Wow Breitbart is disappointed with God Emperor

What's next?

>mfw the wall will never be built
>jobs won't come back
>illegals won't be deported


Seriously, the only reason Breitbart is pursuing the emails is because they have no good arguments against Clintons policies, and Trump had no rational policies whatsoever. If you believed the wall and reverse Obamacare crap you are no better than the average nigger

Trump team announces no intent to prosecute.

Obama has no basis for a pardon.

Trump gets inaugurated, then appoints special prosecutor.

what do you expect when you elect a joke president

no one cares, our leader has more important things to worry about. We did our job, she's not and never will be the leader of our country and will die soon enough

4d chess, faggot, the wall-o is coming, pic related.
Also, do you want the bitch to run the country or Obamanana pardoning her at Soros's request?
Patience, also Clinton foundation and focus on Hollywood's pedo ring.

This. Trump is still playing multidimensional tetris.

I guess you can free all the criminals in prison because none of them will ever be President either.

I am actually getting tired of posting this.

The president can issue a pardon before a trial has been held/investigation is complete/charges are even filed. If he believes you could be charged for murdering Dick Buttkiss he could pardon you before the cops reacted to the 911 call, and he could do it on a cocktail napkin. The ONLY caveat is that he has to specify the crime for which you are being pardoned for. With Trump saying he wont prosecute and the FBI sitting idle there is nothing visibly looming over Clintons head.

This puts Obama in a mexican stand off. If he pardons her right now he has to specify what she is being pardoned for, and that would create the image that he knew she was guilty all along and still campaigned for her.

>Trump announces no intent
>Hillary breathes a sigh of relief
>Trump prosecutes
>"Oh sorry I forgot to mention that intent was not a required element"

this please, hmmmmgg

>the wall will be a fence
>obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
>#LOCKHERUP is dead

Is the dream over? Was it all for nothing?

remember how he spoke out against the government publicly declaring plans for military actions? yeah.

well he did want to follow brexit

Bingo bango bongo

It takes a village to convince someone to put their head in an alligator's mouth.

Hillary needs to feel safe.

Shill fag implying he's not going to go after the real investigation against Clinton, the Clinton Foundation.

If you can't shill smarter, shill harder CTR.

>that 1900 miles of wall is specified for "rapid build"

It makes perfect sense if there are going to be holes made for highways and a BIG BEAUTIFUL DOOR where they can come in, but legally

>letting your enemy know what you're gonna do
Goddamn how fucking dumb can they be?

We'll see. Congress/FBI are still investigating her - that's nothing to do with Trump - but now they know they'll have a fit for purpose DOJ rather than the corrupt machine it was under Obama so any recommendations they make will be implemented.

Also considering who he's appointed/is seeking to appoint to his cabinet it's pretty fucking clear his policies weren't just populist rhetoric to get elected but something he's going to persue in office.

>Trump doesn't want to pursue
>Libs call him out for not acting
>He admits it and acts
>Nobody can unironically defend her

yfw 28-dimensional checkers

Nice rererence

Dolan is a genius

My god, who taught this man to shitpost so well?

I wonder if he's had George Soros' balls on his chin yet?

Guccifer is not done yet.
recall there is still 5 more weeks of dox OTW.
plus a few other surprises.. you know how one thing leaks to another.
if you thought Oct meltdown was bad, just wait until Jan 20.
Trump will have no choice but to prosecute.
Killary will be begging for a plea deal after 50+ of her top cronies get RICO'd after Soros keels over of fright on xmas day leaving the Illuminati Lizard nest bankrupt and defenseless

Mfw I get my news from h3h3 and other (((comedians))) because I am a typical lefty retard

>implying Trump isn't playing low-gravity underwater hyperdimensional mahjong

When will you faggots learn? He's making her feel safe so she doesn't turtle up or start killing people. He'll let her slip into the noose soon.

Let him become POTUS first.

Interesting. We should keep this quite.

WTF is this shit?!?! Trump would say anything to get elected. I bet that we're not going to get a wall, we're going to get trade deals that are even worse. The illegals aren't going to be deported. We're going to put liberals on the supreme court. The swamp is going to get 10 feet deeper. I bet they're going to come after our guns next, and we're going to take in an additional 500,000 Syrian refugees.

Why him use doesn't wish instead of just not ?