Free speech in Sup Forums

free speech in Sup Forums
>start a serious alt-left anti-estabilishment thread
>Sup Forums goes apeshit
>thread gets deleted

ahhh yes well done mods well done you absolute fucking cuckolds

Other urls found in this thread:

Monkeys not allowed.

gtfo nigger

then stop acting like one

a solid right needs a solid left to thrive (and viceversa)

I reckon you're happy with the current Clinton-led Communist International

Thread will not be deleted if you actually add something, you mung.

Ctrl-left, please.

We don't need opposition on here though.

Start a discussion then mang.

Spergs and trolls are part and parcel of the internet. Push through.


you're right tbf, here's what an argie user said

ocus on real issues and real solutions.
The most important issue is wealth distribution, not "wealth equality" that's a shit meme, it will never be achieved, however people should be able to make enough to not starve.
Try to create a system that naturally gravitates towards that.

Forget every other "issue", like race, gender, faggotry, environment, refugees, renewable energy and all that crap that has fucking jackshit to do with anything else.

The main problem of the left is that in it;s effort to become so inclusive it got filled with all the goddamn retards of the entire spectrum.

I agree 100% with what he said, this left is going to lead us to our fucking graves and this is one of the main reasons why

>trying to have left-wing discussions on a hardcore right-wing website

What did you expect?
Stop trying to stir shit up.

More like

>hurr ill just Type ALT LEFT in caps
>durr no other text or content in the OP
>same gay ass left arrow

Wow man thats some serious shit. Seriously stupid you whining bitch

see this as mainly anti-estabilishment thread, I want both the left and the right to be in full shape

So long as the globalist scum dies off I?m happy, I want to double our chances

Fuck off with your leftwing Marxist bullshit paddy cunt


Could you explain to me what alt-left is?

Because I didn't fall for the Alt-right meme either btw. as that was created by jews and libcucks to make us look like a form of '2nd wave'.

>I started a thread with free speech but then people using free speech said it was shit wahhhh wahhhh

>and ten it dot beleted

antifas are scum and shall be purge in the next years

this whole current left needs to crumble down, possibly starting from the lower ranks such as the antifas

we need to disenfranchise the current corrupted system

to be fair has a point, that's how most alt-left threads start, alt-left is an admittedly annoying buzzword

I'm up for not calling it alt-left anymore but it's an apt name, there's no free speech or alternatives in the left

almost there friend, here's how things actually went

What is it with Irish and not understanding signals? Is autism part of Irish culture?

The alt left already exists and it already co-opted the left in general. Its the SJW, identity politics, anti-white, globalist retoric that switched the lefts usual message of "gibs for the poor!" to "gibs for brown people!". It cost them the election and relevancy forever.

>potato nigger

All the left needs to die starting with antifa then things like Laubor and lib dems and greens its about time we went to fascism

>start spamming Sup Forums with autistic shit
>Sup Forums responds at first with criticism then with sage
>not enough people respond to your shit-post so it gets archived but you think the mods are actively doing it


I don't believe in normal economic left vs right either. Not in this situation of identity politics that we face atm anyway.

I just prefer to call it
>(actual) Conservatives
>(actual) Liberals/Libertarians


>'''Progressives''' (useful idiots)
>............and juice. Yes, juice.

You can honestly say whatever you want here, but that doesn't mean it will be accepted and/or you won't be ostracized. As long a you keep the thread alive, your opinions will be present and able to be commented on by all.

The opposite exists elsewhere, you just absolutely cannot say opposing views without being deleted or outright banned. There's free speech, not required acceptance. If you want required acceptance with a hug box atmosphere, go back to r/bernie.

then change the name of your ideology to something that doesn't sound like it's in direct opposition to the alt-right.

>start a serious alt-left anti-estabilishment thread

>serious alt-left

This is truly sad, and it's even sadder to see how Sup Forums is happy with it because the "right guys" are on a winning streak right now.

