Red pill me on Reddit. What is so wrong with Reddit, why does Sup Forums hate it?

Don't understand the hate. It's just a platform like Sup Forums, on the contrary it has more communities than Sup Forums.

Do you guys just hate the Reddit Frontpage like Worldnews, Politics, etc.

Or do you also hate subreddits, like The red pill, The Donald, Christianity, etc?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's cancer

le upboat

Heavily influenced by bots.

I enjoy The_Donald, otherwise yes, Reddit is shit.


Really don't get the hate. It's like somebody hating Sup Forums for having shitty boards like Sup Forums, /lgbt/, /fa/, etc etc

their upvote bullshit always puts the gayest comments first and we all suspect it's heavily influenced by bots anyway.

They promote white genocide, are marxist useful idiots, deny objective truth and promote emotional based lies.

The truth is not allowed, adult discussion is not allowed, only opinions that praise refugees and the destruction of the white race are tolerated by the communist mods.

I dont post there, I never have, I never will. If you do, please just stay there, dont shit up our board with your tendency to shut down real discussion.

Highly censored and you're encouraged to post the sheep mentality otherwise your post gets hidden. It's a terrible model for open discussion and that is why people that use Sup Forums which is all about open discussion hate it.

truth and honest talk gets censored due to a arbitrary frame known as "political correctness" or "that thing everyone knows but nobody can talk honest about it"

if that doesn't take the cake ... there is also their twisted ideology - if you don't fit in it you're wrong, an idiot, a racist or whatever

reddit is only good for stuff you better look up elsewhere anyway ...


Okay ask yourself.

Who do you like better, somebody who browses The_Donald, a few niche communities

or somebody who browses Sup Forums and browses Sup Forums, /lgbt/ and cries about not having a trap gf on /r9k/?

>cuck mods
>no free speech
>mainstream topics

>act like a complete retard in one thread
>go to new thread
>do the exact opposite

It's very mainstream and thus full of followers rather than leaders and/or deviants. It's very left wing, and so is it's administration, and many of it's larger communities are biased against the right and/or information they do not agree with. It does not allow for the open expression that you get on Sup Forums. On the other hand, it is very large and therefore allows for many specialised communities that you simply wouldn't have enough interested people to form a group on other platforms. tldr aside from it's shitty political curating and 14 year old majority community, it's pretty gud. Basically Sup Forums loves to hate it.

Also, if you manage to not get banned after this cunt took over, youre an ultra-cuck.

Upvote, the moderators, and pretty much everyone sucking their own cocks.

Edit: thx for gold kind strrnger


edit: Stranger!

anonymous board culture forces posts to be considered on their merit and their merit alone

upboat culture leads to shitty circlejerky cesspits

dislike their sense of humor/general posting style

Reddit, as far as politics go, is flawed in many ways.

Registered usernames, for one thing, are a pointless system. It makes people less likely to tell their real views as it will be associated with that account. They can make a new one, but it's a hassle.

It's also flawed by it's unability to tolerate opposing viewpoints.
Any point of view that goes against their narrative is instantly banned. This includes questioning someone's ideology, ect, which Sup Forums does not.
Post a pro Trump post in r/hillary or whatever the fucking name is? Get banned.
Post a pro Hillary message in r/thedonald? Get banned.

Sure, r/thedonald has a seperate subreddit for questions, but the fact that the community is unwilling to face opposing arguments directly is retarded -- few people are actually going to go to a different subreddit to answer questions. It just appears like a shitty way to avoid confronting your views with others.

Thirdly is the upvote system. In a shameless attempt to create some kind of consensus amount the community and to renforce the "echo chamber" theme going on, popular viewpoints will be put to the top whilst the less popular ones will be downvoted to death (not to mention shadow banning) in Reddit. This is the opposite of Sup Forums, where unpopular opinions will get more attention because they'l get more replies.

Essentially, It is essentially one giant hugbox of differing viewpoints unwilling to confront eachother and staying in their respective echo chambers.

All of it. The culture, the "memes", the liberal smug attitudes, the blatant denial of reality, you can only comment if what you say is liberal approved as anything else is censored by deletion and ban.

Sage Reddit threads

Reddit has censorship on certain subs, and any serious user knows which those are.

Whenever a sub started censoring, they got called out on it.

Major offender is /r/politics + there are also heavily botted subs like /r/enoughtrumpspam which has 40,000 subs but somehow kept getting frontpage during the election now it's deader than dead.

If you are browsing the main subs on reddit, you are doing it wrong.

There are many good subs. is great new sub for instance.

