1. Did the Danes steal the real Estonian flag because god said so?
2. Did anime start in Estonia rather than Finland?
3. Where are the proofs?
Estonia questions
Fuck you
sage in all fields
Where's your gif?
What are you sliding, kike? Also, sage.
Fuck you too
male vitality
super male vitality*
gonna visit estonia within two weeks what should i expect?
4. Is Estonia a slavic/Russian country?
Cheap alcohol.
you will be in the same country
Kustuta see ära
Is it difficult to immigrate to Estonia ?
fuck off
we're full
I have a feeling these people are involved with the whole thread. Including me, but I just realized it.
I thought most Estonians were Slavs at this point
accordin to bro rumor not anymore coz lithuania´s the place to be for that shit (^:
literally okay with that tbfh senpai
fuck off
we're full
Fuck you I'm cumming in anyway
No you are not take refugees pls
fuck off
we're full
austria 1939 = finland 1939
austria 2016
I mean the other estonian got better digits than me so i guess i wont argue but are you really full??
>lithuania´s the place to be for that shit
not for long.get it while you can
Estonia is gratatest
If Estonia is so great why are you drinking yourselves to death?
Naw we buy the alcohol because it's taxed heavily, so we are keeping our economy afloat with that.
fuck you estonia's flag is nice and turning it into a 'nordic' cross would destroy its symbolism
Depression and thought of suicide
Alcohol takes it away
Besides there's nothing else to do than drink
It's hilarious how warped perception the internet has of Estonia. Thinking it's some pseudonordic country focusing on technology and infrastructure.
It's just another former USSR dystopian shithole. I've never met a patriotic Estonian. Most tourists never even make it out of Tallinn, let alone Superalko.
>too many russians
>no mudslime refugees
we drink for the bad and the good
No that's Latvia. Right? Lithuania is far. What if the they raise prices too? Do we have to drive all the way to Poland or even Germany to get fuggen alcohol?
The world is against us
Finns are the most patriotic about Estonia.
Come on they didn't get free till 1991 and they're on their way up. It's not that bad place when it's sunny.
Hey Estonia can I come? Promise to be a good immigrant..
you are and indiot