What is this shit Sup Forums?
I want to see her in jail!!
What is this shit Sup Forums?
I want to see her in jail!!
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it's better this way. HRC is a thing of the past. The more time Donald is focusing on the American people instead of Hillary the better.
What? Wait a minute why are you all surprised? You guys actually believed the shit coming out of his mouth while he was running? Lolz
its a bait and switch because if he announced hed go balls deep into it obama would just pardon her
Trump is not judge jury and executioner
Jeff Sessions will fuck her shit up
Digits of truth
Battered person syndrome
Dont you have a fence to hop Pablo?
Perhaps he will still get Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor for the Clinton Foundation pay to play scandal. That investigation has been going for a long time, and that is where the worst of the Clinton behavior and the more people are involved.
Good digits
And yes the FBI investigation into both Hillary herself and the Clinton Foundation are still ongoing, does the MSM mention this at all?
Kek is fucking here
>According to an aide
Better to let her think she's off the hook now then pull a 180 and land her in the slammer once he's in office. Otherwise Obongo is going to find a way to pardon her.
Unless comes out and says it himself then all of this is fake news
these digit speak the truth
>Wall confirmed for happening
>Mass deportating confirmed for happening
>Jobs and factories already coming back
>People think Trump isnt going to prosecute her
>People dont understand that hes playing the role of a snake in the grass
He's going to fucking destroy them all
There's a reason why he and Bannon are paving the way for 50 years of republican rule
The traitors will hang
This. She's over, her political career is largely done. He could twist the knife of his victory and go after her but it would make him look even worse to people that he's trying to improve his image to.
you can't pardon someone before trail moron
more 5d tiddlywinks for the kids. If you think Trump is going to actually TELL THE LUGENPRESSE his plans, then you have learned nothing from this election.
>media reports another thing Trump didn't say
maybe he's just saying it to look like Le Great Uniter of le hurting Amurica but the DOJ and the FBI will still pursue it and put her pedo ass in prison?
That's pretty much the only hope I have left to cling to. I'm feeling pretty pissed about this desu fampai.
Now Obama has no excuse to pardon her. Trump can always change his mind after the inauguration.
>according to an (((aide)))
No further investigations are needed because she's already being investigated by all agencies from here to the next universe.
Trump's gonna investigate too? Great way to spend time when you've got a whole country to fix.
look at ford pardoning nixon you halfwit.
I hope he's just trying to give them a false sense of security so this doesn't happen, or so she doesn't take an extended vacation to qatar.
All these articles released today about this are baseless speculation with no source. Trump isn't the one who decides anyway, it's up to the FBI and DOJ.
No one actually believed he would do it. As he said during his victory speech, "we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her work in this country". Stop being a cuck and support your president.
He made a deal with some American lunatics who actually think Clinton have done something wrong without any insurance that he would have to go trough with it. He's a deal-maker, and if you're not a winner you've only yourself to blame.
It's Kellyanne. Why would she be a jewish shill?
It's gotta be he's still playing 5D underwater backgammon. That's what I'll tell myself.
Who the fuck is Hilly Clinton?
He's trying to unite the country now so this is a smart move
Once the country calms down and he's been in office awhile i wouldn't be surprised if they go after her foundation, but he'll probably just leave her alone unless she tries to run in 4 years.
a fucking christmas tree ornament
lol its so true
What she did deserves the death penalty, and the people who have seen the full e-mails will not let this slide. Sorry Mr. Trump but this gift is not yours to give them. Every one of the co-conspirators has to be uprooted and destroyed.
Hitting so fast an allready broken down old hag is bad PR , Achmed.
More important shit has to be done first
She'll be dead by the spring so it doesn't even matter.
It's a good look for Trump to show mercy.
Trump doesn't "pursue charges"...this is up Chaffetz, Gowdy and the FBI and others.
There isn't some magical on/off button a President has in these matters.
As a point of political theater/strategy, it's brilliant...he can stand back and say "hey look, I don't control congressional investigators and the FBI" should congress/FBI/Justice Dept. keep it up.
Also, for the next 4 years he controls narrative of "hey, I could have had her locked up...the evidence was yuge, but I feel sorry for her and I want to bring country together"
He keeps her on the guilty chair forever without having to expend the political capital to prosecute her. She becomes his punching bag whenever he wants for free.
No mention of her foundation though.
>Kellyanne said it so it must be true
>implying she said it
11 minutes of gotcha questions. Don't put any faith in an answer to a gotcha question.
>mfw Kek is an aussie shitposter
>Trump's gonna investigate too? Great way to spend time when you've got a whole country to fix.
That is such a childish SJW perspective of the world. I bet you don't think a wall can be built either. Trump has a big enough bureaucracy that he can do as many tasks at the same time as he wants. The money is there, just ask Obama.
This. Think Scarface.
HRC: "Trump, don't prosecute me, please!"
Trump: "I aint gonna prosecute you."
HRC: "Oh Christ, thank you! Thank you!"
Trump: "Sessions. Lock up this piece of shit."
THIS is just shillling, according to top aid wtf does that mean, fucking alex jones promised me blood, and there will be blood. al;so clinton foundation is the big fish.
>All these articles released today about this are baseless speculation with no source. Trump isn't the one who decides anyway, it's up to the FBI and DOJ.
The President of the United States IS the executive branch. He can fire and dictate to anyone and everyone who isn't a congressman or judge. The FBI isn't constitutionally independent in anything but spirit. Presidents are supposed to take full accountability for their full power, which is why there's only one at a time; letting the FBI take all the original blame like Obama does is cowardly and deceptive.
Is this a smokescreen:
>Trump will not pursue Hillary Clinton email investigation
Since when does the president personally pursue a criminal investigation?
This unsourced aide did not state that the FBI won't pursue a Hillary Clinton email investigation.
If it is not a smokescreen of some sort, I will be very disappointed.
>[Hillary] has been through enough
Can we make this the new standard for people who break the law with impunity? This can be a new legal standard for prosecution.
>we decided not to prosecute him for drunk driving. He caused an accident while driving under the influence, was severely injured, and ended up in the intensive care unit for two weeks as a result. We have determined that he has been through enough and have chosen not to prosecute.
The elites seem to always get away with their crimes while lowly plebs get prosecuted for far less.
I hope that Trump doesn't do this.
Just because Trump won't pursue it doesn't mean Session won't.
We need people who think like how this post is laid out doing reporting
thanks hitler trips. I hope it's just political posturing.
Honestly, even though he won't push for it, I can't believe the FBI will just let her foundation slide.