Black people are trying to leave america and flood into Ghana, most of the comments are "can I gt a passport if I have a felony"
literally cant make this shit up
Black people are trying to leave america and flood into Ghana, most of the comments are "can I gt a passport if I have a felony"
literally cant make this shit up
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Good on them.
It's way better there than any other country where racist white people make the laws.
Also, the comment section is kinda amusing.
It's literally melanin/pol/.
keep scrolling sven, there is a black swedish man with 8 felonies asking if he can get denied a passport lol
oh my god, they will poison a peaceful society with their hatred
>That comment about titanic and the slave ship.
LOL, racist white people...
> NAACP is a thing
> ACLU is a thing
> EOO is a thing
> Affirmative action is a thing
> Minority scholarships are a thing
> Minority grants are a thing
Totally racist system against black people right there, most of which were setup by those racist white people.
Do you actually believe the ignorance you spew or do you just prefer to acknowledge it's bull shit internally while externally catering to your victim complex.
This is fucking hilarious famalam, now they want Israel too. Also I find it super ironic when they say they want to kick out all white people out of Africa like what the fuck you niggers, it's you that's been relocating all over Europe and America
You gotta give these people a little push in the back.
You want them to hang around in your streets doing nothing but being a drain on your society?
Just tell them what they want to hear and offer them free tickets to Africa or something.
At this point, I don't feel like trying to convince these shitheads that #notAllWhitePeople are racist, there's no point.
Do these niggers even know one goddamn thing about Israel or why the fuck they'd want to live there?
Or is it literally as simple as a nigger deciding he wants something for himself for no other reason than he's watched two other people fighting over it?
I fully agree, anyone who doesn't like the country and wants to leave, I'd help them pack. When they get where they're going and realize they made a mistake, sorry... no coming back from that.
Bye Felicia!
literally Sup Forums but "white man" instead of jews LMAO
That's genuinely nice.
What do you think. And I'd love to see the IDF face off against whatever thug militia the Africans could whip up. I'd be all over liveleak watching niggers leak
probably a black hebrew israelite
cult that says "blacks are the real jews"
I met someone at work and become friends with them on Facebook and they believe this shit. They believe that the jews in isreal arent really Jews but are Khazers, (nomads from the steppe) and that the blacks are the real jews. Along with hispanics and indains, they are the only people who will be saved. Whites and asains are hell bound. The versers they use to justify this racism against others is fucking dumb as fuck. Not only do they qoute mine but they add in shit to the verse. Example one
>21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”
23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”
25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
27 Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
They believe, DESPITE THE BIBLE saying she is from cannon and NOT A ISRAELITE, she was indeed, a Israelite. I have more examples of this.
A whole bunch of African Americans are going to get a red pill suppository about how good they had it in the US.
>Ghana will take you!
This is what will happen. A few genuine afrocentrists will go (they would have anyway), and the majority will sit on their parent's bank account in a major US city and chimp out while picking up high-paying jobs they aren't qualified for to settle down and raise more entitled WEWUZs
as long as it's a one way trip, i do not care.
Do they realize that Ghana has week long power outages and a severe shortage of imported consumer goods?
If they realize that Ghana is deeply flawed and still want to go there to improve it I am all for it but I get the sneaking suspicion that they are just ignorant.
>niggers being able to build anything
>dasss riteee
Serious question: Why Ghana? Is there something specific about it?
It's like they don't realize "Africans" are dozens or hundreds of tribes who all hate and often kill each other and think it's one big happy black family over there.
What did he mean by this?
Also, these people have way too much faith in Ghana, they probably think it's some kind of paradise that they can just move in and start businesses.
>peaceful society
>in Africa
The only peaceful society in Africa is in Rwanda they are very thin and pale and smile all the time, they keep them in a warehouse that smells like lye and adipocere
Yes James a felony charge pending will stop you from leaving the country..
>Black Panther comes out
>doesn't do too well in box office
>search trends on google: "how do I move to wakanda"
how can I help them go?
>sit on their parent's bank account in a major US city and chimp out while picking up high-paying jobs they aren't qualified for
t. butthurt white poorfag cuck kek, mad NAFTA put your parents in the poorhouse, you white trash??
>why Ghana
Because it's the current year
You think we could start a special thing to offer black prisoners a one-way trip and citizenship to African country of choice instead of serving time? Can do this for everyone, send 'em on home to Mexico or Ireland or whatever shithole they come from.
How mad will he be when he finds out only white people can afford IT services in Africa?
How's this bad?
kek those effects
programming isnt fucking IT, whats the point of being able to write software if you dont have the infrastructure, money and people to build and maintain networks
>they want Israel too
Can we please meme this into existence?
Why would having a felony stop you from LEAVING the country? If anything, we should want them to leave and go fuck somewhere else up.
That does not justify anything.. if anything it shows Jesus is inclusive of non chosen people..
Whats it like to live with blinders on like a horse?
