with the influx of shills and newfags its time to have a good ol' fashion redpill thread
dump your infographs
with the influx of shills and newfags its time to have a good ol' fashion redpill thread
dump your infographs
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews are behind the immigration crisis in Europe
Jews hate non-Jews
"white" crime statistics are conflated
The federal government is involved with human child trafficking
Wikipedia is owned by Jews
We are different sub species
Henry Ford knew about the Jews
Israel is not your friend
Here's a short list of high quality stuff:
>Based Faggot Milo
>Jewish tricks
>Have We All Become Jews? E Michael Jones
>Jews label Middle Ages as (((Dark Ages))) to discredit Christianity
You never hear about this in international headlines, I wonder why?
Old America
Jews practice loxism, the help each other out. They are nationalistic when it comes to Israel bit know when white practice nationalism it is bad for them, so they actively seek to destroy it by connecting it with "white supremacy" which is riddled with false flags.
Just look at Hollywood and three federal reserve. They've been in Jew hands for the entire time they've been around. Jews are what? Less than 1% of the population? Hollywood had been around for over a century. Can't even deny that math.
fake quote
dropping about Islam for newfriends
Notice you only ever hear about white serial killers?
But it's literally from a book he wrote you fucking idiot.
Fuck Hitler and fuck Nazis.
This is alt-right board now.
That's because French police are racist.
Not even going to waste my time if the rest of these "infographics" are like this and can be easily be debunked.
take exemple on other better emu baiters ya cunt
Emu baiters wtf? I came here because I want to be part of the alt right where do i sign up?
Jews use porn as a weapon against your mind
try your luck in the Trump general, you'll get planty of (you)s
Lurk moar, Xu Hau
Women mature much earlier than men. Just a reminder
Colleges are centers for Marxist indoctrination
Get the fuck out, holy shit.
Thank goodness for this thread, Sup Forums needs it more than ever.
If you believe yourself to be open minded, first take this quiz
After skeptically searching only to find out the information in that quiz is actually true, and if you have 6 hours to spare.
Consider watching Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
It can be found on putlocker or on youtube.
If you watch the entire 6 hours and are not redpilled afterwards there is no hope for you.
Detroit before and after blacks
anybody that bothers to look into it knows that there are way more black serial killers than there are white ones, but, to be fair, the white ones get more coverage because they tend to be creepier/more psychologically interesting
some nigger that shoots a street-level crack dealer to death so he can get free crack for the evening, then does the same thing 4 or 5 more times before getting caught may have technically made a series of kills, but it's of a different nature than what people tend to think of when they hear the term "serial killer"
You should be ashamed of being white according to Wikipedia
Nuremberg "trials"
Breitbart's right-wing Jewish writers were willing to use anti-Semitic tropes to attack their left-wing Jewish enemies as "self-hating" enemies of Israel was mirrored by the tacit assent from Trump's Jewish supporters, and son-in-law, to Bannon's use of such tactics in the presidential campaign.
Holohoax propaganda
If white people are so much better than black people, then why do their traits get bred out EVERY SINGLE TIME a black person and a white person procreate?
there is a pdf of the book on google, nowhere to find the quotes
>What are dominant and recessive traits
Please never procreate.
More on government child sex trafficking