I'm scared, Sup Forums.
Just what did he man by this? Why would our man want to attack the thing that brought him into a position of power in the first place?
I'm scared, Sup Forums.
Just what did he man by this? Why would our man want to attack the thing that brought him into a position of power in the first place?
Other urls found in this thread:
because he's retarded
Trump is not saying that he will target conservative media, you dense idiot. He's showing his support for net neutrality, which is a good thing.
I'm p. sure he's saying that Obama will target conservative media.
"Net neutrality means liberals can ban the right from the Internet" is a meme that's been around for years.
>leaf reading comprehension
Conservatives are against the Fairness Doctrine. Or at least they were when it still existed 30 years ago.
They're spending all of their money on making sure Mohammed has a nice home and never has to work a day in his life again. They don't have enough to make sure liberals can read.
I could only hope. Why couldn't he be more literate and succinct? Tweets like this are confounding as fuck.
Tard, he meant that Obama's anti-net neutrality targets conservative websites
Streisand effect. Attempt to ban something instead of dilution actually reinforces it. Prepare for meme war 2.0
you're so fucking stupid, it's a wonder you can even breathe by yourself.
He will bring back the control of the internet to the US goverment thus, protecting us all with the First Amamnedment.
Establishmentcucks BTFO!
People who support net neutrality are useful idiots.
Somehow it's easy for you children to understand that government healthcare doesn't work, but you think government internet is a good idea. Let that sink in.
Your're from Brazil....cring
Holy shit. All neutrality means is that ISPs have to treat all traffic equally, regardless of content. It has nothing to do with government takeover. Its stuff like charging for a peer 2 peer package or or a youtube streaming package where they charge you extra for that traffic that net neutrality avoids.
The world does not cater to your autistic hyperliteral bullshit.
>handing net neutrality over to globalist organisation full of lobbyists
How is this better?
Doesnt matter.
Everybody gets pretection from the First if it comes back US.
Right now if I wanted to make a website named HillaryLikesPizza.com it could get denied for "hate speach" or whateaver.
They will soon start to crackdown on free speech to control ppl better.
The fact that Donald wants to get the internet back is good news for everybosy except globalists.
Mandating the way free enterprise conducts business IS a government takeover, FUCKING. LEAF.
Obama's "net neutrality" is not the same as the net neutrality the internet knows.
It was a power grab to put the internet further under the control of the federal government, which would eventually be transferred to the globalists.
They wrapped it up in the word "net neutrality" and gave a vague promise that it would do as the internet community wished it to do. So the government gets far more control, can now begin to move towards censorship, and everyone thinks they won a battle against the evil ISPs who really couldn't give two shits.
Obama played everyone like the slime ball he is. Fuck that authoritarian cunt.
But its not 'government internet' you fucking pleb. Its the creation of false monopolies allowing providers to throttle bandwidth to sites that don't pay a fee.
Its fucking racketeering.
Your black and white world of govermnet involvement and no government involvement doesn't exist shart in mart
neck yourself traitor
Holy shit, you sound like a fucking fairy. God damn. There's nothing wrong with having an extensive vocabulary, but when you needlessly use words like "confounding," you just sound like a fucking fruit.
Its not free enterprise if you're creating a fucking monopoly you asshat. Its like charging people for using the ocean to transport goods.
Nothing is free, koala-fucker.
Monopolies never survive competition unless the government backs them, which is incidentally what our government currently does for companies like Cox.
That is because leafs like you openly support the government controlling freedom of trade, beaver-fucker.
Markets without such restrictions certainly do exist. Is there a monopoly on soda?
Useful underrated post. OP presents tweet as recent development when it was made in response to Obama's intention to regulate web traffic back in 2014.
The ocean belongs to no one, cable belongs to the cable companies, wombat-fucker.
Why in the actual FUCK should they give it to you for free. What right do you have to their goods?
>OP pretends he isn't the OP
because you are stupid
communism is bad
free market is good
free market made usa no1
way better standard of living than sweden or norway and norway has oil and sweden has less regulation and corp tax now
sweden was built on massive capitalism
slavery did not build usa, the capitalist north took over the inefficient agrarian slavery south
capitalism ended slavery
I know they don't teach english in Leafistan but what he's saying is that Obama will target conservative media.
>Is there a monopoly on soda?
It's a semi-oligarchy. There's three major companies that overwhelmingly control 90% of all soda sales. the other 10% are niche hipster shit.
A better comparison would be utilities, which ass-fuck the public because they're too stupid to realize when there's only one place you can get power or water from it shouldn't be run by a fucking private entity.
Dumb fucking nigger, nobody is arguing that the company has to give away internet access for free.
What is being argued about, that the company shouldn't be able to restrict what sites can be accessed via it's cables, or the choke the speed of your connection for some sites.
Pay to play sourcing of information prevents growth and innovation, stifling individualism. It also supports corporations like Comcast and msm productions. You're an idiot if you think net neutrality is bad.
But the places where power companies disproportionately suck the most, with highest prices and lowest service quality, are the places where the government is most tightly intertwined with the energy market.
See: California
lmao, bet you're on some 1 megabyte download connection with a 10 gb monthly cap for only 99 bucks with no other choices available
I don't know what you actually believe internet service providers are going to do other than charge higher prices, fatty. Like, I don't know, your fucking cellphone data provider?
