Showed her the videos and evidence.
>Fun fact
We are dating now.
Did I do good /pol?
Showed her the videos and evidence.
>Fun fact
We are dating now.
Did I do good /pol?
Is she a nigger or nigger lover?
That is the question.
Good where she live now? Post pics censor face if you want I want to see if you score good body.
Bad goy! Bad!! No!
Autism. She just wanted to leave your skidmark of a country.
yes but make sure to date other girls as well. she may or may not be the one.
take a guess
Nice. Next step is to rape her. Don't forget to videotape for more evidence.
let that poor girl out of your basement
>Check Demographics of Estonia
>Africans: 0.02%
Looks good to me
Oh, nvm then. I didn't look at the flag. I better start doing that!
good for you i guess but the chances of her getting raped are very low so you lied to her
She really didn't know the current situation with shitskins and rapes in Sweden. Infact, she thought it was a joke but really shocked when I showed her footage, articles and literally were laughing for 20 minutes at how 30 year old niggers pretend to be 15 year olds.
She hates niggers and arabs.
Besides she is already dating a nigger which is me.
Russias are the niggers of Europe only attractive, strong and masculine.
Why she would date a coal is anyone's guess but I could see that happening here if it weren't for a huge Russian enclave population here in Estonia so eesti girls are doing just fine if eesti boys are too cucked.
Enjoy your AIDS
You would say that Sven. Your country is a meme, stop defending it.
pol is a meme that you all fell for
>Besides she is already dating a nigger which is me.
You need to go home Jamal. Either you or your thieving, shameful ancestors stole their way onto Europe. At least in the United States, the descendants of slaves have some sort of justification to living in the country. You have none, and it's far past time for you to return to the dark continent.
You did the right thing Eesti.
Hey leaf, I am a slav.
I know your French may be good but English isn't your strongest I see. Learn to read.
Lol Russians cucking Eestis
Good on ya I guess cunt. Enjoy some good balkan pussy I guess
good on you mate
>russians are the niggers of europe
not wrong there
Maplejew can you read? I realize he didn't write it in hebrew, but he's a fucking Russian.
He's a slavnigger, not a Tyrone. Get your labels right.
and Lol fuckin poofter leaf btfo'd
>Showed her the videos and evidence.
please share for future red pilling of qts.
So you can't type "Sweden Refugee Rape" into a search engine?
Marry her makes 8 blue eyed babys (ok, let s say just 5) and THEN you will have done good.
you have brought honour to yourself. revel in it, it is more important than gold or silver
>I didn't look at the flag. I better start doing that!
Many such cases!
good job aleksei
fucking greybook
no better than an african. Go back over the Urals, mongol.
I don't read posts by basketball-americans, sorry
You do understand that your whole nation was legally slave-bought by those Aleksei Russians from Swedish, only a couple of hundred of years ago? :p
If a girl dates you BECAUSE you redpilled her, that right there is a fucking keeper.
I've just convinced myself to visit Estonia to steal your womyns
oh look lithuania
the slavs even belarus didnt want
>Next step is to rape her.
he's not following the hohol-tataromongol way.
Score 1 for the white race!
>photo of a typical brit drawn by a poleskin, even the dental features are shown right!
Depends where she goes. If she was planning on going to the north parts of Sweden you literally just fucked her over and now she won't be comfy with the reindeers.
>lol'd at sold estcucks
>double lol'd cause slav not lithuanian
>tripple kek'd cause lits are not slavs
>estonian girl
>balkan pussy
this pic hit close to home doesn't it?
>lits are not slavs