What does deregulation mean, when Donald promised to get rid of regulations?
Is it smoking taxes, smoking in bars, drinking ages, bank loan to value rates, or simpler things like go back to old refigerants with flurohydrocarbons or w/e, basically what should we invest in or avoid like hell?
Frankly I don't care about smoking, but I did kind of want to see calories on beer (IPA's are often 300-400).
And, Trump is not an idiot, and he loves Florida, why does he say global warming is not real. Florida floods more regularly...
I don't think anyone is denying that "global warming" or climate change is real. It's the anthropogenic assertion that rustles jimmies.
Cameron Thompson
Exactly, for something so commonly and religiously held by the masses, the amount of evidence for human causation is remarkably slim.
Alexander Richardson
It's because a lot of the reports discounts a lot of activities, such as weapons tests or natural activities. Also, we're paying the UN a lot of money each year for climate control, when we don't really need to.
Eli Reyes
Along with the claims of apocalyptic consequences. Warmer periods have historically been better for the human race, and most of the claims made by environmentalists essentially boil down to speaking authoritatively on topics where there is no real certainty. Then they ask us to undermine our whole economy to meet their demands (and line their pockets), and you can see why I'd be skeptical.
Gabriel Reyes
definitely no bots on this forum at all
Ethan Clark
regulations that hamper competition and prevent small businesses from starting up.
Or even dirt poor individuals who want to make jewelry but cant afford some bullshit license. Why the hell should that even be taxed?
Connor Reed
LISTEN THE WORLD IS ENDING btw i have a plan to stop it if u vote for me
There's no difference between this brand of fear-mongering and any other save for that they pretend this one is scientific.
Ryder Ward
You circle jerkers are ignoring the question, im going back to /biz/
Henry Ramirez
1. Warren Buffet HATES Trump, as do all billionares. 2. If you don't understand what he is saying, don't pretend you do.
let me translate what he is saying for STUPID IDIOT MILLENNIALS, into an analogy:
"Deregulating money will make money flow in a direction from one person to another."
Asher Cruz
The question is: what company or sector of the economy will benefit the most, and how will the company or sector benefit from deregulations?
Are they banks, because they could sell lower LTV loans, and collect the same commision to Fannie Mae, or is it Altria group based on cigarettes?
It's not a political question, it's what sector of the SP500 will be benefiting from a changing of politics?
Gavin Evans
>It's the anthropogenic assertion that rustles jimmies. Which is fucking stupid, because it's clearly a factor. It rustles jimmies because it implies companies need to spend money to modernize, and industry is very hesitant to spend money to upgrade existing, working structures.
Angel Phillips
Wealth transfers are good. Wealth needs to be more concentrated in order to increase efficiency.
Eli Taylor
>the amount of evidence for human causation is remarkably slim. it's the opposite actually, that's how science works you don't just go out on a limb
Asher Barnes
you're mixing science and politics. scientists aren't making any apocalyptic predictions or pushing agendas
Christopher Hughes
oh sick argument
Jackson Anderson
>LISTEN THE WORLD IS ENDING btw i have a plan to stop it if u vote for me i dare you to find any scientific paper that sounds as retarded as you do now
Gabriel Long
global temerature average is not warming since last decade..
artics are losing surface, yet, they're not less massive
deregulation means erasing all the political arbitrary interventions that just annoy or stops human actions
Andrew Long
what's the sick argument? that the science is false because politicians are hacks? you've already shown yourself to be an intellectual midget
Isaac Flores
Regulations are what separate the first world from the third world. If you want to see what lack of regulations looks like, travel to Mexico.
Dominic Anderson
>global temerature average is not warming since last decade.. source of this claim mr scientist
Alexander Rivera
if you want to see what absent of law and order, go check a shit hole
regulations are not law and order
regulations are political preferences enforced with guns
If anyone else pursue the same goals in the same ways, it would be called massive crime
Liam Hernandez
Is that why we were almost always more civilized and ahead of the times even without massive government regulations? Fuck off, people know how to avoid accidents themselves.
He wants to decrease the number of regulations, not in any specific field but across the board. The sheer quantity of regulations makes owning a business in a place like NY a guaranteed failure unless you can afford to have lawyers working 24/7 decoding the regs. It benefits the ultra-corporation to the detriment of the small business and that's the way (((they))) want it to stay.
Sebastian Morales
That in this case, 'science' is used as an umbrella to avoid dissent. Despite that the actual science is anything but settled.
“The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.”
“We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated.”
“We request that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and websites on this subject.”
Cameron Lewis
fuck warren free market is best energy makes world possible we should go 100% throium atomic end foriegn aid end government management of trade and end UN and end world bank stop stealing using taxation us government should be 1% its current size lower gov spending fire gov workers end pub school desktop computer is result of free market do that for all industries
Jackson Reyes
>scientific paper >activistpost.com a tinfoil tabloid site you're really an idiot aren't you?
