Map of support for creation of EU army. As you can see it's only Sweden and the britbongs that wants to see it fuck off while the Baltics and Francistan wants to proceed.
Thoughts Sup Forums?
Map of support for creation of EU army. As you can see it's only Sweden and the britbongs that wants to see it fuck off while the Baltics and Francistan wants to proceed.
Thoughts Sup Forums?
I hope this will never happen.
I won't get my ass drafted for the Globalist kike Europhiles.
bumping once
5-10% here? first time Spain don't follow the EU, we even approve the 2005 referendum
Why would France like it? Wouldn't most of the army be French?
Ok, I can see why the former soviet states are pro, but what's up with france and benelux?
>Hey, European countries, let's unite so we can trade easier and not make war all the time
>Now let's make a grand army
Because France kicked NATO out of France once, and they want to make sure they are never to return for the second time.
And I think that's a good idea.
I don't understand Sweden. Kept the Krona, most anti-federalist nation state in the EU (more than even us) - but somehow completely and utterly cucked.
>sweden is brown
You can't make this up senpai
Can someone explain Sweden?
Lapdog of the US, just like the UK.
Why would they want a united Europe?
Almost identical with the OP's map, except for the Franks who like their liberté a lil too much.
Why is it cucked to not want an european army hello?
This is a terrible idea. I can only imagine it comes from the brainwashed pro-EU ones who can't see we'll pay for 1/4 of the army while Germany will gives orders and leads us in a war against Russia that doesn't concern us.
the EU is a US puppet, Ahmet
You're cucked by your insane immigration policies. Yet you oppose the EU federalist bullshit at every turn like a patriotic nation. It makes no sense.
Why can't it all just be the British or American empire
Why you gotta have that ugly blue and yellow flag
M8, I was just joking about the color choice, I actually agree with you.
United EU army is a terrible fucking idea, and I don't want any of it implemented.
I want to see EU crash and burn, because this cancerous union doesn't serve the interests of my people or our future in any way. If anything, it is a threat to our future. Giving those kikes that run the show a massive unified army trough which to put down any would be successions or uprisings, is a terrible idea.
Mostly because of you.
Probably the only reason swedes are against it is because they are a bunch of pacifist cucks, nothing more.
I don't like the idea of EU army, but it's a better choice than NATO.
the same as you basically
Fuck off kraut, nobody wants to join your shitty jihadist army with merkel as your leader
That's Calipha Merkel kaffir.
>You oppose an EU army therefor youre a US lapdog
never understood this meme. its as if people forget britain will do whatever is in its interests.
>Giving the unelected more power
>Giving the unelected a fighting force
Nope and Nope for 300, Jerry.
Undecided and under are cucks.
one doesn't flow from the other but both are true for Britain. Whenever Americans start a war there you are with a rifle out of your ass. Cameron couldn't wait to bomb Syria but Parliament was already turning on him and decided to cockblock him.
Knowledge Bomb user was right!
Why do swedes oppose it so much though?
I am German American 3rd generation. You all really fucked up a great nation. Not too late please eradicate all non German nationals hailing from the shit middle east. Only then will you be able to join Us, Brits, soon France and Russia.
Globalist will control the EU army to eventually go to war with Russia, while womens and girls at home get raped by Achmeds.
im in favor of it desu
now that trump is making nato is fuck off there should be less cuckoldry as well as a power vacuum that needs to be filled quickly
the west in general like sticking their noses in conflicts, this isnt an american invention.
Only ''leaning opposed'' Finland? Who the fuck did they ask? I bet they took women too in the poll. Do they realize we would be the meatshield here? It's obviously against Russia they're thinking about making this. As a reservist I've to say I refuse under all circumstances fight for EU or Brussels. I never made oath to protect the EU and all our goverment officials who support the EU army have committed treason in my eyes.
I didn't sign for this.
urge to rape finnish elf rises.
the Americans have the resources to act on that nose sticking
I think it's to be able to cut down on our own army costs and be able to downsize it even more.
Also it is possible that our (((elites))) who are so fond of israel want to wage war in the middle east and French army is absolutely underpowered by itself for this. We can barely contain africans and drop a couple of AASM on Assad
You have no right to berate Germany, dude. Look at what your country has become! A fucking rape capital!
You should undo your own damage before talking back to others.
unless you have plans to reinstate the portugese empire something needs to be done
Yeah, this.
I won't be willing to fight for the behalf of non-Finns.
>EU Army
>needs a battle cry
>goes with Allahu Akbar
implying the Commission will accept an EU army is not wanted when put to a vote
What kind of bullshit statistic is this
Unless retards asked confused eu army with NATO that wouldn't surprise me
And the EU army is one step toward getting rid of that, Mo(hammed)
>picture related
Only reason you don't want it is because your joke of an army is leeching off of ours.
Now europeans can die for Israel too
we still have the resources to turn you niggas into tortellini so pipe down son
jajajaja at Spain, decimated by Euro but wanting a united Europe
The reason why is because the stats are inflated. Everything in Sweden gets counted into rape statistics and the girls are encouraged to report it as rape. For example if a girl gets an unexpected kiss she can report it to the police and it will be counted as rape, and if a girl has sex with a guy and the morning after she feels like it was rape even tho it was consent the day before, it will still be counted as rape and brought into the statistics.
Just look at the rape statistics and you'll see that Sweden has like tripple the amount of rapes than Germany even tho they brought in more rapefugees. It's easily debunked.
