Is sugar a jewish psychological substance to keep people happy and forget about the bad things?
I mean, if you think about it, the cavemen did not consume sugar and yet they didn't die out because of it. So why are we consuming it?
Also look at fat Americans for example; they consume so much sugar and get fat, and look how stupid these people are (not all of them but especially the fat fucks).
Is sugar a jewish psychological substance to keep people happy and forget about the bad things?
Sugar is a drug. Just like Internet porn. I don't know if they were purposefully invented by anyone but they definitely keep you compliant and submissive against the power of the state.
too much of anything is bad
moderation is key
sugar is high doses is a slow poison
don't drink soda
Yes, everything is a ploy of the Jew. Now stop breathing air, because it is also a Jewish scheme.
our bodies produce sugar naturally lol
Idk... but sugar is the reason for heart disease in the USA, not fat consumption. I cut out the sugar-Jew 3 months ago and I'm in the best shape of my life.
its loaded with calories and tastes good the jews didnt create shit
>falling prey to the oxygenated Jew
What is refined sugar for 200 Alex
>yes it's poison
How do you know? Have you personally been inside your body and seen the production first hand?
Sugar is what most of the industry replaced fat with because it was less expensive. Later on, they got cheap fats, and added them on top of sugar. The two are a disaster.
Avoid sugar, eat good fats, and you'll be healthier. The healthiest diet on the planet is that of a type 2 diabetic: essentially a paleo diet with a tad less faggotry.
Honestly once you are past the age of 20 and have a decent understanding of nutrition and the biology of human health there is no reason why you should ever eat anything with added sugar.
Soda, Ice Cream, Candy, baked desserts, they are all for kids and fat women looking for an emotional fix. They are poison and intelligent and healthy adults should have nothing to do with them.
Just eat fruit if you crave something sweet.
complex carbs like pasta and bread aren't that bad
you have to fucking go back
>Honestly once you are past the age of 20 and have a decent understanding of nutrition and the biology of human health there is no reason why you should ever eat anything with added sugar.
There is if you still have a modicum of self-control -- which many do not.
you're less than trash
That's why I bag all my weed nugs in separate baggies.
A nugget a day keeps the doctor away
I did mention a tad less faggotry.
Pasta and bread are good, though only as long as you keep it whole. And then you need to keep it organic, because the part that makes it whole is the part that contains the most harmful chemicals.
And even then, don't abuse it.
ketosis is the best osis schlomo.
sugar is a jewish trick to make you fat and lazy instead of productive and a potential threat to the kikes reign.
>too much of anything is bad
that is such a retarded statement
too much already states that the amount you have is bad as there is too much.
Cavemen ate sugar. Fruits and vegetables are full of it, dairy is full of it. It's an essential nutritional staple. Period.
Refined sugars and salts on the other hand...are detrimental to people. THAT is what is making people sick.
too much of some things are good though, so...
sugar is a gateway drug for globalist fascism. a person whos will has been broken to the point that he will submit to a donut will submit to anything
bread and most carbs get converted to glucose when you eat it
yeah but they didn't create sugur from those fruits then put the sugar back on those fruits
and they sure as shit didn't drink a cup of sugar with every meal
Milk is a garbage drink that makes you fat.
that's not true. it is too much meaning there is more than is good.
i want a suga daddy
yes they did your retarded
roman corpses from pompeii had PERFECT teeth because they didn't use refined sugar, only honey. naturally occurring sugars from fruits would only be gorged on during the plentiful seasons, they stimulate an endocrine response to store fat for winter. having sugar isolated and available year round fucks up our endocrine system royally, and it's addictive properties help keep people obese and complacent. blue pills are made of sugar
Stopped eating suger at 30 (a year ago)
I'm in better shape and health now than at age 25
Did just that and I already feel like a god full of super male vitality! Oh boy was I bluepilled before.
What? I'm interested to see the facts of this because a lot of people are on the caveman diet which has no simple carbs and puts your body on ketones.
Milk is a survival food that all people of that time consumed. Fruit juices were also widely, you're wrong.
Honey is also pure sugar, they ate that, as well as plant nectar.
What about your mental health? Have it been deteriorating since then?
for being healthy? kek
No, there has been research that has shown sugar has some damaging effects upon the body. There is no benefit other than the taste and it fucks up your body.
The human brain cannot function normally without sugar (s).
The cavemen consumed fruit. You're supposed to eat sugar, but in moderation. Your body is designed to handle small amounts of sugar and rapidly turn it into usable energy. Everyone has a threshold for sugar consumption that, when passed, the sugar no longer gets absorbed quickly by muscles, but rather by the liver and possibly at higher levels converted into fats inefficiently. This inefficiency causes the problem of elevated blood sugars which damages many of the body's systems.