This is your internet on "net neutrality", I'm afraid.
You fucking leaf.
Net neutrality is not a good thing. Governments should have no right to interfere with private businesses.
here is truth!
free market always wins
gr8 depression caused by gov same as 2008
You really do not know what net neutrality even is.
You deserve the shitty Internet providers you have.
Thank god I live here in Finland, where high speed internet connection was deemed a fucking citizen's right by our government.
When your idiocy causes you leave net neutrality behind, and end up with even worse internet providers, slower connections, and restricted access to sites the providers deem problematic, I can keep enjoying my fast and unrestricted internet connection for cheap.
Sucks to be you.
>Yes my corporate overlord I love taking your huge dick up my ass! You can do anything want to me!
Your argument is "lol jus means I gotta pay more"
I'm done here
>not realizing that it just needed an evil goverment to fuck with your "right"
Our politicans aren't some elite lords living in walled off rich neighborhoods like yours are, you fucking ape.
They are ordinary people that you can see randomly on the fucking street.
I have met a couple of them on my fucking shopping trips in the capitol city.
Besides, our government is far too incompetent to be evil. Super bureaucratic and coalition based government sorta leads to ineffectiveness and slowness at pretty much everything.
The Internet has become so important to our daily lives that there are some things you cannot do without it. It should be treated as a utility, and it thus begets net neutrality. It also helps stymie the flow of shekels to skype-controlled Comcast, Time Warner, et al, like preventing paid prioritization. I don't understand why so much of Sup Forums is against net neutrality.
Useful idiots or straight out retarded libertarians who want to privatize roads.
Enjoy your 80£ plus tax plus tip 1mbs 10gb datacaps plans with throttled speed if you visit a site that's not partnered with the provider
Net neutrality MEANS the government can't interfere.
Libertardianism is a popular meme here anyways.
But the state has a special right to interfere with private business, as private business could not exist without the protection of the state. The state's monopoly on violence actually gives it a special right to interfere in almost everything.
>government can't interfere
>government gets to set reguations
wew lad.
you're absolutely retarded if you actually still believe in the free market meme
The (((free market))) allowed people to sell poison as medicine way back. There has to be a balance.
>a mongol trying to insult a thick skinned monkey
no you are stupid
free market is right
fuck off commy
no one beleives those lies any more
>thinking that calling us mongols is insulting to us.
Mongols were great warriors and conquerors.
The blood of Ghengis flows trough my veins. The khananate shall rise again!
It's well documented though. Listerine was sold as a 100% cure for gonorrhea and as a floor cleaner at the same time before it was sold as a mouth wash for example. They just wanted to see what stuck. They even invented a medical sounding word for bad breath. "Halitosis"
This is true tho.
Free market is the best thing to have, but you still need guidelines to say the market how to operate.
For example. In US, if you just mix a bunch of vitam powder, you can sell that as one of those "Whey" without the Public Health bothering you because technically (the ingredients are there and is not being sold as medicine).
You could be eating pure shit thinking its helping you and you would not know it.
the internet companies in america have proven themselves corrupt to the core. theres a reason comcast, att and time warner are some of the most hated companies in america.
Yeah, you guys fucked us. Enjoy your new tiered internet plans where you chose Facebook, Netflix, and YouTube packages. The right is the fucking worst
Are you retarded?
Besides we've always had socialism in our government but somehow people have never realized this until recently.
Another retard.
Internet access is a privilege. Don't use it if you can't afford it.
>t. idiot who does not understand the "internet"
Wasn't he previously against net neutrality though?
Corporate bootlicker detected
Stop making America seem retarded. That's not what they were talking about.
If anything all you Trump supporters are the traitors here supporting a man who sucks his Jewish daddies nuts and all.
Literally another kike lover in office, this man is no different from the rest.
You faggots fooled the whole world but you aint foolin me little rats
You guys have no idea what's coming!!!
This man is no different from Shillary, this election was a RUSE!!
Post evidence for your wild claims or GTFO. Don't use memes to paint people as a stereotype either you dimwit.
Ignorant cuck detected
not an argument
Neither was corporate bootlicker you dumbass.
Neck yourself
>President-elect Donald Trump formally named two staunch opponents of net neutrality to oversee his policies for the agency that created the rules to prevent discrimination against Internet sites and online services.
>Jeff Eisenach, an economist who has been on Verizon’s payroll, and Mark Jamison, who formerly worked on Sprint’s lobbying team and now heads the University of Florida’s Public Utility Research Center, on Monday were named to Trump’s “agency landing team” for the Federal Communications Commission.
>Both have written against the imposition of net neutrality rules, which prohibit Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon from discriminating against any online content or services. Jamison also strongly opposed an effort by FCC chairman Tom Wheeler to crack the cable industry’s set top box monopoly.
>Eisenach, who worked at the Federal Trade Commission during the Reagan administration, has been a leading voice in Washington against net neutrality. He is co-chairman of the communications, media, and Internet practice at the consulting firm National Economic Research Associates. In one piece, he called net neutrality rules “crony capitalism” that would “prove highly damaging.”
>Optimism that the Trump administration will dump the net neutrality rules fueled a mini-rally in cable stocks after the election, while shares of companies that might be hurt, such as Netflix, slumped.