>Not even a month since Trump got elected
>Sup Forums already turning on the Alt-Right
Will Sup Forums finally awaken and join the right side of history?
>Not even a month since Trump got elected
>Sup Forums already turning on the Alt-Right
Will Sup Forums finally awaken and join the right side of history?
We were never with the alt-right.
Anyone who unironically calls themselves alt-right is from another website than Sup Forums. And they are not welcome.
>We were never with the alt-right
>Except when we shilled for Trump for an entire election season which is exactly what the alt-right wanted
Okay guy.
Alt-right is a meme the media is trying to legitimise to use as a weapon against Trump.
Before this, it was just a name chosen to trigger leftists and """"true conservatives"""", it had no real, defined scope.
shilling for trump isn't the same as being apart of the alt-right. we liked him because his tweets made us chuckle.
Its time to get right with God, before it is too late.
You have all been warned.
Yeah they had to label us something so they could give us a leader - that's the only way to attack us
Both 'alt-right' and Richard Spencer are jew creations. Spencer doesn't even know the difference between a US president and a natsoc Fuhrer, that's how you know he's a shill
You're one of these. Most people here do not identify as "alt-right" you dumb faggot. The name has been supplanted by a bunch of kikes and the (((organization))) is full of shit.
Supporting Trump or supporting nationalism in some form doesn't make you a card carrying member of some non existent organization.
It's truly time for you niggers to fuck off back to wherever you came from.
>shilling for Trump automatically makes you this new label
When did you realize you're a fucking idiot and completely duped by big money & big media?
THEY called us the alt-right, which is merely their failure to understand lol.
The "alt-right" is a charicature of pol, nothing else.
Poorly ham fisted into a box, so that they could attempt to understand something that is beyond them, and fail miserably (and predictably) at that.
It doesn't matter why you did it, the fact of the matter is, in helping to elect Trump you were doing the bidding of alt-right/neo-nazi leaders, and you see the result in Trump appointing one of the self-proclaimed leaders of the alt-right (Steve Bannon) as his senior advisor.
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right".
"Alt-Right" is a term coined by leftists for all non neocon conservatives so that they can associate us all with neo nazis.
I am a libertarian conservative. That describes approximately where I fall on the political spectrum, I don't need some meme label.
>Sup Forums already turning on the Alt-Right
>Sup Forums already turning on the Alt-Right
No, we're turning on Stormweenies trying to derail the Alt-Right train and make it another failed and retarded Nazi group.
Fuck them.
Alt right aren't right enough
Get the fuck off my board
lol we arent alt right. we never said we are alt right. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((THEY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Decided to label us. We didnt.
You're not a country you don't get a say lefty scum
there's been counter-argument here since day 1, die faggot
one person =/= Sup Forums =/= 'alt-right'
>Steve Bannon
>hires gays
>hires Jews
>hires blacks
>hires race mixing Jews
>"he's an evil alt right white supremacist"
Goddamn you are fucking dumb.
you fail at logic.
Fuck off back to your safe space Goybot 5000.
Sup Forums is mostly made out of contrarians
In less than a decade i'm sure they will be "alt-left"
I'm registered as independent, so you're wrong.
>Most people here do not identify as "alt-right" you dumb faggot. The name has been supplanted by a bunch of kikes and the (((organization))) is full of shit.
Then why does Sup Forums continue to refer to Bannon as "/our guy/"?
>Supporting Trump or supporting nationalism in some form doesn't make you a card carrying member of some non existent organization.
This is correct, but at the very least it means you tolerate their existence and viewpoints, and allow them into government positions.
Nah go fuck yourself
says the convict containment hell island
Oh look, another leftist who thinks they can arbitrarily pin labels and collectivize groups.
This is why you lost the election. You people seriously need to go extinct.
The alt-right is white nationalism though. Too many retards offering opinions on something they know nothing about.
I never fucking considered myself "altright" people came here and started throwing the phrase around. So fuck off.
The ((())) meme comes from TRS which does label itself alt-right. Whether or not you like the label doesn't really matter.
the brownshirts were created because leftists/communists attacked and killed natsoc party members, voters, friends and families etc.
Sup Forums fights all (((media))) stawmen for being manufactured strawmen.
you don't get it faggot. we are against everyone, supporting trump was just the best way to piss off our foes (ie, the human race). now that he is in and has ANYTHING resembling popularity, we will rip him to shreds for the next 4 years, because we can.
Nigger, we never called ourselves the "alt right".