>African-"Americans" move back to Africa
>Unite all the blacks and create The New African Republic
>still a worthless shithole surviving on handouts
I got scared for a second.
Well... almost as good as Hollywood I guess. Punting the baby probably wouldn't fly here though.
p.s. did he kill a dude with an exploding Samsung phone?
>Including North Africa
>mfw niggers and mudslimes genocide each other
Everyone is a felon, they just ain't been caught yet. There are laws against everything.
True. And I am all for it if he signs a paper saying he never ever comes back. BUT... I dont see Uncle Sam trading off his Prison industrial complex to sell off a few of his best prison customers...
>Alright guys so how are we supposed to solve this conflict between Israel and Palestina?
Hold up.
There are countries, like Glorious Nippon, that will not let you even have a layover in the country if you have been convicted of a crime. Used to be you could get away with it, but not anymore and certainly not since the USA and Japan share all of that information.
You'd have to pick a country to go to that would allow you to enter despite being on the bad boy list. Fuck even Canada does this.
Liberia is really their best option. I don't think they require an English competency test.
That may actually solve the middle east peace problem though... I could see arabs trading religion for race and removing niggers for a campaign or 2..
>They end up genociding themselves
Absolute madmen.
>blacks try to make another Liberia
>it fails again
>US crime rate drops an undeniably significant amount
>liberals try to claim it's because people are buying less guns and not because the country has less blacks
Ghana is one of the few African countries that allow expats to own and lease out land. It has been somewhat stable for a few decades, thankfully to a robust tourist trade. Ghana is a trend much like Tahiti was during the 70's, rich people, celebrities, bought land there because it was cheap and the government could easily be bribed or payed to leave you alone.
should we help them with visas?
Mexico sent a 17 year old kid back once the Cia/NSA or what ever agency tracked him through a dominos pizza order..
>I don't think they require an English competency test.
I would say this wouldnt be an issue but Pic Related
Outstanding warrants is usually what's implied when the say "felony"
>Why Ghana?
Official language being English probably
>Week long power outages
Depends on the region. I've been here in the Ashanti Region for 5 months now and the longest we went without power was 8 hours.
>they probably think it's some kind of paradise that they can just move in and start businesses.
All of the ultra successful businesses here in Ghana were started with outside money and expat contacts. All of the businesses that are still successful work hand in hand with Chinese, Lebanese, American, and Indian nationals. Ghana is all about that outside wealth coming in.
>The only peaceful society in Africa is in Rwanda...
Somebody call NASA, Ghana just sent the first sides into orbit. There's plenty of peaceful zones and Ghana has most of its shit together. We shall see when the elections come DEC 8.
Ghana's a great option. Rapidly improving infrastructure, the GHC is almost 4:1 to the Dollar. Stable military, police, and hospital systems. Though I'll be real honest, we say "stable" in comparison to the rest of West Africa which is only barely keeping its shit together.
I guess I'll hang around this thread since we're talking about my home. I was just in the Volta region where some nignogs from Buffalo NY came round the waterfalls I was swimming in. They are all fat and were all about learning their roots but they couldn't tell you anything about the local languages and customs. It reminded me of the Americans I would watch getting shitfaced in Dublin but they couldn't name a single county in the country.
Ok, here's the way out of that.
>I was wrongfully convicted under an oppressive White regime. Those two kilos of cocaine were planted on me by a fat white ATF fuck after they busted me for illegal weapons possession.
There's an opportunity here folks.
So many new people. Why do so many of you just take bait that easily?
maybe because Ghana doesn't want them?
the irony here being afrikans is one of the whitest languages in the world
>only peaceful society is Rwanda
just wait for the male population to go back up and it will blow up again at some point, just like Burundi.
The only peaceful societies in Africa are Botswana and Namibia and that's because they are both pieces of desert with too small a population to have ethnic infighting, and no natural ressources that could interest a foreign power.a
Ghanaians are xenophobic as fuck
We like the peace and calm of our nation
And a bunch of half white niggers would cause chaos
Jesus, you should see them come here for vacation
>"muh great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's uncle was friends with an Ashanti guy!"
>"fugg the british!"
>"let me join in our cultural festivals!"
Meanwhile we all snigger at them
t. Fante on vacation
Cool, that's a flag I don't see often.
What kind of work do you do in Ghana?
>Somebody call NASA, Ghana just sent the first sides into orbit. There's plenty of peaceful zones and Ghana has most of its shit together. We shall see when the elections come DEC 8.
Will you Make Ghana Great Again?
Please let them
Should we blatantly shill them to stay? It would make them more determined to leave if they had some resistance.
I bet most of them have never even been to Ghana, it's probably in the top 3 best countries to live in Africa but it's still a corrupt shithole.
I hope they are ready for frequent power outages, extortion by police officers, little to no infrastructure, and a massive wealth gap that puts America to shame. Among other things.
Most Africans I have worked with here absolutely hate the blacks here. Worse than white folks.
