I recently came here from reddit (r/the_donald) and I've never even heard of this faggot. That's what we do here, right? Call people faggots? That's so anti-PC, I love it!
Anyway, can one of my fellow anonymous legion brothers Iron Pill me on Richard Spencer? He came out of nowhere. Why is he hijacking our movement all of a sudden?
There is no movement. We are humble meme merchants.
This slander is literally anudda shoah.
Christopher Edwards
If you're going to shitpost then at least learn how to do it You're lame
Tyler Davis
get a leaf proxy like everybody else
Wyatt King
stop this meme a literal who comes out of nowhere to grab all the attention
Levi Peterson
dear shill. there is no our, nor us. stop trying to consolidate something. There is only a relentless excavation of the truth and fact being thrown into the public awareness.
This guy is likely a paid distraction. he came out of no where, twitter has not shut down his account despite others getting shut down. Its very obvious.
Return to your masters, report your failures, and hope for a swift death and subsequent cannibalism from them.
Isaiah Smith
>I came from reddit
You should stay there
Jayden Perez
He's like a racist who doesn't appreciate our BASED BLACK GUYS
David Garcia
I'm going to do what muslims don't and denounce this cunt as the autistic LARPer fraud he is. There it is. Is it that hard?
Wyatt Parker
Elijah Evans
This is the latest CTR psyop to discredit the so callled """alt right""" through guilt by association
Lucas Russell
>someone tries to fight the kikes ruining the west
>he must be faking it, goy!
Go home, JIDF.
Jonathan Garcia
>Hail Trump! Hail victory!
He's straight out of one of those "my 8 year old" Twitter anecdotes. Leftist plant.
Dominic Sullivan
Angel Hall
We never called ourselves alt-right, who labelled us that? Jew media
Who knew who this guy was before we saw him on jew media? No one
Pretty obvious what happened senpai
Michael Johnson
Thanks for bringing this to attention. Have my upvotes good sir.
Leo Parker
>Who knew who this guy was before we saw him on jew media?
The thousands of people that follow his podcasts and media?
Easton Lee
Pic related.
Kevin Adams
>can one of my fellow anonymous legion brothers Iron Pill me
Do you know how I know that you're either a Jew or a Jew lackey?
Jason Lee
They're doing it in the most retarded way possible. Indeed, in such a retarded way that it's having the opposite effect. You do the math.
Blake Price
>I recently came here from reddit
Benjamin Gutierrez
There's no one for me to distance myself from, I don't even know who this faggot is.
Camden Anderson
>mfw CTR role plays as "alt-right"
Elijah Myers
Go back to redit nigger lover
Lincoln Torres
Who is this semen demon?
Xavier Jackson
They said literally the exact same thing about Trump, yet he's headed to the white house. All press is good press.
>MFW the combination of jewish and australian shitposting has been realized
Hunter Flores
>Jew Whoa. Cool it with the antisemitic remarks. The alt right is NOT a racist movement. It's about nationalism bro
>Why is he hijacking our movement all of a sudden? Because he can. Real alt-right leadership is too busy setting up shop in white house to deal with him. Otherwise, this ->
Charles Smith
KYS Faggot. Legion is full. No upvote for you
Jeremiah Watson
are you sure you want to play the same game these Palestinians did?
Lucas Reyes
Fuck off, we're full.
Justin Jones
Cameron Collins
Don't worry, kike. We'll do what the sandniggers couldn't.
Ethan Taylor
Literally who?
Chase Allen
Lefty here. Alt-right is not real. It was a term branded by shitters like Milo and Breitbart to try and peddle their status among anti-oc and anti-establishment circles as something bigger and scarier. Som nazi's took the bait and saw it as a gateway to more respect. Lazy liberal media has done the typical thing of defining the issue not with what's the real substance but the substance they fear the most.
But yeah guys, enjoy being torn apart, misrepresented and have lots of annoying fucks just assume you are on the same team because of this. You were just memin and together in the same opposition group but now when the dust settles people will come with their weird expectations.
Robert Rogers
>un-ironically supporting sand niggers
Andrew King
should have addressed us as centipedes to really make the bait juicy.
Lucas Lopez
Hitler - sensitive butthurt failed artfag, barely ruled before being btfo, micropenis, faggy speeches to Germans, the most socially awkward nation on earth
Nice role model faggot
Spencer is a numale with a hipster haircut and is being used to discredit us
Ayden Lewis
Nah, I just want you all gone.
Benjamin Cooper
Hes a nobody, and I couldnt care less about him. He has a fag lisp, and Im pretty sure the memes made about him being the most extreme far right on the chart compared to Hitler and Pinochet etc are bullshit.
Sounds like another Sargon to be honest.
Luke Reed
I didn't realise "nazis" were such cry babies ?
Kayden Ramirez
>Hitler - sensitive butthurt failed artfag, barely ruled before being btfo, micropenis, faggy speeches to Germans, the most socially awkward nation on earth
t. Schlomo shekelberg.
Charles Robinson
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right".
Gavin Turner
Cross posted.
What they are attempting to do is undermine the legitimacy of the Trump movement; the one where he was going to drop out any day now, lose the primaries and lose the election in a landslide. If you can't see how this no-name prick is suddenly declared our leader, by our opposition no less, then you probably have very little understanding of the manipulation - both subtle and blatant - that the media utilizes to destroy the credibility of it's enemies.
Now you might find yourself asking how does RS ruin our credibility? First, he embodies everything that the media has been trying to say about Trump supporters, a white supremacist and a nationalist. If you want to learn more about how these strategies work, read FM 2-0 and 2-22, but they found a somewhat irrelevant guy that shares the interests of the most extreme elements of the right to which will appeal the to dumbest of you fucks thereby giving the illusion that we are a centralized and organized movement under the command of a single individual. So instead of liberals thinking that they were beat by ordinary citizens, this plays into the rhetoric that is continually increasing and gives the liberals a face.
