So Ana Kasparian is /ourgal/ now ?
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Fucking Aussies ruin everything
oh shit, why are there so many beta virgin woman orbiters?
Mark my words, someday she will take my big Republican cock in her mouth and beg for my jizz.
I want to fuck her mouth.
>Fucking Aussies make everything better.
>Dem legs, pretty nice
>Oooh this actually looks like a nice, modest dress. I approve of...
>*stomach is out*
Fucks sake. It was going so well, then the degeneracy snuck in.
No she's not, that's like saying John Stewart is our guy, because after all his blustering of the right losing and being nothing more than a joke he came out and said "it's hypocritical to call the right all racist." Not once to my knowledge did he take that stance untill after it was shown that people don't agree with the left as much as they thought. It's called being desperate and it's sad but hilarious to watch.
>We on the left need to double down on calling everyone racist sexist etc etc.
because they are millennials, the worst generation
ana kucksparian
>Henery VII
Don't you have some HERESY to be committing?
she's so unattractive and such a cunt jesus
lover her
jesus why is her hair pulled back so tight
Think you mean Henry the 8th lad, with the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
looks a bit similar to one of the guys from wkuk.
take austrailias cock out of your mouth
she's hot. I'd definitely woo her and then slowly trigger her during sex making her hate herself for enjoying listening to conservative hyperbole
She is fucking disgusting. Jew nose, fridge build, fucking no hips, crooked legs, you name it.
>b-but she is hot in that webm where she has tons of make up doing porn faces under perfect lighting
Man how high are your standards? I'd definitely bang her
like a 5 at absolute best
>americans want to fuck anything under 140lbs
sounds about right
I think the Aussie has a good idea.
Woo her pretending to be liberal as fuck. Get her into bed and just as you're about to cum lean in and whisper "Make America Great Again."
Fuck this bitch. Nobody calls ma boi Alex a fat fuck!
>brits will fuck anything with normal teeth
Seconding this.
It's a slav trait. They are shit people in general.
>The thousand cock stare
>pussy riot
>"If you are super right wing, that's okay. Go out there and be super right wing." ~ Anna Kasparian, 2016
>swn sit on your face while telling you all your opinions are wrong
Do liberals even lift?
Slavs have the most beautiful women. They get to have high standards
>not wanting to pump & dump non-whites while also having a qt3.14 White wife
Get your test levels checked.
Her hairline is worse than my dad's.
She looks like a Gypsy hooker
Because you aussies would bang a kangaroo
There are people in this thread who think Armenians are white...
Ana sit on my face
The best thing on her is her nose. And that is a fake one because she had a Schlomo nose before. Cuckroach scum. Who cares if she is dead or not?
>tfw Ana will never punish you with spanking, whipping and pegging because yout deplorable
why live?
The thumbnail makes it more impressive than it seems.
>she will never lift up her overly tight skirt revealing her bare small rump and yell "eat it all you fat fuck!" before jettisoning the remains of last night's yom kippur feast into your mouth
Already wrote my suicide note.
just another liberal hypocrite that won't live by the same standards they hold everyone else to
gtfo with your /ourgal/ bullshit
Her body is gross. She has chicken legs, no hips and no tits. Her fucking nose and poor bone structure and slicked back hair are even worse. How can she even compare to girls like this.
Solidifying a stance is walking back?
Damn bald trump looks almost like a real person.
Should put poop graphics in her eyes in video.
This is the funniest shit I've seen in 4 days.
And then be accused of rape.