All I see is that the right is doing fairly well while the left is led and composed by a loud minority of drivelling retards. I don't know about you but I want both side to be represented by solid candidates

you forgot that the thread was deleted by the (((mods))), if anything this proves how strong this left is, even on Sup Forums you can't question it

yeah but that ain't going to happen soon, the current battle is against the estabilishment, and shits like Labour and Lib dems are part of it

again, the thread was deleted

You have a point tbf

you're with her!!!

you retards aren't intelligent enough to comprehend there is no qualitative difference between whatever your shitty alt left meme is and the SJW identity shit you despise, you're the biggest cucks of all

Of course you're upset. The irish are such libcucked sjws its hilarious.

Go back to complaining the government doesnt give out enough free money.

fuck off jacksepticeye.
this is a right wing board

>however people should be able to make enough to not starve.
You're right, people should stop useless pieces of shit if they want to not starve. No argument here.

what you need to do is come up with several fashy but distant left wing ideologies, come up with a better name and instead of shilling it here give it to the normies.

Your thread autopdeleted from lack of interest you fucking newfag, you can't just self bump any more.


I see the current left's brainwashing has worked

there's literally nothing wrong with stopping illegals from entering your country

but I like posting here

>implying I made the thread

I'll admit OP probably started it as a troll thread

in fact scratch the name just wait for (((them))) to give you one like we did

Alright lad. I'll try help out with alt-left threads when I see em. This is smething that is going to happen one way or the other. Sup Forums would be amiss not to get in their early and help iron out their ideology.

Anyhoo, here's a little readme on the alt-left.

Fine then. How do we trick the upcoming disenfranchised left into supporting national socialism? Its gotta be subtle and we need qts.

So you say... You're are here now and still talking in your thread. This is one of the most active boards here, the thread doesn't stay alive for years here like it does on Reddit . You need to bring content and replies to keep it alive.

The_Donald is the same way. I thought these people were all about facts over feelings but that is clearly bullshit.

>there's literally nothing wrong with stopping illegals from entering your country
Still no argument here.

I feel like you just made this thread to bait people who don't actually want to have a discussion for (You)'s. You still haven't put forward an actual topic of discussion, just general nuances. Is there something specific you wish to accomplish or pass in law or just make general philosophical statements that sound good to your feelings?


It wasn't the jews. It's us. Shhhhh. don't give the game away.

Screenshotted it.

>Triggered mod gets triggered cuz people are complaining about newfags being newfags

You're invading the board in a vain attempt at co-option.

Marxism was an ideological weapon of the British Crown, used primarily against the German States, France, and the Netherlands.

Your threads are getting deleted because they're shitposts.

They have no content.
There is no alt-left movement.

The only reason these threads exist is to try to trigger alt-right sympathizers and get (you)s. If you were actually trying to generate intelligent discussion, your threads wouldn't get deleted. But you're just a shitposter and your threads are going into the trash where they belong.

This is the cringiest shilling campaign I have seen in years. You autistic commie neckbeards can't do anything right. Such low energy

Libtard here. This is why I come here. This is the true essence of Sup Forums

This why we need a solid nationalist party to come along with a strong leader that can win harts and minds because with the current zionist elite we have running things means that

The only solution is white revolution

Good post and good spirit, I don't see why Sup Forums wouldn't want the left to be great again, this way whoever wins our countries wouldn't go idown the shitter

First of all we need to detach the idea of national socialism from the idea of dicatorship

explain who I'm shilling for friend

>thread gets deleted
i think what you meant is
>bumping own thread doesnt work well so thread 404s very fast

Hail victory 88

again, it was not my own thread

The two are rather synonymous.

Ireland is the worst because they're all for being politically correct. And they're always the poor victims, shame.

Living here is awful, and if you think oterwise you are cucked. A bunch of white niggers wearing tracksuits because they are too retarded to dress themselves, sad alcoholics because they cant face the fact they had the celtic tiger and blew it, and then so many fucking liberal emo scene kids.

The polish are the best part about this shithole because they aren't fucking cucked. They aren't afraid of work. They dont expect everything for free,

Entitled Irish. What a pathetic joke of a country.

