Two Weeks Later

How did you guys pull this off?

I thought I was on the right side of history. I thought progressive values were on an endless parade of wins: gay rights, respect for other cultures, expansion of our cultural war to include transgenders, etc. I mean, First Black President, he won re-election just four years ago.

What's weird is that deep down I love the idea of a mostly-independent candidate executing a hostile takeover of the party system and then playing them like a fiddle once in office. I've always secretely rooted for that. now we have it - but it's in open opposition to ideas and ideals that my cultural background (Star Trek etc) and my understanding of history have told me to discard or ignore.

Here's what I guess I'm asking
- How does a leftist socialist like me learn more about your movement?
- Is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience but far-right in soul? As in: I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism, I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole.
- How can I run for office? I am just now moving towards finishing my degree, it's a libral arts degree. I have a fitness certification too so I can teach Martial Arts, but that's about it. I'm in Oregon, and I feel like there's an easy opening for a Trumpian Democrat to steal thunder here.
- Any other things you wish to add or advise me on, please do so.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I thought I was on the right side of history

You thought wrong

>I thought I was on the right side of history.

You thought wrong, we were on the right side of history.

>I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism

So do we. National Socialism. Welcome.

>I am just now moving towards finishing my degree, it's a libral arts degree. I have a fitness certification too so I can teach Martial Arts, but that's about it. I'm in Oregon
>Any other things you wish to add or advise me on, please do so.

Yes. Please drink a gallon of bleach.

> How does a leftist socialist like me learn more about your movement?
When your frustration with socialism, the dissonance between declared and done, between the word and the fruit, will become unbearable, you will see the way.

> Is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience but far-right in soul?
In fact what they call "far-right" is nationalistic Socialism. So it`s actually just left attempt to play dumb and blame the opposition.

You know, usual leftie leaders tactics: blame the victim in your crime, before you start.

> Any other things you wish to add or advise me on
Look for what infantilism is. And get a treatment.

>- How does a leftist socialist like me learn more about your movement?

You literally can't learn anything from this movement. Valuing hard work, merit, and wantig to bouy the individual while limiting government is literally the opposite of what you scum are.

>- Is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience but far-right in soul? As in: I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism, I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole.

No, pic related. More government is exactly what people want.

>- How can I run for office? I am just now moving towards finishing my degree, it's a libral arts degree. I have a fitness certification too so I can teach Martial Arts, but that's about it. I'm in Oregon, and I feel like there's an easy opening for a Trumpian Democrat to steal thunder here.

This has to be bait. See above.

>- Any other things you wish to add or advise me on, please do so.

Stop being a cuck.

>Fukuyama betrayed me!

You betrayed yourself.

>is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience


>is leftist
>doesn't hold biases
>going for as liberal arts degree
>rightwing in soul
>likes nationalism and socialism

Sounds like pre-vienna Hitler. Hitler re-incarnate?

Start reading interesting books.

For instance Haidegger.

As for the "right side of history" this is just dialectical materialism mixed from marx and hegel. Think about it this way - what if you cant have the right side without the right "people"?

Simply put, Mona Lisa is a masterpiece TO ITS OWN PEOPLE - if a billion chinese descended, they might think it to be a postcard (if they were not aware), or they would think it is not THEIR masterpiece - so the right side of history is CHINESE - therefore there would be a CHINESE idea of progressivism - for instance accordance with Tao, or Confucian harmony or whatever.

>libral arts degree
You fucked up.

Hahaha, I hadn't even noticed that connection. And based on what I know of Hitler, his community-first policies were good for Germany and the anti-semitism of German politics was simply a given, not unique to Hitler, and that all he did was tap into feelings everyone had but no one wanted to express under Weimar.

>When your frustration with socialism, the dissonance between declared and done, between the word and the fruit, will become unbearable, you will see the way.
pretty much at that point with regards to what the left says reality is and what it is. Trump was supposed to be the apocalypse candidate. Now that we're living in that world the left is trying to be endlessly positive. They seriously had no argument and now they display their critical lack of spine.

