren't men.
Nicholas Cox
literally who the fuck cares about what women asians can or can not get they get women unlike you outrageous butthurt faggot
Anthony Miller
I'm not talking about "getting in to your pants". I'm talking about the stereotype of Asian men being a product of WW2 and Jew Hollywood who's been shitting on Asian men for a century.
Gavin Collins
Also, all the chinks itt. Check my super lucky d u bs. Kek is doing I-Ching now.
Blake Taylor
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew gross small dick)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: exotic)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Nathan Morris
And why are you talking about that? You're doing it to try and get laid. Sorry Ching Chong, no one wants you.
Parker Sanchez
This x100 Asians in boston are thirsty for spic dick
Jaxson Martin
I have a group of SK special forces unit who will say otherwise. Research Koreans in Vietnam war.
Juan Morris
I worked with Korean Marines, they are pussies.
t. an actual Marine
Jaxon Bailey
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew nigger)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: bbc)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Jason Jones
>the best of the best of our forces are decent
durrr oh uhhh really!?
>tfw when the average marine's ability surpasses your strongest military division
Jonathan Cook
Stop playing Starcraft and making me treat you like my little baby I have to coddle and say 'it's ok, you're 2 inch penis is pretty! Me me help you get girls you pretty boy' your not my child azn man, stop copying me and get your own girl
Owen Moore
asians aren't exotic though, there's 5x as many of you as there are whitey
Leo Diaz
>Asian man Not all Asians look like a Korean sissy
John Diaz
Ya ok. A marine who lurks and posts on an Anime board. RIGGGHHHTTTT....
Adam Rogers
Come on chink bro stop with the reddit asian masculinity. Just got back from aus, and i can assure you that race is not a setback.
You sound like those white dudes with beta confidence. Just get out there you losers
Carson Long
> asian girls for white men
This is truly degenerate shit. Race mixing is not redpilled at all. Just feed the asian girls to the dogs, and white women are only for white men.
Samuel Stewart
lol have you been to /weapons/ bro. no military there, nope.
>fucking idiot has no idea where Sup Forums's gore comes from
n00b die
Lincoln Cruz
This is going to sound really childish and strange but as you can tell I come from the UK, growing up in a small village I was never exposed to Asians at all. It wasn't till I moved away into a normal city I first saw them other than on TV, they looked like Aliens to me, or some kind of animal almost.
This was when I was much younger but ever since then I have associated with Asians as something very different to my race even animal like.
Liam Phillips
Why do asian "men" have such tiny dicks?
Jonathan Sullivan
Okay Leaf marine. You win. Now go suck some Mountie cock.
Zachary Turner
Wtf. There is no propoganda against asians in america. On the other hand, in Asia, the fashion industry def promotes white worship.
Landon Edwards
What do you mean? How?
Jose Price
>the chink can't tell the difference between 2 different posters
Try squin- Nevermind.
Aaron Harris
Muh dick
Ryder Peterson
Still fucked tho
Liam Baker
why would they want to prove a fatfuck like you wrong?
Matthew Murphy
bing bong locust filth
Christopher Cruz
The vast majority of fashion models and fashion posters are white people. They are shown as the standard of beauty. But that's not white people's fault since the fashion industry here is dominated by east asian countries.
Hunter Myers
Calm down wang
Since you look like a reasonable person tell your autistic virgin bitter anti White beta asian redditor friends to GTFO of Sup Forums
Sebastian Flores
Asians are betas. There is no debate. The only reason nips were so badass is because their Island got BLEACHED.
Daniel Peterson
that explains white fever women are herd creatures
Liam Howard
This is the truth. I'm a white girl, I hate Asians and their culture but I gotta admit that Asian guys are better than white guys.
Camden Nelson
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew nigger)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: bbc)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Easton Garcia
Im sorry, i would rather have an online containtment where the asian men would circle jerk each other about being nothing. Unfortunately it tends to leak out.
