Alt-right fags owned. Will they ever recover?
Alt-right fags owned. Will they ever recover?
>Lindy West
not an argument
Pls halp I've fallen and cant get up
Just kidding. We have an actual president taking office in January. Cucks btfo
>I can't leave the house
>Therefore no one else can
>alt right
kill yourself immediately
>white people can not go outside while sun excists
and some miserable people still listen to this "woman"?
>we can't even go outside when that thing is up there
Just because you are unable to walk outside doesn't mean other people are unable to.
>Trump is alt-right
Why do you believe this
All he does is denounce them and tell them to fuck off
t. only one hour of sun a day
Wtf is this retard talking about
White people seek the sun whenever its out while black people hide from it
How much suns does that thing weigh?
>LE self hating anti-white lmao virtue-signaling
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right".
Literally the complete opposite is true.
Maybe that fat bitch can't stand to go outside, but how does she think we farmed and built shit before sunscreen?
>Listening to a fucking Land Whale
Love tannig, fuck that cow
Fat people, rise up and block out the sun!
It's a joke, calm down, dear
black people!
A SJW joke. I doubt this fat bitch will joke about Muslims or dindus.
to be fair, I dont think she can even get up to go outside to see if the sun is up.
>niggers literally laid in the sun all day and didn't do shit and that gave them black skin
not all white people are pasty anglos.
t. fat white girl
you have to go back.
What does she even mean by this? I am pasty as fuck now because I work as a Systems Admin.
As a child I spent all day outside and I tanned up to Mexican tier levels (as my hair would became more blonde, very weird look). Gradual exposure to the sun will result in the skin naturally protecting itself.
Only sheltered faggots who spend all day in an office pretend the sun is awful for whites.
Of course you're gonna get burned and tire out fast if you act like a vampire and stay locked in a dark room for 20 hours a day eating shitty food and being generally unhealthy.
>Anglo American assuming that all white people are pale skinned
>Forgetting about Southern Europeans
What is the meaning of that shirt? Confidence is something you personally obtain. Is she blaming FUCKING WHITE MALES for her personal shortcomings?
I have all these Full Restores right here. I'll be alright.
>he's never been to europe
drop by on the first sunny day of spring
is the hambeast aware that the avatar doesn't help her credibility?
its like a really shitty turing test
That's easy for a whale to say, you just swim underwater and seldom surface
>Southern Europeans
>Get sunburn
>Invent sunscreen
>niggers BTFO
I see this stupid SJW phrase on social media like tumblr and twitter all the time. Which is weird considering how in America only people that aren't "fukking wyte mails!!!" get affirmative action based on as what they were born.
>LE self-hating uncle tom lmao rayyyceeest
Shes right though.
I hope its better in Europe desu.
>drinks blue sugar crap
>gets fat
>first thought
>"I should take a picture of my fat ass drinking sugar bullshit and post it on my twitter bullshit so people can see my fat fuck face!"
>stay inside for the next three years
>continue gaining weight
>on twitter
>see someone post something about white people and the sun
>lmao that's not true I haven't seen the sun in years
>school him with my superior blue sugary drink fueled intelligence
It implies white men are too overconfident when they are mediocre at best.
Which is ironic coming from a fat white woman who attention whores on social media.
Well we are Caucasians, what is white anyway?
Even Persians and some people who consider themselves Arabs are Caucasians anyway.
I feel sorry for snow niggers here, Afrikaans people who's people have been here for 400 years and they still go cherry red in the sun.
My ancestors came from italy here only 3 generations ago and I dont burn I just bronze.
Central Africa is a different story though, so fucking humid it is torturous to work in.
>the sun is there
>therefore white people can not go outside
Maybe if she had experience with going outside she might figure out that not all of us get sunburn within an hour.
That's a new one. I never thought of white males as being overly confident. Where I have witnessed plenty of others as overconfident.
I think men are pretty self aware of their limitations. I mean maybe not as an extreme youth (teens/early 20's).
She doesn't deseve the confidence of an ugly Korean NEET
when this thing lumbers its immense bulk outside, the rest of us can't even see the sun anymore
Blacks and Hispanics are usually pretty confident in their abilities, but that's because their culture is loud and obnoxious, requiring a barrel that makes a lot of noise to get people's attention. Whites and Asians are more humbled in their cultures of skill over sound.
lol why the fuck did you idiots go to Africa in the first place
It's a fat SJW libtard making a sweeping self hating comment. I wouldn't read too much into it other than those types being huge assholes.
It's funny how democrats always have to prove they are the politically incorrect one, like "I AM A OXYMORON AND YOU WILL BELIEVE IT"
Do you know what prototype means? Besides the fact that the user you responded to was humblebragging about his humility and that of his race, a picture doesn't show that. Your picture just shows what a single man finds to be archetypal of what the adventurous British gentleman should aspire to.
what nobody said this and why do we care?
So why do you retards actually get upset at jokes like this? You're always trying to post some """witty""" little comeback to prove some random on Twitter wrong. There was a thread full of asshurt fuckwits about that #thanksgivingwithwhitefamilies hashtag not too long ago as well.
>be shipwrecked alone on an island for 30 years with nobody to talk to
>lol nigga why u so taciturn and sexually apathetic smdh
Irish intellectuals
Really makes your ATP chain produce energy
We invented something called "clothes" that protects us from the elements, including light.
The sun hasn't been a problem since millenia
implying all of us are mad and not in fact laughing
Well... is her joke "sincere" because it certainly comes off as sincere. If she truly believes that statement she is a complete retard and should be ridiculed.
Lindy West can't go outside when the sun is up due to the pools of sweat that form underneath her clothing due to her excessive adipose tissue. She's fat. She's so fat that when she sits around the house, she does so quite literally.
There was more opportunity in Africa than in Italy.
>/alt right fags owned/
What the fuck is going on?
Usually these shills use the word "Sup Forums", not "alt right fags", we're not the fucking alt right
Sup Forums is being subverted.
>we can't even go outside when that thing is up there
We really aren't the children of the sun, through.
That's a stupid analogy. We're more like the children of the storm, since Europe was colder.
no one is upset tho
yes but it's bad opportunity
>opportunity to get eaten by crocodile
>opportunity to get eaten by lion
>opportunity to get eaten by niggers
>opportunity to get sleeping sickness and fall asleep and get eaten by a random thing while you are asleep
I hope you at least found some diamonds
She can't go out because she'd blot out the sun and end life on the planet.
snow niggers are not white
Too bad we have 15+ months of archived material directly tying the alt-right to Trump's propaganda campaign during the election + Katrina Pearson shouting out Sup Forums by name.
please don't use her to shitpost
i'm white and i can't confirm this
which game is this?