They have a subreddit for cuckoldry

shadowbanning people is why i despise reddit.

It basically comes down to this.

Sup Forums content is ranked on discussion prevalence.

Reddit content is ranked on a voting system.

Thus Sup Forums content with the most views is the ones with more discussion, whereas reddit content completely disregards this and wants a voting system that only promotes sheep mentality.

It's faggot majority rule.

>Thirdly is the upvote system. In a shameless attempt to create some kind of consensus amount the community and to renforce the "echo chamber" theme going on, popular viewpoints will be put to the top whilst the less popular ones will be downvoted to death (not to mention shadow banning) in Reddit. This is the opposite of Sup Forums, where unpopular opinions will get more attention because they'l get more replies.

Sure, but are you seriously implying Sup Forums is not an echo chamber... okaaaay...

We have Sup Forums and /r9k/ and I'm pretty sure they have several times more users than /r/cucks or whatever. What's your point?

This is highly accurate

In Sup Forums's board culture, shitty bait rules the roost. Anything of consequence gets buried.

Half of Sup Forums nowadays is people either shilling or trolling

>we can have open discussion here you can't do that on leddit
meme is just a flat out lie. I can make a thread on pol about my love for Hillary and I'll get called a ctr shill and my opinion discarded as trash. Opposing opinions are censored by [deleted] on leddit. Opposing opinions are censored by the community on 4chen.

Having an identity breeds cancerous posts. Upboat system breeds cancerous posts. Both lend themselves to virtue signalling, shutting down opposing viewpoints, and attention whoring.

More importantly though, its full of cuckservatives who hate niggers but still won't actually admit it. They are also blind to the JQ and stuff their heads under the sand whenever they get close to realizing it.

There is a popular consensus on Sup Forums, as with every online community. Difference is, people don't censor differing viewpoints or remove them out of existence.

If the merit of said unpopular ideas are legitimate, they will spread and be more popular.

If not, the criticism of the status quo in Sup Forums will make that status quo stronger if they can defend it. That is why the average Sup Forumsack knows more about politics then the average Redditor.

I'd agree with that, but you guys are still missing the point.

If you are browsing reddit to discuss politics, you are a retard, reddit is made to find weird niche communities that you'd never find IRL or on a site built like Sup Forums, and at that point it's way less of a circle jerk.

If you are browsing /r/politics, you are a fucking braindead moron, but I really don't see anything wrong with any myriad of the mildly popular subs.

Spot on.

Any dissenting opinions get quickly buried by a flurry of downvotes.

You used to be safe on more niche sub-reddits, but honestly those have been getting more politicized over the past few month, and they usually don't generate enough content to warrant a look.

Reddit is the symbol of pseudo-intellectualism, of bland, of sheep mentality.
Their system of upvotes for instance is just a way to beat rogue users into the correct hivemind - which includes everything from your set of beliefs down to what you find funny - the only thing you will see on that website is what the hivemind approves and that is nothing but populist crap, Neil deGrasse Tyson tier bullshit, retarded puns that no one actually thinks are funny but they do it because it's a ceremony of upvote circlejerkery and other cuck shit.

There are some good useful subreddits, but they are the ones that actually deal with a subject matter and aren't popular enough to be filled with actual reddit culture.

Yes they'll seriously imply that and obviously be wrong, but they're also correct in their defense and claim of superiority for this shithole as opposed to yours. Now go back.

You mixing up Sup Forums and /r9k/ with Sweden.

Reddit = content aggregator
Sup Forums = content creators

It makes sense to be pissed at those who profit from lazily posting the works of others.

Reddit ruined what Sup Forums was pre-2010
>t. Le Old Fag XDDD

Cucks are told to kill themselves here, whats your point?

It's not Sup Forums.

Sup Forums comes together to get shit done. Reddit has never accomplished anything as a cohesive group.


Also fuck virtue signalers.

>Or do you also hate subreddits, like The red pill, The Donald


Bitter manosphere losers who call themselves nationalists because they hate women need to fuck off.

Go to r/europe and try to debate reasonably about the Euro, basic economics or anything interesting in relation to Europe. You'll get dogpiled by literal retards, Euroshills and virtue signaling cucks. It's not the site itself (although the moderation and ubboat mechanism doesn't help it), but the people frequenting it. There is no interesting debate there, just the usual unimaginative and standard bla bla.

Is that the Amazing Atheist? I mean, jeez, there's fat, and then there's downright unhealthily fat.

>not anonymous
>up/down votes
>can't see who replies to who
>stupid mods
>circlejerking hugbox fedora normies