>posted from my tiny apartment
"you" won't do shit either way senpai ease off on the war video games
neutrality meme
>not wanting to die for your overlords in Brussels
Sweden literally looks like a brown turd/cock in that image.
my uncle owns the army. i took the helm of a trident sub for work experience, shut the hell up bruv
lmao, an EU army would be NATO/US controlled, don't delude yourself
>Lapdog of the US, just like the UK.
Funny thing to say when the rest of the EU is begging America for military protection.
>Why would they want a united Europe?
Exactly. Why would we want to govern ourselves when we could be ruled by the fucking Belgians?
why are southern europeans so backward?
An EU army is for putting down Europeans angry at what has become of their nations. Anyone that takes it as anything else is a fool. There are a few countries planning to leave the EU. This is a way to stop them.
I never even heard of these polls
It's indeed an effective way to maintain a strong control on the populations as under "european army" you will ahve german regiments in France, French regiments in Germany, Italian regiments in Poland, etc. and these soldiers will have less hesitation to kill the locals.
This tactic is applied for riots and demonstrations in France : the CRS are units tailored for this role and usually a unit from a region is assigned to serve in another one. For example in Lyon a lot of Parisian units.
Another point to take in account is the surprising change in US foreign policy : Brezinski is not anymore against Russia being a strong leader in the EU. This is to counter the failure of the US pivot to Asia. The goal is to separate Russia from China and grow tensiosn between them. This will preserve US domination. But EU globalists leaders know that if Russia is a part of EU they will be discarded and replaced so their position might be to make a strong EU with its own army to resist a bit.
All in all people will not win anything from that.
>EU army
That's pure stupidity.
Just have a common HQ, build up co-operation, create common standards and tear down legislative barriers.
June 21, 1963.
Ahahah good luck getting all the non-white people your army to fight and not desert/frag you.
But all the Muhammeds will have no problem "keeping peace" in some white country.
>Strongly in favor
>implying they can stop the referendum machine
Eventually they're going to get overthrown for ignoring too many referendums.
>have to go fight while muslims stay behind to enjoy life and white women
Yeah, i will never fight against other white europeans because Brussels told me so
European "Army" will consist of a navy of ferry vessels running non stop form Libya to Italy, and Border guards giving cups of coffee and handjobs to African arrivals.
Ever heard of French Foreign Legion?
March towards globalism all you want, Europe.
We're out. We're going. Just let us grab the dog (Ireland).
Good goys, die for the Baltics.
>Brussels gets it's own army
I don't think you realize just how bad this is.
So in other words you say swedish girls willing fuck shitskins? Wow that totally makes it better.
>getting their ideas for meme politics from fucking star wars
Exekuttiere order sechsundsechzig
People are in that legion for a whole different reason.
Germany, France, Sweden etc have muslims who all say "I am muslim first, then nationality"
Those muslims shits will never fight against another muslim state on behalf of white people. They will rather run away or betray white soldiers and friendly fire our asses constantly.
And this army will most likely be used to send soldiers from germany to "keep peace" in some white country.
>Non country
>Strongly in favour
No in other words I'm saying that swedish girls have been told by the feminists that they must report everything as rape to crush the patriarchy. They are liars. Of course the refugees goes around and rape people here too just like any other shit filled country. It's just not that high and I'm sure Paris would be the real rape capital of Europe.
Why would France support it? It would be against their interests as a regional military superpower
First they bankrupt us with usury, then they buy up our resources, media, laws, public opinion and politics with pennies on the dollar.
the French are pretty anti-NATO, this could be seen as a weakening of US military presence in Europe especially given Trump's lukewarm stance
How can France POSSIBLY be in favour?
With UK leaving, France are looking at carrying the whole project by themselves
Also fuck the entirety of central Europe
>damage controlling this hard
C'mon mane, your country is brown all over.
quite right but we're a generation behind
Fillon, our next president, announced he is in favor of the creation of an european army. This maps doesn't reflects a poll but the point of view of the governments.
the EU is mainly a french project. germany kind of hijacked it but its still implicitly pro france
>Trump pulls all US support out of EU
>EU makes it's own Army
>EU starts a war in Islamic bumfuckistan
>EU gets BTFO both there and in their own countries due to millions of muslims protesting and attacking citizens, blowing places up, lots of terror cells fucking everywhere
>EU cries to Trump for help
>Trump: Pay all trillions of our debt, pay for all logistics costs, pay for all resources spent helping you
>EU declines
>we all sit and watch Europe burn on live streams
They want it for this very one reason:
A French soldier wouldn't kill a French civilian. If you order some Bulgarian to do the the same, he will have siginificantly less doubt about his own deeds.
and then you had to save game and exit to Windows because your mom yelled at you to go to bed
Holy fuck Europe, you guys will never agree on anything and will perpetually cause all global conflicts, as you've done twice already (and too each other during the Thirty Years War). Fuck, get it together.
No more perfidious albion, this time the continent will take great shitstain together
More like miss everything that happens because I'm at work.
Whichever side your country allies first will lose WW3. That's the way it always seems to go.
>cause all global conflicts
I wonder who could be behind this flag
>Holy fuck Jews, you guys will always make white nations never agree on anything and will perpetually cause all global conflicts, as you've done twice already (and too each other during the Thirty Years War). Fuck, get it together.
Corrected for you
>Poland and France being cucks like usual
Not surprised...