That term wasn't born here, wasn't used here until this fucking year, and most people using it don't even know what it means, because it is a vague term the media kikes are using to paint the grass roots nature of Trump supporters as something their tiny minds can comprehend.
And fuck you, you retarded fucking leftist. You will never be my kin and I will never join you on any fucking side. The sooner your ilk die off the face of the earth the better.
>reddit spacing
No, you fags are coming to our hood trying to push this cuckservative alt-right bullshit and us "stormweenies" are telling you to get the fuck out. Sup Forums will always be a nazi board.
>alt right
Labeling bullshit. OP is a faggot.
all they have done too me with this is make me look into neonazism, if alt-right is that, then i have been told a shit ton of lies about neonazis my whole life.
The alt-right merely has some intersecting interests. We are not "members" (is there even such a thing?) of the alt-right. You fail at even rudimentary logic.
>registered Democrat
>know Trannies are mentally ill
>know Niggers are genetically inferior
>know that the obsession with social justice and social issues is killing this country
>voted Trump
I'm already the Alt-left faggot smoke a dick.
>You're not a country you don't get a say lefty scum
Sup Forums is nothing more than a counterculture fad. There's not much left to be had here.
Labels and movements don't matter. We're turning on specific individuals who are doing stupid shit that makes us look bad, and rejecting astroturf labels the MSM is trying to pin us down with.
80% of Sup Forums's advantage is that we can chameleon into any situation. This is just an extension of that. What we want has not changed, how we pursue it is another matter entirely.
Still better than chillary
We're just Nazis m8. We don't need any fancy non-Nazi terms here. We're what the right SHOULD be, not an alternative.
Breitbart is a pro-Zionist site full of Jews.
The alt right doesn't exist in any meaningful way you useful idiot
No, white nationalism is white nationalism. You fell for the label jew
Sup Forums fights against the globalist rich kikes and globalism
We're not the Alt Right -- it's been a shit term used to describe everyone that isn't a SJW nor part of the conservative establishment
>join the right side of history
>join the right side
>join the right
>we don't just make fun of everything
alt-right is a meme you moron
>he doesn't fucking get it
Okay, pay attention
>faggot smoke a dick.
I wish I had some t.b.h
100% this.
Sup Forums didn't label itself as the "alt right". The Media kikes did that.
Anyone who calls oneself a member of the "alt right" is an useful idiot falling for the jewish schemes of the mainstream media.
Wake the fuck up morons.
no its not
its the alternative right in that it wasn't the US' traditional religious right
>too many retards
All the groups that disagree with me are now called "orange"
Isn't orange such an ugly color guys , I think orange looks like shit. Orange is retarded, just looks at that fucking idiotic orange couch pic related
That's how you got jewed
>racist, bigot, sexist, islamophobe and misogynist didn't work
>surely this new label will stump the Trump
no, fuck off, i don't care who calls himself what.
your logic is lacking
x likes y
z likes y
x is still != z
Alt Reich when?
What is this alt-right you speak of?
I'll turn on anybody that supports going overboard with federal expenditure. Democrats literally wish they'd nominated somebody who would spend as much as Trump.
This thread has shown me Sup Forums is normalizing again
The "alt-right" are a bunch of edgy underage fags who got news coverage once and now they think they're a legitimate politcal group.
>someone with different viewpoints isnt welcome here
Why dont the mods delet this?
>le I don't believe in labels meme
When did you people become thirteen-year old girls?
its this thing made up by some white nationalist, though the movement has grown rapidly most people don't know the 1st thing about it and are derailing it spectaclarly.
there are in actual fact 3 versions of the alt-right.
1) the original, cultural and ethnic nationalists.
2) the new, nationalist conservatives with more socially liberal values.
3) the strawman, baby eating neo-nazis ect. made up by the media, perpetuated by trolls.
This Sup Forums is a fascist pro White pro family pro tradition pro Western civilisation anti semitic board.
>stormniggers think this is their board
Kek fuck off middle aged cocksucker
Go home you libertarian Cuck, Sup Forums belongs to white supremacists
>Johnny come lately thinks he can sanitise it by bitching
Don't listen to these CTR fucks. They'll call you paranoid because they wan't you to question your beliefs.
>falling for the psyops
>complaining about stormfags
there never was and still isn't an alt right.
Yes there is faggot. You might not call yourself that, but the fact of the matter is that there are many real people (Bannon, Cernovich, and Spencer) that openly identify themselves as such, and they mostly parrot views that have been on Sup Forums for years. Bannon is Trump's senior advisor, and Michael Flynn has openly endorsed Cernovich, so to call them "controlled opposition" is the same as saying Trump himself is controlled opposition.