Carbs are not necessary for life. Only fat and protein you jew fuck
skim milk is worthless, and bad for you.
Whole milk on the other hand is good for you because it provides good fat calories, and necessary nutrients for your brain.
LSD and other hallucinogenics work by starving the brain of sugars, imposing a powerful delirium. Scientifically you're both wrong and retarded.
Glucose is manufactured by the liver from proteins, no ingestion of sugar is necessary.
Lmao, your body and your brain literally run on glucose.
better that you use complex carbs for that, sugars turn to fat quickly
Refined sugar should be a banned substance at most, and deemed unsafe for human consumption at least.
Gluconeogenesis (GNG) is the process by which glucose is made out of protein in the liver and kidneys.) Some people think that because protein can be turned into glucose, it will, once other needs are taken care of, and that therefore keto dieters should abstain from starvation induced glucose production as a means of survival.
Damaging the body to the point of starvation mode is retarded. Carbohydrates are the body's preferred fuel source.
A simple Google search will prove what I said is true
It can function just fine with the sugar the body makes from carbs, not to mention the natural sugars in fruits.
LSD and other hallucinogenics work by starving the brain of sugars, imposing a powerful delirium. Scientifically you're both wrong and retarded.
Kek, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. LSD and psychedelics work by binding to neurotransmitter receptors, sugar has nothing to do with their affects.
>muh webMD science
There's nutritional fact, and trend diets which you're advocating for.
I mentioned paleolitc fruit and honey consumption already. Ids exist on this board for a reason.
Hallucinations happen from fever or lack of sugar in the body.
Complex carbohydrates are sugars though...
Hallucinations may result from fasting or severe nutritional deficiencies but that has nothing to do with psychedelics like LSD. They are a different kind of hallucination. Scientists have established how LSD and similar drugs work, they cause hallucinations by activating certain receptors on our neurons, it has nothing to do with sugar or nutritional deficiencies.
Are you defending sugar so much because you are obese?
Fat people are fat because they overindulge in things that their bodies find pleasurable. Theyre generally dumber than thin people because they're incapable of overcoming simple desires.
I know that feminists and SJWs have been putting something in whiskey that makes it harder for men to get erections
Read and learn, please.
>herrderr yer fat
lmao the amount of sugar in fruits and veggies is fucking nothing, plus the fiber present prevents a lot of the sugar from being absorbed, also sugar is not essential in the slightest, neither are carbs in general you fat fuck.
they didn't eat raw sugar, they ate carbohydrates which were broken down into sugars
If they're not essential why would your body waste precious resourse energy wise converting proteins into sugars?
Cavepeople lived literally half as long as modern people due to poor diet and exposure to the environment. Emulating their lifestyle is absolutely retarded.
Asians are genetically wired to run on carbs. They've lived on rice for 20000 years. Sugar is no problem for them.
>pasta and bread aren't bad
Time to take the iron pill, go on /fit/ and repent
it's a highly addictive narcotic
>go to /fit/
>a board dedicated to carbo-loading before extreme performances
t. people who have never tried an actual drug
>t. buttblasted fat woman
fucking LMAO, never gonna snag a quality man Shaniqua.
>Read and learn, please.
That article agrees with everything I said, it explains that LSD works by activating certain receptors, it says nothing about sugar or glucose or starving neurons.
You told me to read and learn without even reading it yourself, because if you had you would have realized it just backed up what I was saying.
You skipped half the article citing specifically what I stated. How odd.
>I need sugar for my mental health
>t. sugar addict
Not surprised you're a filthy dumb Ukie. Beg Russia to annex you Eritrea-tier subhumans, faggot.
fuck are you talking about? carbs are great before you work out, but the average person is a lazy piece of shit.
Buddy sugar is a million times more addicting for me than cocaine, get rekt faggot.
I love how all the fat sweaty faggot numales get triggered by all the anti-sugar truth that's being dropped nowadays.
jerking off is more addicting lol
That's not an argument, just an emotional outburst. Have a glass of cider, it will make you feel better.
No I didn't you autist I read the whole thing.
None of it has anything to do with what you were saying. Copy and past the specific part from the article that you think supports what you are saying, otherwise fuck off.
Do not underestimate the sugar and carb Jew. Food addiction can be a very real psychological disablement. Not only that, but it keeps whitey weak, low testosterone, fat, and suppressed. Eat as your ancestors did as much as you can. Healthy fats and proteins (meat), some veggies, and water. The physical change is unreal.
>used to be 300 lbs 6'1" addicted to sweets
>switched to paleo diet with heavy lifting and sprinting
>dropped down to 200 and bulked back up to 220
>just remembered i have diabeetus
>Ketones are a mild form of acid released from fats, to prevent starvation. When they release into the bloodstream, they build up til you become so saturated with acid that ketoacidosis occurs. Ketoacidosis is a toxic physical state that has a high mortality rate in people with type I diabetes, and some who have type 2.
