Why do millennials support left wing politicians like Bernie Sanders?
Why do millennials support left wing politicians like Bernie Sanders?
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They fell for the Jewish propaganda.
Because they are young and think they are "idealistic".
What is worse is when they grow older. i have a friend who is my age (31) and he is a Chicago Liberal and it is nauseating. Like listening to a real-world [Brian] from Family Guy
never post disgusting traps ever again
Because most of what this board stands for is bernies plan.
Standing up to the establishment is a page trump stole from bernies book.
Why do you post this thread and girl everyday?
And give sauce already
Gibmedats syndrome due to failed parenting by baby boomers
She has an instagram.
They knew hillary had a snowflake's chance in hell of winning the presidency.
>Standing up for the establishment
Tell me how "standing up for the establishment" and implementing more government isn't an oxymoron
Because they've rejected religion but need something in their lives that gives them the feefees.
>enter pet muslims
>enter SJW religion
Voila. Millenials are adrift. I would know. I'm one of them.
Because they have no life experience.
Read better next time.
I want to put my seed inside that person
because they don't know better and want to be the good guys / fit in
>25 years in government
>only job has been working in the government
>g-g-g-guys he's not the establishment I swear
At least Trump was honest about giving money to politicians.
Is that Canadas prime minister Justine?
Because they can't think 30 seconds in front of them and will get free stuff because the high earners get taxed for dem programs.
Ask anyone that supports this if they'd be willing to pay 60-70% tax if/when they hit the higher threshold and be deafened by the silence. People naturally get more conservative the instant they have some form of disposable income
because they didnt grow in ussr or after its collapse to see the real beauty of (((commun)))ism
post it please kind sir
Because without Social Democracy we're running straight into the en.wikipedia.org
mfw when I don't
mfw I have no face
Because he sounds like hes full of hope but they dont read more closely into him. I thought he was ok because he was against big banks but after researching him, the dude is fucking insane .
Because he promised them free shit.
Because they are children
They want an education without debt. They dont want to work for a living. They are used to living in a home that is either taken care of by the govt (entitled) or in a home with everything provided for them (guilt).
Source: Im a college educated millenial. I want those things, but I'm not a dumbfuck liberal in lala-land. I intend to work for a simple cheap retirement as soon as possible and not be a govt vegetable.
>it's a yank does his 'research' episode
stop these millennial threads you kike
Stop making these with pictures of this same girl.
is that soe
Because they like free shit.
They think humans deserve to live without earning it.
More and more everyone is a winner mentality so a lot of them tend to not be as fiercely competitive, and if they find ones of their generation that are they often outstrip them. Not everyone gets a trophy in life, winning and losing both have something to gain from it and sheltering them so much deprived them with important life experiences. So they expect things as "basic income", "free college", and "free healthcare".
They just need a swift kick in the ass from reality.
Innate naivety in youth
carebear upbringing
not being legitimately invested in their own community
not being legitimately invested in their own success or quite yet comprehending the sweat and tears of their own hard work.
Some of them will grow out of it and some of them will stay in Academia.
Stop your fucking lazy survey in order to get ready for 2018.
Because they have no idea what socialism is nor do they have the concept of 'private property' pounded into them.
They think that privately owned businesses are part-owned by the community/government since that's who they serve.
If the concept of private property were actually taught to them, they would probably not be so keen to Sanders/other socialist policies.
because they have spent their entire life being supported by government institutions, and the thought of supporting themselves absolutely terrifies them
She's just really good at makeup
Look at her Halloween morning in bed pic. She's very average.
To add to my point, millennials think socialism is simply when 'the government does something with tax dollars'. They think roads are socialism in action. They think police, firefighters, an army, bridges, and schools can only be achieved through socialism.
By their logic every single war in human history is a socialist endeavor since it was done by some sort of government with some sort of funding.
Can't wait until Bernie dies
The establishment are coporate/financial plutocrats who are happy to pretend the government holds the majority of power in this country while getting most politicians on both sides of the aisle to suck their cocks. The establishment wouldn't care if the federal government was abolished if they weren't actively protecting their interests.
Because they never learned how to be rational people and have become addicted to rhetoric that makes them feel good. For them, flattery trumps compelling reason.
They won't hit a higher threshold and are glad to lie and say "yea I'll give up all my Money" when in all reality they won't give up shit. All those Berrni supporters want is free shit from rich people. They don't want to work or earn a damn thing so they will never pass any threshold that makes them pay higher taxes because any money they get they don't earn so they don't pay tax.