Best girl
8/10 I almost got mad at you.
Except they are correct faggot.
The "alt-right" outside of a small group of outcast republicans who have little or nothing to do with us, is entirely manufactured.
We are Sup Forums. That's it.
Go back to Stormfront and talk about superior male aryan bodies you closet homosexual.
i dont agree with fascism! that shit might look good but at the end of the day its just another socialist turd!
>alt right
Doesn't exist.
Sup Forums cannot be subject to categorization
it's literally our greatest strength
we don't even exist juden
What I think you seem to have very little understanding of is how President-elect Donald Trump is a blatant racist, misogynistic, uninformed piece of orange trash. Even if this WAS a stunt by the liberal media to manipulate the masses into believing a Trump presidency somehow represents a rise of the KKK/alt-right/white supremacist movement/whatever, you cannot deny that the rhetoric used by Trump himself and his supporters is somewhat alarming. You cannot deny that Trump's words have not been the fuel which has sparked the rise of hate crimes against Muslims, blacks, and other minorities in this country. You cannot deny that the things he says about Mexicans being rapists, drug dealers, and criminals gives these extremist groups some sort of legitimacy in the current political sphere. You CANNOT DENY that his talk of banning entire groups of people based off their religion and/or country of origin undermines the very principles and core beliefs that this great nation was founded on.
Never mind these hate groups - Trump has said more than enough to prove he is a supremacist and a nationalist on his own. The fact that you even attempt to explain away the the disgusting amounts of hatred and racism that has come to light in the wake of his election as some sort of "liberal media propaganda" means that you are part of the problem.
>our hood
>implying I wasn't a socialist from the beginning
>implying I didn't shilled for Trump because he was Kek chosen one
Reminder that alt-right is some shitty made up term by the msm so they can vilify an imaginary Boogeyman.
Now fuck off you stupid nigger
And they say Swedes are cucks.
no poster here is stupid enough to associate with the "alt-right"
now that we're beginning to understand that we're being used to start race war, our natural instincts to defy authority will produce unexpected results
We will continue to unite against satanic+jewish lies, but this will not extend into actual racial conflict, which does not benefit us in any way. I predict we will produce and catalyze messages that promote racial pride as an agent AGAINST racial conflict.
Was all the media attention and e_celeb shilling Sup Forums got, a tactic by the kikes to flood us with retarded newfags. "We are le alt-right, Expect us XD". "hey guys check out my facebook feed lol!". "Guys we have to red pill the normies and bring em here :D"
It's been fucking awful seeing all this crap lately.
Post election nirvana
When you point this out like this, then I like him even more. #MAGA
lets assume that is all 100% true.
then i say good, i would rather america gets taken over by a true nazi white supremacist that some false femnazi white masochist. like seriously, Hillary represents fucking horrible shit that she doesn't even believe in, if your going to be a cunt then at least have some conviction while your doing it!
though almost none of what you said was true and i'm probably the only person here who read past the 1st sentence.
unrelated but how is it you get paid? is it like per post? per word? per hour? per response? do you get hazard pay for posting on places like Sup Forums?
its been fairly well established that libs and their kike puppeteers are both directly and indirectly causing the rise of social dissidents
a true christian white man does not generate any kind of trouble at all
First they claim the alt-right is a loosely defined thing and now they claim it can have a definitive leader. Of course that's an oxymoron. I was and still is ok with the term in the original use but i don't know if media is just gonna create these cheap strawmen it's better if it goes in the trash.
but we were never alt-right
r/the_donald on plebbit is the alt-right, we just get the blame because evil nazi Sup Forums boogeyman gets blamed for everything
>Go home you libertarian Cuck
Technically authoritarians are cucks. A libertarian wants to take on more personal responsibility, authoritarians--both left and right--want to delegate their responsibility to other people.
For instance, the authoritarian--instead of carrying a gun for self-defense--would rather delegate the responsibility of their protection to the state's police and military forces.
Yes, libertarians believe that humans don't need the state's permission to enter into a country. Simultaneously, though, libertarian have no issue with people open-carrying, or concealed-carrying--without a license--fully automatic weapons. So even if undesirables from other places were coming into your country, your right to self-defense would be recognized and vehemently defended.
Authoritarian cucks need government to protect them, because they're to pussyfied to protect themselves.