Carter Evans
Ayden Hernandez
Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) >Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) >Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) >Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) >Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm)
Jason Sullivan
Is the reason whites are obsessed with dick size the reason white girls enjoy the BBC?
Lmao whitey with penis envy haha
Jordan Kelly
Honestly this doesn't bother me in the slightest. The only thing that bothers me is niggers + anyone other race.
Mason Russell
>Now the autistic creepy ugly reddit r/asianmasculinity manlet is rolaplaying as a nigger
Calm down with your impotent rage little man
Samuel Thompson
>only 18 million subscribers YOU AINT GOT NOTHIN ON ME BITCH
Liam Gonzalez
Thats partly it, there's also another component, westerners are thought to cheat less and treat their wife's better. There's actually some truth to that one, banging hookups and having mistresses is fairly standard here. Asian men need not worry though, nigger-like english teachers are slowly destroying this image.
Jack White
My tiny Asian dick didn't stop greek women from throwing their cunt at me to save them from their poverty stricken shithole. Some lady offered a blowjob for some USD so she could buy bread for her boyfriend and her self lmao
Jace Watson
>They have to be from their own country. And even from the same cities, especially the chinks (they have their own dialect)
Adrian Torres
I like how Whites have the supreme court upholding quotas at their colleges so asians don't take over academia.
Jose Anderson
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew poo in loo)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: tall dark handsome)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Noah Ward
>self hating your own race Just as bad as asianmasculinity threads desu. Never understood individuals that self hate their race
Jayden Martin
>manlet horses for manlets
The Dwarf did get the girl in Lord of the Rings though.
Joshua Ramirez
what do you think of jungle asians?
Leo Green
They're jealous
Luke Ross
You honestly don't get it. There are the Asian fagmales who post absolute feminine crap over at /r/asianmasculinity. But they are the geeks and nerds who got picked on all thru high school who by no means represent people like me. Didn't you know any Asian guys who were really good athletes (and also smart as hell) in school?
Ayden Howard
>But take guys like Ryan Higa. 18 million subscribers on JewTube. Can get any woman (white or Asian) that he wants. What exactly is the problem, then? You want people to stop feeling sorry for the worlds elliot rodgers?
Luke Jenkins
What's a jungle asian ?
Isaiah Robinson
I really doubt OP is even Asian. I know this type of trolling as I do it often myself. Claim to be a member of one group and act retarded the whole time while defending the group viciously. This leads to Sup Forums hating the whole group because of one troll.
Nice work OP.
Parker Murphy
>>Ryan Higa height is 5′ 8″ (173 cm) He doesn't need to be a lanklet to compensate for living below sea level
Jaxon Smith
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew poo in loo)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: tall dark handsome)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Bentley Rogers
My point is, that the stereotype of Asian males is a propaganda that was used in WW2. And it still pervades society today. You people on Sup Forums who take pride in being "woke" still subscribe to this propaganda.
Jose Jackson
I'm not defending anything. I'm trying to show you that stereotypes are sometimes real, but sometimes, are created to serve a purpose.
Carson Robinson
Yeah but the stereotype is true.
Bentley Collins
M8, that was a long time ago. Asians do a little better at making money, whites do a little bette4 with women. Is this really so terrible?
Blake Kelly
I guess, for you, I can check to see if any qts from chinatown want to put their pork in my dumpling. On the plus side, I won't be walking funny the next day.
Daniel Gray
>no propaganda Literally every asian character in every hollywood movie is a crazy nerd. There are no asian leads whatsoever
Christopher Ward
how race works in dating:
> if you're a minority with low sexual market value, it will work AGAINST you (ie: ew poo in loo)
> if you're a minority with high sexual market value, it will work FOR you (ie: tall dark handsome)
(just gotto pass that threshold bro)
Luke Perry
Some people dislike him, but he looks cool as fuck
Eli Walker
I wish brown men would get over themselve. White women simply prefer their own beautiful white men, we don't need or want any other.