holy shit what is he doing...
I'm scared, Sup Forums.
8 years
He's going to be a one term President.
His heart will give you long before 2020.
*give out
anyone have that big "YOU ARE HERE" text that we used throughout the primaries and stuff?
Not so fast, Dahnald.
Soros is a fat pig and is nearly 90
working hard today I see.. fucking butthurt shill.
It's called direct communication with your supporters. Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Pacing and leading.
People will vote for him for a second term because he will persuade them to do it.
11D upside down intergalactic euchre
Sorry, Trump is on illuminati level health care now, top of the line for organ transplants, experimental stem cell therapy. They even got a 300lb guy like Scalia to 82.
No he wont, he will proove himself as the best president that has been for a very long time, he has to fuck up real bad, not to get a second term.
Is he really going to repeal daca? How difficult will it be to do that? Will people already hired be able to sdata? Are we rely going to have to fire people just because of trump?
Able to stay
I lol'd hard!!
Are you 'murricans looking forward to the death of Net Neutrality?
Scalia was 79 when he was murdered
>net neutrality
The US government has no right to interfere with private businesses like ISPs.
Agreed. As long as it's not a complete disaster, he will get a second term. Trump 16 voters will vote him again, as well as others that he swayed.
Textbook fascism.
He's a big guy
Half term president, with this big mouth all of you USĀ“ers will get boring and annoyed pretty fast.
this 2bh, trump will probably live to be like 120 or something. also clones
one 100-year term
Doubtful. Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs. Yeah he's slightly overweight but nothing that a diet can't solve. He'll live longer than some of the people that browse here.
Yeah, I agree. ISPs should be allowed to throttle their customers connections to any website they please.
I'm sure it'll lead to fierce competition to provide the best service possible. And not the collusion amongst the ISPs to fuck their customers over as much as possible that we saw before it. :)
I love TRump more every day.
8 years easy.
Who can stand against him? Pocahontas? LOL
The commie lie are no longer taken seriously.
>Who can stand against him?
Anonymous 2020
pls vote me
rc6BaejQ 2020
Also Gen Z will be eligible to vote in 2020
hes making america great again
>rc6BaejQ user declares candidacy to the White House
>no media coverage at all
we all know why (((they))) are doing it, they can't allow a 4channer as POTUS
Blame state regulations favoring established ISPs and disallowing other competitors from entering the market
"the formation of the people who"
Dude can't write. We have a moron for president-elect.
Praise him for he has spoken.
Me too. Why did he say only for 8 years? Wasn't he going to be emperor for life? He'll prob just reshuffle
How is that incorrect?
Seeing you enjoy this made me stop laughing, fucking leaf.
Trump wilk do two terms and theres nothing you faggots can do about it
Didn't you hear? Killary lost, you CTR faggots are now officially unemployed.
Said fucking Ecuador on a US website's political imageboard in the waste of a historical US political upset to determine the most powerful person in the world, which elected a candidate relevant to that board's various interests.
"Oh man why is the US so self-centered? Wow like we're so bored omg we so don't caaare just letting you know"
Go back to watching our TV over your local broadcast, faggot.
tfw someone posts my oc
"formation of the group of people which" would have been better form, but it's just a crying liberal. It's not wrong, it's just not grammatically highbrow.
Trump will leverage simple sentences to speak directly to the proletariat bigly.
>t-trump will never get a second term