They are sure to encounter the same thing in Africa proper.
How can we convince them that they will be welcomed? I'm almost ready to start a kickstarter campaign to provide legal aid.
Do you want african americans in your country?
Ghana is the most developed African country
This, none of those niggers of yojrs are going back, they'd rather bitch and whine about muh well-fair.
>whats the point of being able to write software if you dont have the infrastructure, money and people to build and maintain networks
Ghana has all of those things, what they don't have is an organizational effort to facilitate it. Like a company or a government supporter.
>Ghana is one of the few African countries that allow expats to own and lease out land
That is still going strong around Greater Accra. Some of it is coming up to the Ashanti region and the money is pretty desperately needed in most cases. However, most economic reforms are stuck in limbo as everyone holds their breath for the elections.
>Official language being English probably
It -is- the official language, but the adult generation primarily speaks "Twi", pronounces Chree. You can get by with broken English but learning some of the Twi phrases will go miles with the locals, even if you butcher it.
I think more Afro-Americans should come over here. It'll give them a whole lot more perspective on how fucking good they have it back in the states.
>asking niggers to help develop their country
is this president fucking retarded?
>Ghana's a great option.
For drug dealers looking to become international distributors. Ghana produces much of the illegal cannabis that is sold in Asian countries, Ghana is also one the major suppliers of cocaine to Mexico.
There is a reason people are going there for new beginnings.
Oh they'll get plenty of resistance the second they start trying to fill out the forms.
God I'd just love it if they were required to take English proficiency tests. Fuck me I'll volunteer to help.
Good riddance. Gather up all the niggers and drop them right back right back in their precious Africa with a one way ticket. Nothin wrong at all with putting wild chimps back into the wild they came from.
Then the comedy truly starts as we watch niggers try and copy humans with human concepts and human technology all under nigger anarchy.
Coon Kangz. Goodbye and good riddance.
That's a pretty fucking low bar to set.
>They are all fat and were all about learning their roots but they couldn't tell you anything about the local languages and customs. It reminded me of the Americans I would watch getting shitfaced in Dublin but they couldn't name a single county in the country.
Sounds about right. When I've been abroad, you can literally see people prepare for cringe from you as an American.
Ireland was one of the worst places for this and I was only there for a few hours on a layover. All I wanted to do was grab a Guinness in Ireland while being fully aware of how fucking stupid and cliché that is. Heard at least three Americans telling people at the bar how they're Irish. You can see their eyes just glaze over. Guy asked me if I was Irish, told him I was American but my great grandfather was. "I'm just here to get a nice buzz on before my flight out. Heard y'all were good at that sort of thing." Just left it at that. You could actually see the relief on his face. He bought me a drink.
I can only imagine how terrible uneducated blacks trying to have a spiritual connection with someone in Africa that just wants to live their life would be.
we need to start shilling for this shit
Africa has a very low population density, most immigrants coming to Europe are young adult men, these are the type of people Africa needs to industrialize
so all we need to do is make anti-migration argument with an African point of view
if it works well the non-delusional lefties will stop being pro-immigration, a lot of cocky african-americans and hopefully some black dudes in Europe will return to Africa
Look we're not Norway tier but not everyone is South Africa
I'd put us at Kazakhstan or Turkey tier
Please go on facebook and post how awesome Ghana is. We need to get the word out.
I'm disappointed you aren't speaking american right now. Our dictionary definition doesn't have a double a in it
More like mudslimes kill all the niggers
>Move to Africa
>Denounce US citizenship
>Realize how shit they have it
>Migrate to Europe.
>>niggers being able to build anything
I work with a medical NGO attempting to improve the quality of EMS care in the Kumasi Region. It's an uphill battle at all times and there are numerous horror stories from the work, but its fascinating and different every day.
If I had the funding I would make Ghana fucking incredible. You know how it's fun to play Civilization because we already have a sort of idea of how history and technology trees work in games and such? That's literally West Africa. All this infrastructure is getting built up and all these modern tools exist to create effective and stable cities, villages, economies, and so on, but it's all getting bogged down in the typical horse shit of humanity. Everyone wants a cut.
>Most Africans I have worked with here absolutely hate the blacks here. Worse than white folks.
This is a trend here in Ghana as well. Black students from the UK show up and expect to be treated like the rest of us expats but they're not and they get pissy about it. It's a weird sort of hilarious reverse racism. On the plus side, the black expats never have to talk to the fucking immigration troops or police at checkpoints so it all balances out in the end.
>Do you want african americans in your country?
Not the meme-tastic ones from the start of the thread but goddamn do we need some more professional folks. A common Ghanaian trend is to shell out way too much money on a flashy watch and then show up 20 minutes late to everything. Even work. It's infuriating. Everything else is fine in comparison to that.
Please Nyame no
Last thing I need when I go back home in June is a crowd of wannabe rappers outside my compound chanting about MUH HERITAGE
Ensure they hand over their American passport before they leave. monkey