Give me a good reason not to join isis pro tip: you cant!
Give me a good reason not to join isis pro tip: you cant!
where do you live user?
Welcome to yet another list.
wait what?
many such fbi cases!
they bad
They're muslims. They believe in things which are proven wrong, and are willing to kill to spread those lies. It's about power, and however games are played in the western world either, I think we can all agree we're better off here.
Do I need to say more?
Umm whats wrong with muslims?
they live
>islam kills faggots
This is not /lgbt/.
>isis kills everyone
>them dumb niggas even destroy artifacts
Do what you want faggot. But Trump said he is going to btfo Isis. He might be making General 'Mad Dog' Matti's as Sectary of War. Shit is about to get real.
If they don't eat bacon, they cannot be trusted. It is that simple.
>literally a jewish pedophile controlled (cia) organization to proxy for US war crimes
>literally intended to serve as expansion measure for kikes
There is literally nothing more bluepilled than ISIS.
Islam, the worst type of mental handicap
Here's one they rape initiates and tape it and if you get out alive they send it to your family. Reason number two, those drones though.
because they are religious
no booze, no bacon, yazidi girls are hairy
Top 5 reasons to join ISIS
1. Get to overthrow evil fascist dictator Bashar Al Assad
2. Free hot arab sex slaves
3. Get to execute kuffars and sodomites by running them over with tanks
4. Jihad is rewarded with Heaven -- which gives you 40 hot virgins
5. Get to perform sweet knife kills