>You know, usual leftie leaders tactics: blame the victim in your crime, before you start.
Exactly. The poor white-collar working class Hillary "lost"? What were they to gain aside from factories moving overseas when she won? The average white worker anywhere has little reason to trust a politician, so why trust clinton, the ultimate politician, to be lying about her stated goal of ultra-globalization?

>Look for what infantilism is. And get a treatment.
intellectual infantilism is good in small doses after a defeat like this one.

Maybe someday...

Sounds like a smart guy, I'll look up his book at the library later today.

Start with oswald spengler's Decline of the west. Now, the book is very dry and you will find a lot of ideas you wont like (naturally, you dont have to take everything in accord) but it is very interesting.

heres a link you just take it back to the beginning.

basically i think the questions are

is there something like imperial overstretch?
is america and the west experiencing it?
does ethnicity still play a role?

anything else you want to know just ask

Fuck off, NAZI.

Nationalist socialists are pure fucking evil. Take a look in the mirror.

Hardly a Nazi, probably a young guy that doesnt know what to believe anymore.

>I thought progressive values were on an endless parade of wins

Why are you confusing progress with recognition of different genders and sexes?
If Hillary were to win, I assume the next step would be a gay president, then a disabled gay president. That is fucking stupid m88

He said outright that he is a socialist who likes nationalism. Essentially nazisim.

If you truly want the nation to be strong. 4 years from now, ask whether Daddy made more jobs in the USA or less. Whether he cut the defecit more or less than Obama? Whether ISIS is deader than sand. Whether there is now good relations with Russia. Whether unions are growing stronger and workers are gaining actually more rights and earnings under a Trump administration than the former law lecturer who has not made america great again, but made 8 years of excuses.

I dont think he actually knows the whole notion of "hard" national socialism. Still, he should come to terms the nazis failed miserably.

Interestingly enough, i do wonder if it's all Nietczhe's fault with his Overman.

Most young people today dont really know what naziism IS, they just look at the suits and think "omg soo kewl right guyzzz"

>thought I was on the right side of history. I thought progressive values were on an endless parade of wins: gay rights, respect for other cultures, expansion of our cultural war to include transgenders, etc. I mean, First Black President, he won re-election just four years ago.

Every last one of these things is a horrific idea.

>What's weird is that deep down I love the idea of a mostly-independent candidate executing a hostile takeover of the party system and then playing them like a fiddle once in office. I've always secretely rooted for that. now we have it

Good. Hope you're happy.

- but it's in open opposition to ideas and ideals that my cultural background (Star Trek etc) and my understanding of history have told me to discard or ignore.

Star Trek is a leftist science fiction fantasy that's short on science and long on fantasy.

>Here's what I guess I'm asking
>- How does a leftist socialist like me learn more about your movement?

Try reading a book.

>- Is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience but far-right in soul? As in: I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism, I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole.

No. There's no room for you.

>- How can I run for office? I am just now moving towards finishing my degree, it's a libral arts degree.

You don't.

>I have a fitness certification too so I can teach Martial Arts, but that's about it. I'm in Oregon, and I feel like there's an easy opening for a Trumpian Democrat to steal thunder here.

You don't.

>- Any other things you wish to add or advise me on, please do so.

You should strongly consider leaving this country for one that's more comfortable for people of your persuasion. You should still be able to live out your natural lifespan in many places.

Alternately, stop talking.

>Is there room for people like me, who are leftists in conscience but far-right in soul? As in: I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism, I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole.
I don't know how about National Socialism?

>I thought I was on the right side of history. I thought progressive values were on an endless parade of wins: gay rights, respect for other cultures, expansion of our cultural war to include transgenders, etc. I mean, First Black President, he won re-election just four years ago.

