ITT thread we post perfect scenarios
Pic related
ITT thread we post perfect scenarios
Pic related
Castilian here, I've thought we were bros :(
Give Olivença and Ceuta back and we'll be friends again
no asturias lol
Go take it irl and see what happens.
Perfect scenario would be Catalonia under the sea desu
Uncondicional surrender, and we get all of Spain plus Andorra?
>wtf? where is the rest of Spain?
Things seem to be heating up here in the Irrelevant Former Empires Club.
>Fighting over little shits of land
>Sharing land borders
Shut up or we will send more spics, we can even send brazilians
>see what happens
Best ally is always there for us.
>Captcha - Boats
try to find a more perfect Iberia than this
hint: you can't
Something like this
One day, we won't share any land brothers, for all of Eurasia + Africa will speak Portuguese, as God intended
Honestly ur "best ally" the anglo, is just like our "best ally" the fucking frogs, u better don't take nuffin from these two, the both fucking our countries
Just get rid of Andalusia
We're just going to fuck the Native out of them. If a spic and a European have kids the kids are just Spaniards. Thanks for all the slightly sunburnt hapa conquistador rape babies. America back to 80% white in 30 years. Assimilation is inevitable.
Syrian """"""""""""refugee"""""""""""" detected
You don't have friends, Spain.
>our "best ally" the fucking frogs
Lisboa não está do lado dos mouros?
well..... we got the potato the spaguetti and these spics maybe Germany
I will stab my ears then. Portuguese sounds like a russian trying to speak spanish.
Wrong, Denmark will take you.
because I'm Lisboeta ;_;
I prefer this one better
>Åland still exists
>Scotland still exists
We can sell that shit to ruskis
Então és mouro. E mouros não pertencem ao grande norte.
Only decent palce in UK, rest is trash
No, Burger, that's how a foreigner speaks when he tries to speak Portuguese
why do euro countries want to split so badly? do they not recognize how much that hurts their standing on the global stage?
thank you funland
Portugal why the fuck are you so obsessed with us we don't want to join you, you really are like a psycho ex-gf.
Fuck of spics
Monaco seems fine. Its GDP per capita is higher than China.
>Can't even annex New Zealand
Here is an alternative.
well u gave them like 6 months of Portugalicia 800 years ago, that's why, they even move the Capital there lmao
The portuguese capital should be either Porto or Guimarães. No other places.
The WALL is build, people from outside of the blue are deported
You will join us. Either Açores-style or Algarve-style
Build it to the right of Bornholm, but otherwise it's great!
Don't be sad because a capital city is cucked, Lisbon still a best
1/2 Beirense
1/4 Alentejano with some Spanish blood flying around
5/32 Portuense
1/16 Sephardic Jew
1/32 Swedecuck
here, with only trace amounts, if any (
>identifies as a Lesboeta
The worse Moor is the one that chooses to be a Moor
but the last time was a Coruña
>perfect scenario
>basque doesnt own gascony
its not perfect
I'm a trans-regional Lusitano famalam
Catalonia stays Christian and presents rest of Spain land to ISIS
When? Coruña wasn't part of the Portucalense county.
Guimarães was and was the birth place of our first king.
The only relation between Coruña and the north of Portugal is a cultural one.
Deported where?
Can't argue with that map.
And yet you chose to be a full Moor, instead of a New Christian
100% untermensch
Like any good untermensch, you of course doesn't live at home
Catalonia is the most multicultural region of Spain. Barcelona in particular is the de facto capital of degeneracy. It's like trusting California or Scotland to preserve Christian values and culture.
>Mediterranean Union
>made up mafiosi, lazy greeks and Turks
Good, we could nuke them easier
vete a tomar por culo bigote de mierda.
And stay there
>thinks thay has any morals to talk about umtermensch
everything went wrong when spain choosed france insted of the germans as their ally
>Like any good untermensch, you of course doesn't live at home
he says while living in russia
Vai para a cona da merda da puta que fodeu o caralho do teu pai, e que te pariu, em vez de ter engolido a esporra do bastardo do cabrão do teu pai
He's fast
here u moved the capital to a Coruña
Shoo shoo niggers. Go back to fucking your hairy womanlet monekys. Iberian girls are worse than sheboons. At least sheboons speak fucked up English, but even """classy""" Iberian chick always sounds like obnoxious prostitute with that ugly language. The whole meaning of mongrel is that it's not 100% pure you retard.
If the NATIVE population isn't 100% (or I'll be kind here at least 85%) pure European, it's a mongrel population, by definition.
>the H1 mtdna which is found in high rate in iberian population and north african, is almost half in iberian populations.
Pic related, U, T and J are also nonwhite.
Catalonia supports all the Colors while killing skum
Castilian = Spanish language = Mexican
Mexicans are not welcome in Europe!
I wish someone could nuke my """""""country."""""""
>Mexicans are not welcome in Europe!
Wise words
Can confirm.
First time I spent a month in Barcelona was '93-94, and the place seemed ok. Maybe it was residual benefit from the pre-Olympics cleanup.
It just got worse and worse, and my most recent visits (2015 and this year) felt like an
immersion in nignogs, Muslims, faggotry, crime and rancid garbage.
When a "First World" city makes me long for Manila, you know it's all gone to hell.
why did Aragon and Castile merge in the first place?
Negro education:)
Doesn't mention the capital switch anywhere in the article you linked.
Rio de Janeiro was the capital of the empire during the napolionic invasions but the rest were all in territory that is currently portuguese.
The funny thing is that the Aragonese king started ruling Castille, but Castille ended up ruling over Aragon
A common enemy: the jews and the moors.
The baker can fix it eassily
As long as it's all a single country / confederation
While slavs might not be white, they are as european as it gets you fucking faggot
Still have Malmo. KeK
not in the Portugal version....
we kicked all of their court from Galicia six months after he claim that land
>Not be white
Not everyone is from the Balkans and Southeastern Ukraine. Speaking of Slavs. Pure Slavs are Poles and Slovaks only
so Aragon got cucked and now their mad
I honestly believe Europe should be divided by confederations
I wish I was good enough at economy to make a good theory about it
Why do you come into every South European thread? Sounds like it's personal.
They say he was there for a while. Are you going by the definition that the capital is where the king is?
You are untermenschen and should remember that. It's good of me to spread the data to make polacks aware of Iberian subhumanity. Eurospic!=human
>he likes the Scotland YES remain fags
Please kill yourself lad
It makes you seem incredibly butthurt though
Talking like you guys aren't more inbred than american hillbillies.
Could have at least made it North Humberland.
>caring about spics and moortuguese
he moved all the court there, but whatever
Another quality of Med shitskins like you