Christian Wilson
Please listen to me so the tiny job market for ultra specific degree holds value that I need it to pay off my massive debt. Also the scientific consensus that everyone quotes doesn't hold as nearly as much weight as you'd think. I'd post the raw data if I wasn't being a mobile fag right now.
Grayson Lee
Trump is going to do away with EPA regulations that keep us constrained to saudi's aka OPEC. Doing away with EPA regulations will kickstart our energy independence like never before. The EPA is cucked and compromised.
Wyatt Young
This. The clean air act was a literal communist plot. Same with the Clean water act.
Brody Reyes
>Despite that the actual science is anything but settled. the fact you talk about science as something that is settled or not just goes to show your ignorance on the topic
Henry Green
>i didn't click the link and would rather spout defensive, ad hominem bullshit
>scientific consensus science doesn't work by consensus, you're just embarrassing yourself. read a book on the scientific method or something. the fact you think this is an argument against climate change just shows you don't know what you're talking about
Nathan Rivera
>and industry is very hesitant to spend money to upgrade existing, working structures.
Which is why US manufacturing died. The car companies are the best examples; they churned out the same absolute trash for 30 years and expected people to keep buying it when other options were available that were cheaper and better just because of "hurr buy murican fuck those faggot liberals and their imports"
Remember when the Prius came out and "Real Americans" shit on it and called it a tree hugger faggot mobile? A whole fuckload of people bought those instead of shitty American cars and we "had to" bail out GM to save those shitty UAW worker's jobs instead of letting the company die like it should have.
Tesla and alternative energy sources are what people want. Ignoring that in favor of "clean coal" (fucking lol) and oil just to save people's shitty jobs instead of training them to do new ones is retarded.
Juan Bell
I don't think you understand just how many millions scientists get to stop climate change - and whether you like it or not, even scientists suffer from groupthink.
Gavin Reed
>you're mixing science and politics
That happened well before I was born, when the environmentalists decided to label their cult as 'Science' to try and get it implemented as the state religion.
The two are inseparable in this sort of discussion.
Charles Hernandez
>science doesn't work by consensus right, because peer-review isn't the standard for validity in the scientific community or anything.
lmao you got me, Italy. You're either a pretty epic troll or deeply, deeply autistic. Maybe you should refrain from more vaccines since science has also decided that that's the cause and since science decided then we all know we can't argue.
Nicholas James
>vaccines what the fuck has this to do with global warming?
Landon Wood
>i dare you to find any scientific paper that sounds as retarded as you do now
Sebastian Harris
how does groupthink explain all the evidence in favor of agw? how come the skeptic scientists aren't able to explain in a satisfactory manner what's causing the increase in temperatures?
Ethan Allen
>environmentalists they aren't scientists, what part of that doesn't get through your thick skull?
Jaxson Ortiz
do you know what peer review is? doesn't sound like it. do you know what evidence is?
Asher Hill
>Go back to old refrigerants Man, I hope so. These new refrigerants make a lot of noise during decompression, and the ones that don't are fucking flammable.
Justin Miller
do any of those links say anything remotely close to "vote for the democrats or the world will end"
Julian Thompson
global warming is real but all the "scientific" evidence for our causing it is drummed up as a convenient ideology in order to make the "CO2 tax" the new global currency of exchange.
Hunter Cooper
Anthony Cook
you think al gore is a scientist and has done scientific research?
Nathaniel Davis
Angel Morales
the scientific evidence is there and in no scientific paper that i know of anyone mention a carbon tax or anything of the sort. again you're mixing science with politics.
Gabriel Smith
Basically, all the regulations that were put in place after the stock market crashes.
I guess he wants crashes to happen again.
Joshua Hall
James Powell
>Or even dirt poor individuals who want to make jewelry but cant afford some bullshit license. Why the hell should that even be taxed?
to pay for the police and fire department and all the roads that lead to the business and the military that protects it
John Myers
thanks for losing the argument so easily
Asher Flores
>says the (((man))) who thinks the science is settled on man-made climate change
Jason Campbell
>ages, bank loan to value rates, or simpler things like go back to old refigerants with flurohydrocarbons or w/e, basically what should we invest in or avoid like hell?
It's mostly business jargon that will make you poorer (but hey, corporations are earning more money!).
Nolan Peterson
>Trump is going to do away with EPA regulations that keep us constrained to saudi's aka OPEC. America can't maximize profiteering unless we allow corporations to pollute our water and skies with toxic waste?
>Doing away with EPA regulations will kickstart our energy independence like never before. It will also kickstart the major cancer clusters like never before. >The clean air act was a literal communist plot. Same with the Clean water act. That "gommunisht blot" slowed the deluge of carcinogens, pathogens and pesticides in our lungs and stomachs.