Calling us alt-right is your first mistake, trusting this guy is the next.
Wyatt Thomas
why is every liberal larper so obsessed with the penises of politicians?
Luke Watson
Well, the people in your pic aren't nazis.
Brayden Foster
Fuck off Cernovichburg, you're still a fat cuck.
Nathaniel Perez
Here that guys milo (((yiannopoulos))) invented the alt right in 2016 it totally isn't real
Jack Hill
>a white supremacist and a nationalist.
Hold up, how is this a negative again?
Luis Reed
yet you still identified with them...
how unusual
Henry Cox
>Richard Spencer? He came out of nowhere. Why is he hijacking our movement all of a sudden? You have answered your own question.
Caleb Sanders
Seen a video of this cunt the other day. He is 100% controlled opposition.
Caleb Bell
Dear diary. Today stormweenies went full autism again.
Lincoln Kelly
I did, he's a very active voice in the "alt right"
He and Milo are just faggots that ply the conventional media using us as a vehicle
Aiden Jackson
Sad that kikes were supposedly genocided by someone like that. Really says something about you jews.
Jackson Adams
That's what I'm thinking, too. Literally no one on the_Donald has ever heard of this tool. Plus I've heard he's a racist which the alt right IS NOT ABOUT. Clearly a fed plant to discredit us.
Grayson Reyes
(you) (you)
Colton Young
This, it's literally a media tool
Cameron Turner
>I'm scared of the media and must obey their commands Meanwhile TRUMP WON fucking pussy
Zachary Roberts
It's not. But normies aren't yet prepared to swallow that redpill. So his being associated with the (((alt-right))) is essentially an attempt to smear Trump.
Chase Stewart
How many threads have you made today kike? Your attitude on the JQ is at odds with this board.
Ethan Reed
You have to go back.
Logan Mitchell
Yeah man fuck that gay ass shit lets just stay here on the wweeeebbs cuz this is where we can change the world amirte guys Fuck ALL OF YOU GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING AND STOP COMPLAINING LAZY FAUCKS
Josiah Reyes
Richard Spencers has been around doing the same shit since 2010, he's just now getting attention because of Trump running for president.
Dominic Wood
If he already has thousands of followers why is he samefagging here? Is /pol special or something?
These tactics are so boring. Same strategy time and the again. Divide and conquer; bait and switch. Rinse and repeat. It just tells everyone your intentions are less than honorable.
It's time to leave anonbrahs alone, so /pol's degenerate destiny can be realized in peace.
Brayden Reed
>I recently came here from reddit (r/the_donald) go back you fucking faggot the election is over
Julian Diaz
The creator of the (((ALT RIGHT))) featured on every major (((MSM)) outlet at home and abroad.
Really forces one to cogitate!
Lucas Powell
Who the fuck is this guy?
Seriously fuck off posting this shit meme
Matthew Cook
He created a website called alternativeright.com, back in 2010.
Asher James
Luis Adams
Go back to the reddit alt-lite where you belong
Eli Cook
Anyone who doesn't larp as a nazi controlled oppo is a jew now?
Fuck off storm fag. This board is republican now.
Eli Nguyen
Kayden Robinson
Whatever it's an attempt to do, it helps our cause by delivering our message.
>But normies aren't yet prepared to swallow that redpill.
What the fuck are you being such a goddamn pussy for? You force them to take the redpill, they'll never be prepared otherwise. How the hell do you think we got where we are, were we "ready"?
>If he already has thousands of followers why is he samefagging here? Is /pol special or something?
He's not. This was a Nazi board before you came here, reddit.
Liam Brooks
Whatever he tells you to do, it wont be "WE NEED TO MARCH IN THE STREETS"
Which is what we really should be doing. Brownshirt time.
Logan Flores
>Fuck off storm fag. This board is republican now.
Like hell it is, kike. This is our board.
Christian Murphy
If you have to force someone into your ideology then it isn't a sound one.
Julian Campbell
I hope you guys realize he's joking.
Ryder Gomez
Leaf is right Pol is a board of peace
Noah Jones
I'm sorry, but forcing someone into an ideology is what every idealogue has ever done. That's the definition of rhetoric.
Bentley Reed
Damn straight my nigga
Dylan Butler
Yes, marxist indoctrination in schools and media is completely OK, but trying to make people aware of it is bad
Ryder Howard
Kek has spoken SHADILAY
Andrew Ross
Kayden Stewart
Conservatives will also be hanged on the day of the rope, selling out your race for monetary stability is not an acceptable political ideology, and WLP included a "responsible conservative" being executed as a traitor in TTD for a reason.
Aiden Morris
this is a CTR LARPer everyone
Leo Cook
Oliver Wilson
>What are you going to do, stab me?
Pic related disagree with you. Youre the extremist.
Camden Morales
>ftw CTR has successfully brainwashed us to believe everyone is CTR--turn us against each other
John Evans
>They said literally the exact same thing about Trump, Spencer is not Trump.
Christopher Sanchez
richard "muh global warming" spencer is an attention whore and usefull patsy of the left. modern day version of david duke. nothing more nothing less
>Oy vey! Stop being horny for Richard Spencer shiksas! kek. Because we all know telling women not to be attracted to someone works and always has the intended effect
Easton Lewis
Spencer's just part of the AmRen crowd. He's not really important in the grand scheme of things, he can do what he wants.
That said, he should know better than to act like a fucking Nazi on camera when people are interviewing him and connecting him to Trump.
Christian Hernandez
Yeah, you're right. Don wasn't willing to admit the truth about the kikes and niggers.