Is he really a bad guy or it just all western propaganda just like they do with Putin?
Is he really a bad guy or it just all western propaganda just like they do with Putin?
Where is Cyprus located?
Do you even exist?
90% of the "news" revealed about North Korea comes from the South so you can discredit it straight away. For example they stated that some North general was killed by artillery strike only for him to show up in public later.
Where in Spain is your country?
I consider myself pretty open minded to seeing through the Lügenpresse, but I draw the line at this fat fuck.
Honestly he hasnt done mutch wrong yet and will probably end up being the most moderate north korean leader yet.
kinda makes you think
>like they do with Putin
But Putin is actually a bad guy.
Yeah he's top notch m8 you should move there or the US of Trumpland.
They should rename Sup Forums /trump/ desu the cult of personality is already rife here.
Putin good in the only one thing - Foreign policy.
He's just a faggot like Jong-un
whats wrong muhammad?
>Putin is actually a bad guy.
Badass more like it
Nothing? Are you okay Trayvon Shaniqua Bonbon Rodriguez?
just how powerful is putin in reality? ive heard conflicting things. ive heard hes worth trillions in dark money and is literally the most powerful man on earth... and ive heard hes just a puppet who is basically just a figurehead...
I will pray for you.
.... to the east right?
We have a direct line with president show every year, well in one of those there was a question to Putin why his orders are not executed in any way, he was very upset about it, fired some people and thought what he said would be done. Next year they asked him the same question about the same place. Go figure.
I bet you've never seen the ocean.
He a gud boy if you think death penalty is ok for things less severe than murder or killing. Other than that, his prison camps and not letting people leave the country he has done nothing wrong.
He is just retarded like our politicians
kek. whos pulling the strings in russia? id assume its some russian mafia/oil tycoon/orthodox church type deal? its not the rothschilds, they are at war with the rothschilds, right? or was that disinfo?
Oil oligarchs run pretty much everything and are in close ties to rulling elites.
Church is a laughing stock full of clowns but don't mistake church for orthodox religion itself.
Since Putin kicked out berezovsky and khadarkovsky, kikes are pretty much out of the picture. At least libtards controlled by them are considered marginals.
He and Putin are both bad guys. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.
I talked to a bloke who went there, it's pretty bad but a lot of it is exaggerated, almost everywhere there is some sort of message about the party or the leader. It's slowly getting more free as the years go by, the last time he went there it was possible to set up your own food stall, something unfathomable in say the 90's.
i refuse to believe the west propaganda about this guy ,but what gets to me is that he doesn't even give a flying fuck , literally he doesn't reply to the propaganda which leaves you wondering ... if he doesn't debunk ip , maybe it true
>also that tourist city, can't it be any more regulated ?
>Oil oligarchs run pretty much everything and are in close ties to rulling elites.
makes sense. as long as they arent satanists, its not so bad. at least they seem to be fighting against our satanic kikes.
>kikes are pretty much out of the picture. At least libtards controlled by them are considered marginals.
thats great. kikes are the root of true evil, it seems.
North Korea is great country.
>nationalist country
>homogeneous society
>top 10 military
> its not so bad
Cleptocracy is rampart though which is not that great either. FSB just cought minister of economic development on a 2 milling dollars bribe which he took to suspend oil deal. Literally took a bribe to stop preventing what he is supposed to endorse.
Well he did create the Minions...
N korea = narcissistic leader
S Korea = woman president involved in a feminist cult
North Korea best Korea
yeah oligarchies will always be shit. but at least your thugs are banning porn and degenerate shit, instead of pumping you full of estrogen and eating people.
Indeed master.
South of Turkey. It's an island.
There's a lot of propaganda out there, even though North Korea is very repressive.
is a good example. There was a similar report of someone being fed to dogs, when in reality he was shot.
who is this semen demon
north korea is supernationalistic and it's the only country free from globalism and one of the few countries with no rothchild central bank.
if you don't support them your a globalist scumbag
Definitely not made up Sven