> low blood sugar levels in the bloodstream negatively impact cognitive functioning of the brain. The lower one's blood sugar goes, the more the brains ability to process information decreases. If blood sugar stays low for extended periods, then many issues occur, from destabilizing emotions as notes by symptoms of depression to poor judgment and decision-making. Everybody experiences different symptoms, but the outcome is usually the same making the relationship with oneself and others more difficult.
>LSA is taken in orally and after 20 minutes it causes a dream-like state during which the consciousness of the person is completely preserved. In a little bit larger doses these symptoms may get stronger and after an hour the user usually falls asleep. As a matter of fact, LSA causes the typical for LSD visual effects very rarely, except if it is not taken in very large doses. LSA dramatically affects ones ability to absorb glucoses into the bloodstream, initiation of dreamlike or starvation induced hallucinations is very common.
Asian americans in texas have a high rate of type 2 diabetes, just to let you know
Texans aren't known for their well balanced diet. They also border Mexico...who also aren't known for their well balanced diet.
Healthy ketosis and ketoscidosis are very different friendo. And yes low
sugar will screw you up mentally while breaking a carb and sugar addiction which your body has been fixed on since birth. After a few weeks you will transition and fully use your fat stores as energy, the way humans did since the Stone Age. We're meant to use our fat stores as energy. Grain and carbs are a temporary boost of energy but is much more inefficient.
Ketogenic state is a much more constant focus and energy, unlike the constant spiking and crashing of a carb diet
Ивaнe, ти ли cи
sugar occurs naturally in fruit
i'm very fucking confused as to what this thread is insinuating, that the jews created sugar?
don't get me wrong, food itself gets tons of shit shoved in it by kikes, but they did not invent sugar, it's a naturally occuring substance to be taken in moderation.
This is true.
Here's some info on ketosis for those interested. It is not dangerous.
Are you retarded?
None of that text comes from the article you linked.
This is the article you linked:
Pic related is a screencap of the entire article Literally nothing you typed in your greentext comes from the article you linked.
There is no source for the greentext that you typed. It looks like you just copied and pasted two paragraphs from wikipedia and than made some stuff up about LSA. Either provide a source that backs up what you are saying or admit you have no idea what you are talking about.
Of course they didn't create it, but I suspect the elites jam us full of sugar to keep us fat and sedated
>sweets addict
>5'8 manlet
>150 lbs
At 8% height advantage you weight almoust 50% more and I already consider myself fat. Seriously consider suicide with your diet you fat fuck.
I have a very large build friend. My BF% is no more then 20. I'm not only tall but have always had a large frame from my German father. I wear medium sized shirts.
I'm sorry you're not only a manlet but a scrawny manlet. Try not to let it get you too worked up
The sugar industry paid Harvard researchers in the 1960s to bury research linking sugar intake to heart disease and to instead make fat the culprit, according to a study of archival documents.
“These internal documents show that the Sugar Research Foundation initiated coronary heart disease research in 1965 to protect market share and that its first project, a literature review, was published in the New English Journal of Medicine without disclosure of the sugar industry’s funding or role,” stated the study.
The internal sugar industry documents were found in public archives by a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco.
UCSF researchers analyzed more than 340 documents indicating the relationship between the sugar industry and Roger Adams, then a professor of organic chemistry who served on the scientific advisory boards for the sugar industry, and Mark Hegsted, one of the Harvard researchers who produced the literature review.
The documents showed the sugar industry was aware of evidence in the 1960s that linked sugar consumption to high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and was thought to be risk factors for coronary heart disease.
The sugar industry commissioned Project 226, a literature review written by researchers at the Harvard University School of Public Nutrition Department, which concluded there was “no doubt” that the only dietary intervention required to prevent coronary heart disease was to reduce dietary cholesterol and substitute polyunsaturated fat for saturated fat in the American diet.
The sugar industry paid the Harvard scientist the equivalent of $50,000 in 2016 dollars.
The study found the NEJM review served the sugar industry’s interests by arguing that studies “associating sucrose with coronary heart disease were limited” and that sugar should not be included in assessments of risk of heart disease.
Researchers found the sugar industry would spend $600,000 (the equivalent of $5.3 million in 2016 dollars) to teach “people who had never had a course in biochemistry…that sugar is what keeps every human being alive and with energy to face our daily problems,” according to a UCSF press release.
>Jew flag
Also cavemen consumed sugar in other more natural forms (fruits), just not sugarcane or this synthetic bullshit.
its the soda for sure, people here drink a bunch of cheap shitty HEB cokes with like 50g of sugar per bottle. you will get the 'betes from it