How did you guys pull this off?
I thought I was on the right side of history. I thought progressive values were on an endless parade of wins: gay rights, respect for other cultures, expansion of our cultural war to include transgenders, etc. I mean, First Black President, he won re-election just four years ago.
What's weird is that deep down I love the idea of a mostly-independent candidate executing a hostile takeover of the party system and then playing them like a fiddle once in office. I've always secretely rooted for that. now we have it - but it's in open opposition to ideas and ideals that my cultural background (Star Trek etc) and my understanding of history have told me to discard or ignore.
Here's what I guess I'm asking
- How does a leftist socialist like me learn more about your movement?
- Is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience but far-right in soul? As in: I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism, I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole.
- How can I run for office? I am just now moving towards finishing my degree, it's a libral arts degree. I have a fitness certification too so I can teach Martial Arts, but that's about it. I'm in Oregon, and I feel like there's an easy opening for a Trumpian Democrat to steal thunder here.
- Any other things you wish to add or advise me on, please do so.