It's very simple. They all have hundreds of thousands in college debt and he's the only candidate who's run on a platform of debt forgiveness.
This guy gets it.
>75 years old and decrepit looking
5 years max. I think Hillary dies first.
She's pretty without it too, facial structure boyo.
No experience of what real life is yet. They're in a bubble from birth.
Promised free stuff
Soe isnt a trap.
Because they haven't really entered the workforce yet, the education system they grew up in is absolute hot garbage that doesn't teach them anything, literally ANYTHING outside of what's on end-of-year exams, their parents are clueless about literally everything and can't explain anything for shit or even manage to talk to the generation they can't relate to, and they feel like their futures have been stolen right out from under them by the boomers, which to them is a word synonymous with Republicans as well as failed policies.
Holy fuck, that run-on.
t. Millennial that had decent parents who could explain and educate on political and economic systems.
Because Millennials have watched boomers complain about government overreach while also being literally the most entitled generation of all time, who sucked at the government teat for decades without complaining, then get mad and expect the next generation to foot their medical bills while gutting social services.
>stand against the establishment
>get the primary LITCHERALLY stolen from you
>lol oops guys the corrupt establishment just fucked me
>oh yeah by the way I'm part of the estabalishment, vote for the establishment lol
The jews told them to. He was controlled opposition.
>not being legitimately invested in their own community
>not being legitimately invested in their own success or quite yet comprehending the sweat and tears of their own hard work.
On average, millenials work longer hours and do more community/charity work then the previous generation. They're just more likely to do things locally rather than give money to a large charity like the red cross.
this one?
I'd still hit that
>On average, millenials work longer hours and do more community/charity work then the previous generation
Is that at the same period in their lives? I would love to see a source on this. I am not doubting younger people that actually bother becoming employed would have a good work ethic.
Because they haven't yet experienced the horrors of communism.
It feels almost as though their is some grain of truth between these two posts
because we want actual changes and bernie was the only candidate that talk about the shit going on with the banks
while trump made up some shit about a wall that wont ever be built and Hillary talking about feminist bullshit
Because they have been poisoned by ideological subversion.
Red pill yourselves.
Why do op keeps being such a cocksucking faggot ? Will he ever stop posting the same stale copypasta threads with this obnoxious slut on the oppic ?
>while trump made up some shit about a wall that wont ever be built
>while trump made up some shit about a wall that wont ever be built
like i said a wall that will never be built
republicans make bank off illegals picking fruit,building shit and selling drugs
>like i said a wall that will never be built
Are you from the future? Every indicator shows the wall is happening. You only have your feelings.
more likely your stupid ass will forget you even made that post when it is built
oh man there's some talk about the wall on some paper that must mean it's getting built
anyone who supports the wall is a goddamn moron
she looks like a fucking trap you faggot
"If you are young and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are old and not a conservative, you have no brain."
You have to go back.
>Why do millennials support left wing politicians like Bernie Sanders?
The same reason children love Santa, The Easter bunny, and tooth fairy.
He promises to bring them free stuff that there parents actually pay for.
Some want free stuff.
Others realize that their future is about being slaves to greedy corporate bosses, the whims of those who were born luckier and the best they can hope for is working 24/7/365 and praying someone won't decide to crash the market so they can at least afford food when they literally cannot work physically for it.
In addition to not being able to pursue their passions, because their parents didn't save the millions or make the connections required for paying university or a job.
Your country is fucking shit because of too much right-wing domination and I am absolutely sure all the replies to my post will shit on socialism despite it being at least a step to some sort of decent life, which you are completely denied.
Pumped full of "be nice" and "everybody is equal" and "lets all get along" commie bullshit from the first day of school.
They are naive, and have been lied to about the reality of the world for most of their lives.
They are starting to grow up, and see this. This pisses them off. The problem is they are naive, and people like Bernie know how to take advantage of that.
If he even believed half the shit he spouted he would have never endorsed Hillary even if his life was threatened.
God dammit this is amazing. No wonder they are talking about how we will be able to steal fingerprints and iris prints of politicians with ultra high resolution photography.
A tremendous rebuke.
this guy is the best shitposter on pol atm. posts the same "why do millennnials x?" everyday with the same girl and gets guaranteed replies
please stop posting this cunt
I'm begging you
>snowflake's chance in hell
It wasnt a landslide user