First, there's natural blowback against a dominant cultural ideology that often happens. The 60s gave way to Nixon and Ford which gave way to Carter which gave way to Reagan and so on. Really, no one party has been able to stay in power for all that long.

I tend to believe most have come to terms with gay rights, abortion, etc., even if the religious right hasn't. But you bring in more and more identity politics, calling everyone an -ism if they don't agree with the left view, and BLM, transgender bathroom debates and safe spaces and all that that people can't sympathize with, and you're going to get some people tuning it out if not rebelling against it.

So the left went too far off the page and I think a great deal of people got sick of hearing about it, not wanting everything to be a "fight" anymore.

I believe a truly large segment that voted for Trump especially voters that jumped aren't anything -ist. They ignored what the mainstream left and media was telling them to think about Trump and formed their own opinion on the man, again partially as a response to the crying wolf the left had been doing this last cycle.

They simply have bigger things to worry about than the mean things someone said and cut to the meat, asking if Trump could do for them which Obama couldn't. The downtrodden that voted for Obama on his message of change switched and voted for Trump for basically the same reason of change (or just stayed home).

In the end, though electing Trump was a rejection of the left's rhetoric, it was secondary to what really mattered in the eyes of Trump voters.

We had absolutely no control (or little at most) control over the election.
The liberals ruined the election for themselves, every popular media bashed Donald Trump and brought sympathy to alot of people.
If a party is so unpopular that everyone starts bullying it, people will start investigating its real message and have noticed that, by comparison,
Trump's campaign fit much more to what the American people desires, than Hillary's campaign.


vote trump 2020 famalam

You sound like you are a socialist of the national kind.

>Nationalism is good and I like socialism

Idk, google National Socialism, maybe there's something there.

Pretty sure this is trolling, but Trump won through propaganda.

Fox News was founded explicitly to be a Clinton hit machine by business interests.

Newt Gingrich led the Clinton impeachments while having an affair, he's on his 3 wife or something now.

Embassy attacks under Bush numbered a dozen, and over 60 people died, no one talks about them.

The Clinton foundation does a lot of good work, no evidence of quid pro quo. If you are concerned about how someone will handle classified information

I can't imagine why of all people, Donald Trump is the guy who will solve those issues. Already he's asked the Argentine government to speed up construction on his hotel, and is telling the British government to stop a off shore wind farm because it'll "ruin" his Scottish golf course view.
Do you guys really believe he will handle classified information in any way different to any other time he had power in his hand?

Nice blog post, faggot

>I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole.
That's nationalism you dunce. Stop drinking the koolaid

>How did you guys pull this off?

Disregard everything you just read, it's symptoms, go to youtube and google "Jordan Peterson", watch his full lecture course of any year (There are about 19). If you have IQ above 120 you will see that his explanation of political discourse is the most accurate you've ever seen and has predictive power no matter how far back in time you go, it accurately taps into human nature.
I don't want to spoil, but in one sentence: "Political leanings of people are projection of their physical body and mental characteristics as well as their map of meaning onto worldview". He actually gives an answer as to why there is a divide on the left, why "equality of outcome" idea is so rooted into politics etc.

>I believe Nationalism is good and I like socialism, I want the nation to be strong, but unified around a common community that supports itself to make us stronger as a whole
this is the part where you realize that you're a fascist, camerata

You want to know how it happened? Take a candidate thats not from the political elite who never was a career politician normally has no shot in hell. Couple that with the Left picking the biggest career politician they could find one who has so many skeletons in her closet its criminal then have that person use her connections to torpedo the chances of her competitor in an very dirty primary essentially make him a whipped dog. Which alienates the entire youth vote. Then continue to do nothing to acknowledge the problems that people are worried about at the same time meeting with the same bankers in secret who tanked our economy in 08. All the while calling every single person who even slightly likes the other guy a racist on par with the KKK instead of even remotely trying to hear them out. that is how alienate a very large portion of the population.