Nobody cares about your rage and anxiety about the rise of radical reactionary right wing politics. When the time comes you autistic commie numale betacuck neckbeard useful idiots will have the same fate as your jewish handlers

you can still post here, just post something else for once. if you want your ideology to spread you have to options, normies or meme magic. we use both

kill yourself you fuckin sped spic fuck

See what I mean, a decent left should be with the workers, right now all it does is pander to the masses of lazy third and first worlders who just want some gibsmedat. This is shameful and I can in no way support it, I know for a fact that there's a lot of people like me, that see no benefit in keeping the left in the dire state it is now. All of this shit needs to stop as soon as possible, and it's gonna be hard because the left is like a worldwide mafia right now.

Do I know what to do about it? Absolutely not, I'm a dumb cunt, but I still think it's a topic worthy of discussion considering how we all gain from destroying the leftist elite

glad to see you've outed yourself as a complete retard

>muh alt left
>I am not like le SJWs

Go back to your containment board anbd roleplay as stalin you useful idiot retard

Anything else you wanna get off your chest

>See what I mean, a decent left should be with the workers

EXACTLY. the workers are still the masses of humanity. If we want rope day we're going to need to get them on side. The alt-left should stand in opposition to the SJW, cause their concerns aren't class related, and against the internationalist left (read commies) for selling out their own nations.

again, explain what's wrong with destroying the left and building a decent alternative and how it would hinder our societies'growth

leftypol BO is a girl/trannie. And you're still misunderstanding the whole 'alt-left' thing. I posted a link above. Check it out.

It doesn't need to be destroyed. Just rendered irrelevant. Like the mainstream right was this election.

Because the left is the problem. Egalitarianism, denial of race the innate cosmopolitan character of the movement. You might want to larp as an anti SJW leftist "intellectual" or whatever but your are still part of the problem.

Class is a spook a Somali with a double digit IQ is not my comrade just because he sells his labour to someone.

What exactly do you define as the "left"

I think knowing that is key to answering you right now. You come across as someone that wants to be left but is actually middle.

Please for the love of god, read

protip, it already hates the shit you listed there.

>a Somali with a double digit IQ is not my comrade
but you get both fucked by the estabilishment

if you think our current wealth distribution is sustainable in the long term you're a fool, and of course trying to fix this with welfare checks isn't even slightly a half-decent solution

>Just rendered irrelevant
hard to do when they control everything

that's the dream, I admit I have no idea how to make it real, but Sup Forums is a good place to brainstorm

The one I dream of should care about wealth distribution and workers (these are ultimately leftie foundation stones), as of now they care about welfare and unemplyed people. Not to mention all this identity politics drivel is a huge waste of time for everyone

Sup Forums does have freedom of speech as you can post pretty much what ever you want without consequence. However if there is something that disproves what you say or makes your point invalid we will point it out and call you an idiot. If your point can stand on its own then you will change the opinions of many of the posters here. The problem with you guys is that you keep posting the same stupid shit that gets shot down all the fucking time and instead of adapting your beliefs to the stronger argument you get buttblasted and change nothing.

>the stronger argument
the stronger argument being that the left is fine as it is? Do you seriously think that I hate the clintons and the left even a tiny bit less than you do?

As I said, everyone's got a lot to earn from a new, decent left

Look the only way you can force this new meme is by forcing it everyday. Thats the only way to get this board discuss this subject material.
Make a thread everyday and maybe you can be like the does Sup Forums like death metal and sakura fish autists on other boards.

There is free speech. It's not my fault you get BTFO so hard the one true ideology.
Not gonna bump this thread though.

will do

problem is, the thread got deleted. To be fair, it started as your usual shitposting thread by the OP (who wasn't me) but there was some actual discussion going on there

The "alt-left", or New Left rather, is already in power and has been since 1968 when they won the cultural war. It's where the insane hyperindividualism, SJWism, cosmopolitanism, and elitism comes from.

If you want to be a contrarian leftie you should adopt neo-Leninism or neo-Maoism.

Flag checked

Can you outline what you want your new ideology should be like in terms used?