He's obviously trying to get RS killed, right senpai?
National Editor of Politco Magazine doxxes Richard Spencer
Hopefully, he deserves the rope for being a LARPing memespouting faggot
Did he violate the right of Richard Spencer? Could Richard Spencer take him to the court? In Russia address of your home is kind of confidential information, you know?
Likely not illegal. Definitely against Twitter TOS however those are only enforced against the right.
It's public record
Who cares. Good luck. When you want attention, you're going to get it.
I don't know, I was gonna ask this myself.
I know Sup Forumstards do it all of the time, but is giving out someone's home address like this actually legal?
Hirsh's address is also public record and incredibly easy to find.
This Jew is being a fucking Jew. This will never come back on him, of course. He's an almighty Jew.
So sick of these bleating professional victims who are really the ones doing the victimizing.
Report him for doxing you stupid jackass
Time to counter it and send this faggots kid's pictures of spic's faces being skinned off
If you report him for doxing Twitter will ban him you dipshit.
Richard Spencer is a faggot though, who really cares?
Trump didn't lead a campaign of Nazism, why should his supporters care about some Nazi trying to become mainstream?
already done. no ban, tweets deleted.
Twitter rules don't apply to kikes and anti-whites
These stormfags play right into the Left's hand with all their wannabe bullshit.
How is this any different from what alt right trolls do on twitter?
I don't actually think he was LARPing, more like trolling the media in order to launch his brand.
The left promotes this literally-who as the racist boogeyman leader of the alt-right who no one has ever heard of. Now the left is doxxing him which will expose him and CNN as frauds eventually.
also he is a homo-fascist. those kinds tend to play it fast and loose.