Every living organism in the world now has DDT in it.
Joshua Cooper
Nah, wealth diffusion is much better for the economy and for capital allocation. Somebody who has more to lose will make smarter bets.
Ryan Martinez
Jonathan Reyes
>Which is why US manufacturing died. No, US manufacturing died because corporations must pay into employee health insurance which is built into the cost of the product, and the rest of the industrial world has national health care so their corporations can sell their manufactured goods for less.
Lincoln Adams
more like, in china they basically don't have healthcare or workplace safety and if you get hurt you just get fired and go die
Andrew Sanders
a guy I know just had a very minor oil leak at his house. EPA made him excavate his entire lawn several feet down and replace it all out of pocket.
nigga, a shovel and a bucket would have been sufficient to get rid of the contaminated area.
That's the kind of regulations that need to go
James Rogers
>science is not something that's either settled or not are you retarded?
Nolan Howard
Adam Taylor
>a guy I know just had a very minor oil leak at his house. EPA made him excavate his entire lawn several feet down and replace it all out of pocket.
why was his house leaking oil
Jaxon Nguyen
there was a small crack in the tank
Angel Cooper
why does his house have an oil tank
starting to sound less and less small
Matthew Moore
> global warming is caused by humans because I read that several scientists believe that. Literally that's your point. Go make some pasta or pizza because all you faggots are good for is cooking.
Chase Murphy
because the windmills were down.
Christian Roberts
that's not my point lardass. the evidence supporting agw is overwhelming, you're the one who brought up this supposed scientific consensus as your argument you fucking retard
Justin Campbell
for heating
is that not a thing where you are?
houses that use oil for heat have external tanks
Juan Brooks
nope you could not do that here
Luke Turner
Eli Peterson
The vast majority of regulations are bureaucratic red tape that kill small business.
Mason Wood
well in that case. People have oil tanks on the side of their house, the oil company comes every once in a while in an oil truck and refills it
Hunter Myers
holy shit you keep a tank of oil the size of a car right outside your house?
Henry Bailey
what state is that?
Cameron Cooper
Sounds like a dumb way to heat your house. Why not just use an electric heater? Less change of your house blowing up.
Aaron Parker
Oil isn't explosive. The failure rate per capita is much lower than electric heaters.
Liam Bennett
>third world >masses of brown people >first world >responsible amount of white people >it's regulations that separate us
it's not that clean cut
Cooper Scott
Oil is cheaper and more efficient.
Chase Gonzalez
new york thats a pretty large one, but yes
Elijah Murphy
an electric heater is literally 100% efficient
Levi Phillips
>more like, in china they basically don't have healthcare or workplace safety and if you get hurt you just get fired and go die
Then let's be a lot more like Communist China so our corporations can make a few extra dollars a year /sarc.
Luis Adams
>Murrican education
And how is that electricity generated? I bet its by burning coal which has an efficiency of around 35%
Jaxson Rodriguez
no it actually just comes out of the wall from the plug idiot
Colton Rogers
>a guy I know just had a very minor oil leak at his house. EPA made him excavate his entire lawn several feet down and replace it all out of pocket. Why did the homeowner call the EPA?
>nigga, a shovel and a bucket would have been sufficient to get rid of the contaminated area. That's what he should have done BEFORE the dumbass called the EPA on himself.
Jason Jenkins
what the hell are you talking about? are you high?
Dominic Cooper
had to replace the tank, and I think it's one of those mandated reporter situations for the installer
Kevin Edwards
>had to replace the tank, and I think it's one of those mandated reporter situations for the installer
You like the GOP's Operation TIPS? That was the Bush administration.
Anthony Gomez
>B-b-but Bush! What the fuck is your point faggot? Bush isn't in office now .
Lincoln Turner
>Wealth transfers are good. Wealth needs to be more concentrated in order to increase efficiency. Private wealth concentration is parasitic to the economy and it greatly diminishes the efficiency of capital allocation.
What is more productive? A CEO who makes 500 times his average employee's wage, or 500 additional employees on the production line?
Charles Jones
Bring back asbestos!
Levi Perez
what am i lookingat
Juan Campbell
>B-b-but Bush! *Operation TIPS*
the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, was a domestic intelligence-gathering program designed by President George W. Bush to have United States citizens report suspicious activity. The program's website implied that US workers who had access to private citizens' homes, such as cable installers and telephone repair workers, would be reporting on what was in people's homes if it were deemed "suspicious."
>What the fuck is your point faggot? One day, if you graduate from 5th grade, maybe then you'll understand.
>Bush isn't in office now. The GOP's spy programs survived the end of Bush's terms in office. Kinda surprising you didn't know that.
Anthony Harris
This moron seriously thinks antiterrorism laws are the reason why the EPA was notified about a leaking oil tank. Sad.